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Part ⅠTranslation (100 points)

Section A: Translate the following passage into Chinese (40%) and then give a short answer (about 200 words) to the question that follows (10%).

I had not visited Eton for many years, when one day passing from the Fellows’ Library into the Gallery I caught sight of the portrait of my school-friend Digby Dolben hanging just without the door among our most distinguished contemporaries. I was wholly arrested, and as I stood gazing on it, my companion asked me if I knew who it was. I was thinking that beyond a few whom I could name, I must be almost the only person who would know. Far memories of my boyhood were crowding freshly upon me: he was standing again beside me in the eager promise of his youth; I could hear his voice; nothing of him was changed; while I wrapt from him in a confused mist of time was wondering what he would think, could he know that at this actual moment he would have been dead thirty years, and that his memory would be thus preserved and honoured in the beloved school, where his delicate spirit had been so strangely troubled.




What is the genre of the passage and what’s the most distinctive language feature of it? Exemplify your statements briefly.


The genre of the passage is an essay.

This essay is written by Robert Bridges, who was appointed Poet Laureate in 1913. This essay’s chief concern is to express his feeling and psychological activities when he saw his friend’s portrait in his alma mater. The sentences are full of affections and psychological activities. This essay is well-arranged and enriched by metaphors and cadence. It covers the whole psychological activities from the moment he saw the portrait. We could see the author’s abundant and deep affections within lines of this easy. And the language is very delicate and precisely shows the author’s affections. Generally speaking, Robert Bridges is famous for his poetry. As a poet Bridges stands rather apart from the current of modern English verse. His work has had great influence in a select circle, by its restraint, purity, precision and delicacy yet strength of expression. It embodies a distinct theory of prosody.Robert Bridges contributed to phonetics and he was also a founder member of the Society for Pure English.

Section B: Translate the following Chinese passage into English (40%) and write a short description of your translating process within 200 words (10%).




Honest and clean government has always been an important link in winning the hearts and minds of the people and realizing political clarity and social stability and prosperity. Du Mu, a great ancient poet, once said in his poem On the
