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Words and Sentences of 1A-5A

The Longman Welcome to English

1A 重点单词

1.father 爸爸20.brown 棕色,咖啡色

2.mother 妈妈21.green 绿色

3.classmate 同学22. black 黑色

4.brother 哥哥,弟弟23.white 白色

5.sister 姐姐,妹妹24 skip — skipping 跳

6.friend 朋友25. read — reading 阅读

7.doll 洋娃娃26.climb — climbing 攀爬

8.ball 球27.swim — swimming 游泳

9.robot 机器人28.draw — drawing 画画

10.toy 玩具29.write — writing 书写

11.teddy bear 玩具熊30.ear 耳朵

12.pencilcase 笔袋31.eye 眼睛

13.ruler 尺子32.nose 鼻子

14.an eraser 一块橡皮33.mouth 嘴巴

15.sharpener 卷笔刀34.big 大的

16.red 红色35.small 小的

17.blue 蓝色36.long 长的

18.yellow 黄色37.short 短的,矮的




1.Good morning

2.Good afternoon!

3.Good evening!

4.Good night!

5.--What is your name ? -- My name is..

6.Can you spell it, please?

7.I am a student.

8.Nice to meet you!

9.This is my mother.

17.--How old are you

--I am eleven years old. 40.tall

10.--How are you ?

--I am fine. Thank you.

11.I have a ball. She has two cars.

12.They are pink.

13.Can you climb? Yes,I can. / No,I can ’ t .

14.We can do it.

15.Look at me.

16.Happy birthday!

Happy Teacher s ’ Day!

1B 重点单词

41.bird 鸟62 .eighteen 十八

42.rabbit 兔子63.nineteen 十九

43.hamster 仓鼠64.twenty 二十

44.turtle 乌龟65.eat — eating 吃饭

45.sofa 沙发66.sleep — sleeping 睡觉

46.table 桌子,圆桌67.hop — hopping 跳

47.chair 椅子68.swim — swimming 游泳

48.cupboard 橱柜69.run — running 跑

49.shelf 架子70.cook — cooking 做饭

50.wild animals 野生动物71.play — playing football 踢足球

51.panda 熊猫72.watch — watching TV 看电视

52.penguin 企鹅73.make — making a plane 做飞机

53.hippo 河马74.ride — riding a bicycle 骑自行车

54.an elephant 一只大象75.dance — dancing 跳舞

55.lion 狮子76.water 水

56.zebra 斑马77.shirt 衬衫

57.snake 蛇78.dress 连衣裙

58.monkey 猴子79.skirt 短裙

59.eleven 十一80.shorts 短裤

60.twelve 十二81.jeans 牛仔裤


83.fourteen 十四87.cap 鸭舌帽

84.fifteen 十五88.hat 帽子(带帽沿的)

85.sixteen 十六89.socks 袜



18.--What is this?

--It is a dog.

19.--What are these?

--They are rabbits.

20.--Where is the cat?

--It is on the chair.

--Where are the hamsters?

--One is in the cupboard. One is near the sofa.

21. --Is it near the cupboard?

--Yes ,it is.

-- No,it isn ’ t.

22.--Are they under the bed?

--Yes,they are. 23.--How many hippos are there?

--There is one hippo.

24.--How many snakes are there?

--There are two snakes.

25.--What is the elephant doing?

--It is sleeping.

--What are the turtles doing?

--They are swimming.

26.--Here is Mary. Her shorts are purple. --Here is

Peter. His T-shirt is green and


27.--What colour is her shirt?

--It is red.

28 There is an animal on the road.

-- No,they aren’ t.
