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Old yogurt, jelly and medicinal capsules have been added in the toxic industrial gelatin, caused the people to panic. 老酸奶, 老酸奶,果冻以及药用胶囊相继被爆出添加有毒的工业明 胶,引起了人们的恐慌
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If you want to eat jelly, you can lick your shoes. If you want to drink old yogurt, you lick your shoes If you have a cold, you also can lick your shoes 2012 leather shoes was very busy 皮鞋 很忙
According to international environmental group greenpeace report: "Lipton" green tea, jasmine tea and tieguanyin tea bag, all contains is prohibited by the state in tea in the use of pesticides poison out giant's more, these pesticides were proof may affect male fertility and fetal health. In addition, "Lipton" tieguanyin tea and SanLvShaManChun is disabled, and "Lipton" green tea is prescribed by the state shall not contain in tea tree used on sulfur Dan.
PPT:陈焰榆 陈焰榆
周末国家质检总局称,一批蒙牛牛奶被检 测出的黄曲霉素M1含量超标,黄曲霉毒素 可导致肝癌。有关负责人称,这批产品还 未进入市场。总部位于内蒙古的蒙牛乳业 集团昨日向消费者道歉,称所涉及产品已 被销毁。黄曲霉毒素M1出现于食物霉菌中, 可导致严重的肝脏损害,包括肝癌。1998 年,世界卫生组织将黄曲霉毒素M1列为一 级致癌物。
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WHAT 问题胶囊
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4月9日,赵普发微博称:“来自 月 日 赵普发微博称: 调查记者短信: 调查记者短信:不要吃老酸奶 固体形态)和果冻, (固体形态)和果冻,内幕很可 而且打了一个通俗的比喻: 怕”,而且打了一个通俗的比喻: 哪天你扔了一双破皮鞋, “哪天你扔了一双破皮鞋,转眼 就进你的肚子了。 就进你的肚子了。”
A batch of Mengniu milk was found to contain excessive levels of flavacin M1 - a substance linked to liver cancer, the country's top quality watchdog said over the weekend. The batch did not reach the market, officials said.The Inner Mongolia-based Mengniu Dairy Group yesterday apologized to consumers and said the products involved have been destroyed. Flavacin M1 is found in food mold and can cause severe liver damage, including liver cancer. In 1998, the World Health Organization listed flavacin M1 as a Class A carcinogen.
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据国际环保组织“绿色和平”的报告: 据国际环保组织“绿色和平”的报告: 立顿”绿茶、 “立顿”绿茶、茉莉花茶和铁观音袋泡 茶,均含有被国家禁止在茶叶上使用的 巨毒农药灭多威, 巨毒农药灭多威,这些农药被证明可能 影响男性生育能力和胎儿健康。此外, 影响男性生育能力和胎儿健康。此外, 立顿” “立顿”铁观音还有被禁用的三氯杀螨 立顿” 醇,而“立顿”绿茶则含有国家规定不 得在茶树上使用的硫丹。 得在茶树上使用的硫丹。
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蒸功夫” 蒸功夫”包子铺
The use of essence in staple foods such as rice and buns is banned, according to China's food hygiene rules. Yet, the owner of a shop named Zhenggongfu in Beijing's Changping district said he adds the flavoring to meat to make it more appealing. 国家食品卫生法禁止在大米、 馒头等主食中添加香精,然 而,北京昌平区一家打着 “蒸功夫”牌子的包子店店 主说他在肉馅中加入香精是 为了让包子味道更诱人。
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近来,随着老酸奶 果冻 毒胶囊的曝光,中国的食品安全问题再次引起全国人民 近来 随着老酸奶,果冻 毒胶囊的曝光 中国的食品安全问题再次引起全国人民 随着老酸奶 果冻,毒胶囊的曝光 的关注和热议 Recently, as the old yogurt, jelly, poison capsule exposure, China's food safety problems has again raised the national people's attention and hot debate