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法律促进协会Law Promotion Association

模拟法庭竞赛Moot Court Competition

英语口语协会Oral English Institute

交流会Exchange Meeting ——Make Our Voice Heard

书法协会Calligraphy Association

“亲近中国文化,了解汉字”Get Close to the Chinese culture, Get to Learn Chinese Characters

X-GAME协会X-GAME Association

X-GAME创新表演大赛X-GAME Innovation contests

心理健康促进协会Association of Advancement of Mental Health

“心灵之交”Meeting Soul-mates

峥嵘乒乓球协会Association of Zhengrong Table Tennis

“我最有才”峥嵘乒乓球比赛Zhengrong Cup Table Tennis Contest

足球协会Football Association

“新生杯”足球争霸赛之各系荣耀大战Freshmen Cup Football Match of all Departments—Glory War

毽球协会Shuttlecock Association

毽球新风采”毽球大比拼New Style Shuttlecock Competition

篮球协会Basketball Association

“三人篮球赛”Three-player Basketball Match

旅游爱好者协会Travel Enthusiasts Association

创意风筝节Creative Kite Festival

演讲与口才协会Speech and Eloquence Association

“环境保护,重在行动”演讲比赛Take Action to Protect Environment Speech Contest 奕林棋协Yi-lin Chinese Chess Association

“奕林棋协棋王争霸赛”Yi-lin Chinese Chess Conpetition

企业与市场调研协会Business and Marketing Research Association

职业经理人挑战赛Professional managers Challenge Match

飞翔舞协Flying Dance Association

假面舞会Masque Ball

新春柳话剧社Reborn Drama Association

“我心飞扬”剧本创作大赛及公演Flying Heart Script-writing Contest

摄影协会Photography Association

“生活”摄影展Life Photo Exhibition

学生会Student Union

团委会Youth League Committee


体育部Sports Department

文艺部Arts Department

学习部Learning Department

女生部Girls Department

心理发展部Psychological Development Department

外联部Public Relations Department

宣传部Propaganda Department

生活部Life Department

纪检部Discipline Inspection Department

秘书部Secretary Department

组织部Organization Department

编辑部Editorial Department

学生会主席President of the Student Union

团委会书记Secretary of the Youth League Committee

团支书League Branch Secretary

团支书Secretary of the Youth League Branch Committee

副书记Vice Secretary


学术部干事 a member of the Academic Department

宿舍长Head of the dormitory

优秀团员Excellent League Member

班长Monitor/ Class President


文体委员Recreation & Sports Secretary

学习委员Study Secretary

生活委员Life Secretary

宣传委员Publicity Secretary

生活委员Organization Secretary

勤工俭学Work-study Program

青年志愿者协会Youth Volunteers Association

政治辅导员Political Tutors

晚会主持人Host on the entertainment / evening party

礼仪队Reception Team/ Protocol Team

三下乡Volunteer Activities for the Country People

综合测评Comprehensive Evaluation of Students’Performance 预备党员Probationary Party Member

入党积极分子Applicant for Party Membership

综合素质优秀学生Excellent Student of Comprehensive Quality

优秀青年志愿者Outstanding Young Volunteer

校园十杰Ten Prominent Youth on Campus / Top Ten Youth on Campus

品学兼优的学生Student of Good Character and Scholarship

模拟招聘会Mock Interviews

军训Military Training

艺术团Art Troupe

义教Voluntary Teaching

迎新晚会Welcome Party for the Freshmen

招聘会Job Fair

广播站Broadcasting Station
