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名词health physique fitness hospital doctor nurse mediciner; medical man:pediatrician; dentist, surgeon, physician, doctor healthiness n. 健康, 健全on one's pins adv. 活着, 健康

Exuberance n.茂盛, 丰富, 健康health n.健康, 身体状况卫生; 保健精力充沛, 兴旺; 繁荣(祝健康的)干杯bill of health健康证书health officer (=officer of health)卫生官员, 检疫官习惯用语bring back to health恢复健康broken in health 身体搞垮, 体弱多病drink sb.'s health 为...的健康干杯drink to sb.'s health 为...的健康干杯drink a health to sb. 为...的健康干杯Here's to your health! (敬酒时说)祝您健康!in a delicate state of health [婉]有喜, 有孕in good health 身体好[坏]in bad health 身体好[坏]in poor health 身体好[坏]inquire after sb.'s health 问安, 问候not...for one's health 不是闹着玩的, 另有目的(He is not here for his health. 他到这儿来另有目的。)out of health (=in poor health) 健康情况不佳propose the health of sb. 提议为某人健康干杯recover one's health 恢复健康restore one's health 恢复健康To your health!(=Y our good health!) (敬酒时用语)祝您健康!H-is better than wealth. [谚]健康胜于财富。Good health is above wealth. [谚]健康胜于财富。Healthiness n.健康, 健全on one's pinsad v.活着, 健康


形容词:healthy sound fit wholesome in good health

green food organic food 绿色食品nutrition 营养healthy food healthy diet 健康饮食proper diet 合理的饮食unhealthy eating habit不健康的饮食习惯mentally unhealthy 精神不健全good living habits 良好的生活习惯balanced diet均衡饮食mental condition 精神状态healthy 健康的unhealthy不健康的overweight/fat肥胖的near/short-sighted 近视的normal 正常的abnormal不正常的energetic 精力旺盛的dizzy头晕

have dinner/have supper 吃晚饭get good treatment得到好的治疗cure sb. of a certain illness 治愈某人的病be in good shape身材好;健康状况良好be in good/poor health身体健康,/不健康feel weak/ well/ terrible/ sick 感到身体虚弱/不错/糟糕/恶心have got a high,/slight fever 发高烧/轻微发烧have a slight/bad cold 患轻微/重感冒have got a pain in (身体某部位)感到疼痛be good/bad for one's health/eyes 对某人的健康/视力有益/害suffer from遭受,患上feel stressed/depressed 感到紧张/沮丧be optimistic/pessimistic about 对…乐观悲观relax oneself自我放松stay/keep healthy/fit 保持健康build up one's body 强身健体form a. . .eating habit 养成一个…的饮食习惯

brisk adj. 清新健康的;敏捷的,活泼的prosperity n. 健康;繁荣;幸运restorative adj. 恢复健康的rosy adj. 健康的;美好的;乐观的;玫瑰色的salubrious adj. 有益健康的salutary adj. 有益健康的,有益的tonic n. 增进健康之物,补品;adj. 滋补的wholesome adj. 促进健康的

bring back to health 恢复健康broken in health 身体搞垮, 体弱多病drink sb.'s health 为...的健康干杯drink to sb.'s health 为...的健康干杯drink a health to sb. 为...的健康干杯Here's to your health! (敬酒时说)祝您健康! in a delicate state of health [婉]有喜, 有孕in good health 身体好[坏] in bad health 身体好[坏] in poor health 身体好[坏] inquire after sb.'s health 问安, 问候not...for one's health 不是闹着玩的, 另有目的(He is not here for his health. 他到这儿来另有目的。) out of health (=in poor health) 健康情况不佳propose the health of sb. 提议为某人健康干杯recover one's health 恢复健康restore one's health 恢复健康To your health!(=Y our good health!) (敬酒时用语)祝您健康! H-is better than wealth. [谚]健康胜于财富。Good health is above wealth. [谚]健康胜于财富。


1.Taking exercise is closely related to health. 运动与健康息息相关。

2.We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯

3.Smoking has a great influence on our health. 抽
