

A: Good morning, Mr Green. 1 are you from?

B: 2 from London.

A: Where 3 you work?

B: I work in a middle school near here. I’m a 4.

A: 5 do you teach?

B: I teach English.

A: Can you 6 Chinese?

B: A little. I go to Chinese classes every week.

A: Good! Do you like working in China?

B: Yes, I do. I like it a 7. The Chinese people are very friendly.

A: Do you have any 8?

B: Yes, I 9. I have 10 , a son and a daughter.


2. __________

3. ___________

4. __________

5. ___________

6. _________

7. __________

8. ___________

9. ___________ 10.__________ 三.(今天莉莉到姑姑家,感到饿了。。。。。)(Lily--- L Aunt--- A)( ) A: 1

L: I like chicken very much.

( ) A: 2

L: Can you buy some for me?

( ) A: 3

L: About half a kilo.

( ) A: 4

L: Thank you! I’m waiting for you.

A. But there’s no chicken here.

B. How much chicken do you need?

C. What’s your favourite food?

D. Ok. Just wait a minute.


A: Hello. What a fine day!

B: Yes, it’s sunny,1 it?

A: 2 you come to my party next Sunday?

B: Party? What party?

A: It’s my birthday, and I’m going to 3 a party, didn’t you know?

B: No, I didn’t.

A: Oh, dear, I forgot 4 you. Would you like to come?

B: 5 , thanks a lot.


六年级毕业复习——补全对话专项 (1) 1 Jack is visiting Beijing on his summer holiday. He wants to get to the zoo. Now he is asking the way. Jack: Excuse me. Kerry: I ' m sorry. I ' m new here. Jack: Jack: Excuse me. Is there a zoo n ear here? Policeman: Yes, the zoo is next to the supermarket. Jack: Is it far? Policeman: _______________ 」t ' s just 5 minutes wa Jack: ____________________ Policeman: Go across the traffic lights and turn right. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You ' re wme. Have a good time. Jack: ______________ 2 The summer holiday is coming. Tom and Peter are talk ing about their pla ns on the phone. Tom : Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Peter? Peter : ______________________ . Tom: _______________________ ? Peter : I am doing my homework. Tom: The summer holiday is coming. _____________________________________ ? Peter: I am going to Han gzhou . Tom: What are you going to do there? Peter: ______________ . Tom: Wow! It sounds great! Peter: ___ ? Tom: I am going to the USA with my parents. We will buy lots of gifts there. Peter: Have a good time! // Tom: ______ . Goodbye! // Peter: See you! 3 A: What time did you come home last ni ght, Tom? B:____________ . Maybe about half past eleve n. A: ____________ . B: Well. I came in quietly. I did n't want to wake you up, mum. A: Did you play the computer games? B: No, . Mum. A: ________________ ? B: I went to the cinema. A: Why did you come home so late? ___________________________________________ ? B: No, it didn '. ________________ . A: Good job. We should help each other. A: That 'sOK. B: Yes, it is. C: No, it is n ear. D: Thank you E: Where is the zoo, please? F: How are you? G: How can I get there? A. Where did you go the n ? B. I didn ' t hear you at that time C. Did the film go on until midnight ? D. Oh, I don ' t know E. I didn ' t like it at,albu know. F. How did you come back home? G. Peter was ill. So I went to his home and help him with his less ons.

中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳 并附真题及答案

中考补全对话 归纳总结功能相同的句型: 打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:i am --.speaking,please。但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。 May I speak to Mr. Li? I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please. 对,我就是。Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。) 您是哪位? Who's calling, please?或者Who's speaking, please? 或者Who is this, please? This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。 其他 Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗? I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。) He's not in. 或者He's out now. 感谢类:Thanks! Thank you! Thanks a lot! Thank you very much! Thank you very,very much! 答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系. That’s OK. 没关系. Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不必谢. It’s a pleasure. 道歉类:Sorry. I am sorry… I am sorry for… 应答类:That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing. 建议类:You had better … Shall we do… ? What about doing… ? How about doing… ? Why not do… ? Let’s do sth … OK ? Would you like some … ? 同意类:OK. Sure. Certainly.


一.补全对话(共5小题;每小题1分) 根据对话内容,在每小题的空白处写出一个完整的句子,使对话意思完整。 A: Hi, Tom. You were not here yesterday afternoon. What was wrong B: (81) . A: Sorry to hear that. (82) B: Much better. The fever is gone. But I still cough and I feel week. A: (83) B: Yes, I have. I went to the doctor’s yesterday afternoon. The doctor gave me some medicine and asked me to stay in bed for a few days. A: (84) B: Because I’m afraid I’ll miss more lessons and I’ll be left behind. A: Don’t worry. Take care of yourself. (85) . B: Thank you. 二. 补全对话(共10空,每空分,计15分) 根据下面对话中的情景,在每个空中填入适当的语句,是对话恢复完整。

(A) A: 1______________________, Mom Come and have breakfast with us. B: I’m making the bed in your room. A: Thank you. But I think I’m old enough to do housework. 2____________________________. B:. (B) A: Hi, Li Tao. There is going to be a talk about American music at the Children’s Palace. 3_____________________ B: I’d love to. 4________________________ A: A teacher from America. B: I think the talk will be interesting. 5_________________________ A: At half past eight. Let’s go together. B: Good. 6___________________ A: Outside the school gate.


111 六年级毕业复习——补全对话专项 (1) 1 Jack is visiting Beijing on his summer holiday. He wants to get to the zoo. Now he is asking the way. Jack: Excuse Kerry: I’m sorry. I’m new here. Jack:________________________ Jack: Excuse me. Is there a zoo near here Jack: Is it far Policeman:’s just 5 minutes walk. Jack:_____________________ Policeman: Go across the traffic lights and turn right. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You’re welcome. Have a good time. Jack:_______________ 2 The summer holiday is coming. Tom and Peter are talking about their plans on the phone. Tom : Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Peter Peter : ______________________. Tom: ______________________ Peter : I am doing my homework. Tom: The summer holiday is ___________ Peter: I am going to Hangzhou . Tom: What are you going to do there Peter:________________________. Tom: Wow! It sounds great! Peter: __________________________ Tom: I am going to the USA with my parents. We will buy lots of gifts there. Peter: Have a good time! Goodbye!


中考英语补全对话常用句型全归纳并附真题及答案 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

补全对话 归纳总结功能相同的句型: 打电话:我们中文中如果是接电话会说:我是某某人,请讲,所以对应的英语翻译是:I am -- .speaking,please。但是英语却不是这样的,正确的英语是:This is --speaking。 May I speak to Mr. Li I'd like to speak to Mr. Li, please. 对,我就是。 Speaking.或者This is Mr. Li speaking. (对,我是。) 您是哪位 Who's calling, please或者 Who's speaking, please 或者Who is this, please? This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。 其他 Is Sue James in休·詹姆斯在吗? I'm sorry, he's not in right now. (对不起,他出去了。) He's not in. 或者He's out now. 感谢类: Thanks! Thank you! Thanks a lot! Thank you very much! Thank you very,very much! 答谢类:That’s all right . 没关系. That’s OK. 没关系. Not at all. 不用谢. You are welcome.不必谢. It’s a pleasure. 道歉类: Sorry. I am sorry… I am sorry for… 应答类:That’s all right. It doesn’t matter. That’s nothing. 建议类:You had better … Shall we do… What about doing… How about doing… Why not do… Let’s do sth … OK Would you like some … 同意类: OK. Sure. Certainly. All right. Yes, please. Yes, I think so. I agree with you. 不同意类: I am afraid not. Sorry, I don’t think so. I re ally can’t agree with you. 祝愿祝贺类 Good Luck to you! Best wishes! Have a good (nice) time! Congratulations to you! Happy Teachers’ Day! Happy birthday to you! Happy New Year! Merry Christmas! 3. 熟记“问” 字句型 问天气:What’s the weather like today? How is the weather today? 问时间:What’s the time? What time is it? 问职业:What’s your father? What’s your father’s job? What does your father do? 问价格:What’s the price of the book? How much is the book? How much does the book cost? How much should I pay for the book? 问年龄: How old are you? What’s your age 问地址: What do you live? What’s your address? 问姓名:What’s your name? Could I have your name, please? Do you mind my knowing your name? Do you mind if I know your name? Can you tell me your name? 问词意: What do you mean by saying the word? What’s the meaning of the word? What does the word mean? 问单位: Where do you work? What company are you working for?问爱好: Which do you like best? Which do you prefer?


初中英语补全对话答题技巧 答题理念:问什么答什么,答什么问什么。 1本题分析:五个句子,分值10分,这是一道“实惠”题,比起作文六十个单词15分简直太划算了,可是就这样的题好多学生难以拿分,甚至放弃,实在可惜。并且有上下句的提示和语言环境,如果能够把握此题,是很好拿分的。只要句子符合上下文环境,语法正确,即可拿分。 2 必有问句:这是本题的最大特点,原因很简单。两个人说话,各说各的,互不相问,对话是很难进行下去的。一般会有2-4个问句,个别篇甚至五句全是问句。这个特点对于写出正确的句子极其有用。 3 问答相随:就是“问什么答什么,答什么问什么”,在答句中找出问句的依据,在问句中找出答句的内容或方向。比如:A:--------------?B:There are three people in my family.那么根据下句答语,上句问题应该是问家有多少人的-How many people are there in your family? 4 紧接话茬:没有问答的句子好似比问答句难了一些,实则不然,因为这样的句子更有灵活性,发挥的空间更大,标准答案往往有十几个,甚至更多。只要符合语境,语法正确即可得分。 5 积累话题:中招的补全对话的话题是有范围的,河南省的复习提要上都有明确的范围,只要学生对这些对话熟悉,看到一篇对话,就能够快速找到对应的话题,然后写出最标准的句子。 6能套则套:如果能找出现成的句子,就不要去自己造句子。标准的句子是最容易得分的,造出的句子一是可能有语法错误,而是可能生硬致使老师判错,不给分。 7可用短句:有些句子是在想不出怎么写的,或者没有把握把完整的句子写对,就可以用一些省略句表达,一般是不会扣分的,比如:Why? What? How many? How much? 等句子。 8迎合试题:有些同学知道句子该怎么写,可是没有选择最常用的句子而导致失分。大部分题目的意思是非常明确的,它就是要求你写出某个句子,这是就要迎合试题,准确得分。


A: That’s OK. B: Yes, it is. C: No, it is near. D: Thank you E: Where is the zoo, please? F: How are you? G: How can I get there? 六年级毕业复习——补全对话专项 (1) 1 Jack is visiting Beijing on his summer holiday. He wants to get to the zoo. Now he is asking the way. Jack: Excuse me. Kerry: I’m sorry. I’m new here. Jack: Jack: Excuse me. Is there a zoo near here? Policeman: Yes, the zoo is next to the supermarket. Jack: Is it far? Policeman: .It’s just 5 minutes walk. Jack: Policeman: Go across the traffic lights and turn right. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You’re welcome. Have a good time. Jack: 2 The summer holiday is coming. Tom and Peter are talking about their plans on the phone. Tom : Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Peter? Peter : . Tom: ? Peter : I am doing my homework. Tom: The summer holiday is coming. ? Peter: I am going to Hangzhou . Tom: What are you going to do there? Peter: . Tom: Wow! It sounds great! Peter: ? Tom: I am going to the USA with my parents. We will buy lots of gifts there. Peter: Have a good time! // Tom: 3 A: What time did you come home last night, Tom? . Goodbye! // Peter: See you! B: . Maybe about half past eleven. A: . B: Well. I came in quietly. I didn't want to wake you up, mum. A: Did you play the computer games? B: No, . Mum. A: ? B: I went to the cinema. A: Why did you come home so late? ? B: No, it didn’t. . A: Good job. We should help each other. A. Where did you go then ? B .I didn’t hear you at that time . C. Did the film go on until midnight ? D. Oh, I don’t know . E. I didn’t like it at all , you know . F. How did you come back home? G. Peter was i11.So I went to his home and help him with his lessons . A. How about you? B. Thank you C. I am going to visit many beautiful places and eat delicious food. D. Speaking. E. What are you doing now? F. Where are you going? G. When are you going?


六年级毕业复习——补全对话专项 (1) 1 Jack is visiting Beijing on his summer holiday. He wants to get to the zoo. Now he is asking the way. Jack: Excuse me._________________ Kerry: I’m sorry. I’m new here. Jack:________________________ Jack: Excuse me. Is there a zoo near here? Policeman: Yes, the zoo is next to the supermarket. Jack: Is it far? Policeman:_________________.It’s just 5 minutes walk. Jack:_____________________ Policeman: Go across the traffic lights and turn right. Jack: Thank you. Policeman: You’re welc ome. Have a good time. Jack:_______________ 2 The summer holiday is coming. Tom and Peter are talking about their plans on the phone. Tom : Hello, this is Tom. Can I speak to Peter? Peter : ______________________. Tom: ______________________? Peter : I am doing my homework. Tom: The summer holiday is coming.___ ___________? Peter: I am going to Hangzhou . Tom: What are you going to do there? Peter:________________________. Tom: Wow! It sounds great! Peter: __________________________? Tom: I am going to the USA with my parents. We will buy lots of gifts there. Peter: Have a good time! // Tom: ______________. Goodbye! // Peter: See you! 3 A: What time did you come home last night, Tom? B: _________________. Maybe about half past eleven. A: ____________ . B: Well. I came in quietly. I didn't want to wake you up, mum. A: Did you play the computer games? B: No, ____________ . Mum. A: ________________? B: I went to the cinema. A: Why did you come home so late? _______________? B: No, it didn ’t. _______________. A: Good job. We should help each other.


补全对话12篇 补全对话(一) 根据对话内容与上下文,在空白处填入适当的句子,使对话意思完整。 A: Hello, may I speak to David? B: _______________________.(1) A: Hi, David! This is Lin Tao speaking. B: Hi, Lin Tao . What’s up? A: What are you going to do next Sunday? B: _________________________.(2) Do you have any ideas? A: Shall we go to the zoo? I hear there’s a dolphin show there. B: A dolphin show? Good idea! _________________________?(3) A: By bike. B: _______________? (4) A: At half past nine. B: ___________________? (5) A: Let’s meet outside the zoo gate. B: All right .See you then. 补全对话(二) 分数___________ A: Hello, 6817502. B: Hello. ________________________ ? (1) A: Sorry, _____________________ . (2) This is Jim’s mother, Mrs Green. Can I take a message? B: That’s very kind of you. This is David, Jim’s friend. I ask him for some Chinese stamps. He told me he had got some last week. A: OK. I will tell him about it. Would you like him to call you back later? B: Well, I won’t be at home today. My mother is ill, so I must go to the hospital to look after her. Would you please ask him to ring me tomorrow morning? A: Oh, ____________________________.(3) I’ll let Jim know it. By the way, __________________?(4) B: Oh. My phone number is 6877242. A: 6877242, right? B: Y es, that’s right. Thanks a lot. A: ____________________________ .(5) 补全对话(三) A: ___________________________ .(1) B: Good afternoon. ______________________, (2) young lady? A: I feel very weak. I can’t do any work, doctor. B: _________________________ ? (3) A: No, I don’t have a headache. B: _______________________________ ? (4) A: Y es, I sleep very well at night. B: _________________________________ ? (5) A: No, I don’t have breakfast this morning. And I have only a little food for lunch and supper because I want to keep thin. B: Oh, I see. There’s nothing much serious. Y ou need to more food and have three meals a day. And do some exercise every day. Then you’ll get better soon.


归纳总结功能相同的句型: 打电话:This is 谁谁speaking。我是谁谁。 May I speak to Mr. Li? 我可以和李先生讲话吗?(我找李先生?) Speaking. 对,我就是。或者This is 谁谁speaking. (对,我是谁谁。) Who's that (speaking) 你是谁??或者Who is this, please? This is Tom speaking.我是Tom。 Is Sue James in?休·詹姆斯在吗? I'm sorry, he's not in (right now.)He is not here now. (对不起,他出去了。) Can I take a message for you? 我能给你带个口信吗? Hold on,please ! 请稍等一下 (怎么了?What’s up ? /What’s the matter ?\What ‘s wrong ?) 感谢类:Thanks! Thank you! Thank you very much! 答谢类:You are welcome.不必谢. Not at all. 不用谢.

道歉类:Sorry. I am sorry for what I said/did 建议类:You had better do----- What about doing… ? How about doing… ? Why not do… ?同义句why don’t you do----? Let’s do … OK ? Would you like some … ? Shall we do… ? 支持赞同上面建议答语:That’ s a good idea . \That sounds good .好主意,棒极了 同意许可类:OK. Certainly. Of course I agree with you. 不同意类:I am afraid not.  Sorry, I don’t think so.


2016-2017学年小学六年级英语《情景对话》期末专项复习 题 Ⅰ.从B栏中找出A栏的答句,将其序号填入题前括号内。 A ()1.W h a t d o e s h e l i k e? ()2.D o e s s h e g o t o w o r k b y b u s? ()3.W h a t i s y o u r h o b b y? ()4.D o e s J i m l i v e i n S h a n g h a i? ()5.D o y o u l i k e l i s t e n i n g t o m u s i c? ()6.W h a t a r e y o u g o i n g t o d o t h i s a f t e r n o o n? ()7.H o w d o e s y o u r f a t h e r g o t o E n g l a n d? ()8.W h e r e’s y o u r h o m e?

()9.I s y o u r m o t h e r a n E n g l i s h t e a c h e r? ()10.A r e y o u g o i n g t o t h e G r e a t W a l l n e x t w e e k? B A.Y e s,s h e d o e s. B.N o,s h e i s n’t.S h e i s a m a t h t e a c h e r. C.H e l i k e s s w i m m i n g. D.I’m g o i n g t o b u y a c o m i c b o o k i n t h e b o o k s t o r e. E.I t’s n e a r t h e s c h o o l. F.H e g o e s t o E n g l a n d b y p l a n e. G.I l i k e w a t c h i n g T V. H.Y e s,w e a r e.


小 升初英语补全对话专题练习 第一篇:. Mum: What time did you come home last night, Tom? Son: Maybe about half past eleven. Mum: . Son: Well. I came in quietly. I didn't want to wake you up, mum.. Mum: Did you play the computer games? Son: No. mum Mum: Son: I went to a movie. Mum: Why did you come so late?Did the movie go on until midnight? Son: No. 第二篇:根据里所给句子完成对话。 A: 1 B: They are talking about yesterday's football match. A: Oh. I watched it on TV. Didn't you watch it? B: 2. I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already. A: But Tianjin Team will play again this evening. A .Where did you go then? B .Peter was i11.So I went to his home and help him with his lessons . C .I didn ’t hear you at that time . D .Oh .I don ’t know . E .I didn ’t like it at all ,you know .


(1) Doctor: Good morning . What’s your trouble? Woman: I don’t feel very well. D:1._______________________________? W: Yes, I have. My temperature is a little higher. D: Open your mouth and say “Ah”。 W: Aahh D: 2._______________________________? W: Ever since last night. D: Did your sleep well? W: No, I was very tired last night. D: Oh, I see. 3. ________________________. W: Can you tell me how I got a cold? D: Maybe you overworked yourself. W: I think so. I have too much work to do every day. Do I have to stay at home? D: Yes. You’d better stay at home for two or three days. W: 4. ? D: No. I don’t think it is serious. But you really need a good rest and take this medicine. W: 5.? D: Three times a day. W: OK. Thank you. (2) A: 1.? B: They are talking about yesterday’s football match. A: Oh, I watched it on TV. Beijing Team had very good teamwork. Didn’t you watch it? B: 2. . I did my homework and forgot the time. When I turned on the TV, it had finished already. A: 3. ! But Beijing Team will play again this evening. B: 4. _______________________________________? A: Sure. You’d better finish your homework earlier if you want to watch it. Remember,” 5. (3) . B: That’s a good idea. (Looking at his watch.) Oh, I haven’t much time left. I’d better hurry to finish my homework. A: 1.? B: Not yet. Exercise 3 is too difficult for me. A: Don’t worry. 2 _______________________. B: It’s very kind of you. But I think I can do it myself. Can you lend me your English-Chinese dictionary? A: With pleasure. 3. ______________________ B: Thanks. 4. ________________, is Miss Gao at the teachers’office? A: Oh, no. She’s out at the moment. B: 5._______________________? Do you know? I have some questions to ask her. A: I think she is at the library. She told me she wanted to borrow some books. B: I have to wait for her. (4) Dick: Excuse me, Lucy. Have you hot a dictionary? Lucy: Sorry, I haven’t. You may ask Meimei. 1___________________________. Dick: Excuse me, Meimei. Have you got a dictionary? Meimei: Yes. 2. _____________________________. Dick: Thank you. I’ll give it back soon. By the way, tomorrow is my birthday.3. ________________? Meimei: Yes, I’d love to. 4._____________________? Dick: About seven o’clock Meimei: I’ll try to be there on time, but 5 ____________________________. Dick: It doesn’t matter. Work must come first. (5) (Sue=S Ken=K) S: Hello, Ken! Could you give me a lift? K: 1.____________________________, I don’t have a car right now S: Oh, that’s too bad! I want to go to the Central Hospital. K: Why? 2______________________________? S: No, I’m all right. My English teacher is there. She is ill now and is to leave the hospital today. K: I see. 3. ____________________________? S: I’ve already got some flowers from my mother’s garden.
