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3.--Where’ s_____key to my bike, Jim? --It ’ s in your bag.
A.a B.an
4. She saw__ English film last Sunday. But she can not remember____name of ___ film.
读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 , 熟读而精思
10Let's try it the second time.
第四题:连词成句 (10')
1.there old coming is here an man____________________________________________ 2.he is interested music in __________________________________________________ 3.People all the world over English speak ______________________________________ 5.what your given is name__________________________________________________ 6.she difficult it found the work to do__________________________________________ 7.there a big smile was her on face____________________________________________ 8.please a story tell us______________________________________________________ 9.he did any leave message me for____________________________________________ 10.my father a new bike bought me for last week________________________________ 第五题:单项选择: ( 50')
A . A; a B.The; the C.A ;the D. The;a
A. an; a; a
B. a; the; a C. an; the; a D. an; the; the
5.There is ____old bike._______ old bike is Mr Zhao's.
A . an ; The B.the;An C.a; The D .the;The
6.______ Great Wall is _______ longest wall in the world.
6. you(形容词性物主代词) ______ 7.their(名词性物主代词) _______ 8.19(英文) ______________________ 9.13(英文) __________________ 10.成千上万 ___________________
第二题:选词填空: ( 10') 1.There are two books on the desk .This is mine and _____is yours.(this,that) 2.This is _____________father.(Lily's and Lucy's,Lily and Lucy's) 3.Britain is ______European country .(a/an) 4.He is going to give_____a present.(she/her) 5.On my way home,I met a friend of ________.(my/mine) 6.We will have to do it _____third time.(a/the) 7.There isn't _____water in the bottle.(many/much) 8.-________skirt is this?-Mary's.(who/whose) 9.Hurry!There is ________ time.(little/few) 10.Let's finished Book ______(two/second) 第四题:单句改错( 10') 1.May I borrow two radioes? 2.I want a few water. 3.We have many woman teachers in our school. 4.September 10th is Teacher's Day. 5.What an important news! 6.Let's go out for walk! 7.His car does not go as far as their. 8.The little boy is too young to look after him. 9.Autumn is the three season of the year.
读书之法 ,在循序而渐进 , 熟读而精思
第一题:单词拼写( 20') 1.hero(复数) _____________ 2. knife (复数) ___________ 3.children(单数) _________ 4.I(宾格) ________________ 5.them(主格) _____________
1._______ aBaidu Nhomakorabeaple a day keeps the doctors awa.y
A . The B.A C.An D. Two
2. —Mum ,where is my MP3?— It's in____black box near the computer.
A. a B. an
C. the