新世纪大学英语视听说教程(第三版)第3册 Unit1(课堂PPT)

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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3 Unit 4 Unit 5 Unit 6 Unit 7 Unit 8
Let’s Go Somewhere! Indoors and Outdoors Life Is All About Change Health Student Life Telecommunications Sports and Hobbies Men and Women
1 Unit Let’s Go Somewhere! Lesson A Before you go Lesson B Travel Vocabulary Link Tasks before a trip B
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__A_n_d_r_e_w__g_o_t_t_h_e_t_r_a_v_e_le_r_’_s_ _A__n_d_r_ew__w__a_t_er_e_d__th_e______ _A_n_d_r_e_w__t_u_r_n_e_d_o_f_f_t_h_e_____
__c_h_e_c_k_s_. ________________ _p_l_a_n_ts_._B__e_c_k_y_u_n_p_l_u_g_g_e_d__ _li_g_h_t_s_. _B_e_c_k_y_e_m__p_t_ie_d__th_e___ _t_h_e_e_l_e_c_tr_i_c_al__it_e_m_s_.______ _tr_a_s_h_.___________________
1 Unit Let’s Go Somewhere! Lesson A Before you go Lesson B Travel Vocabulary Link
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C Pair work. Plan a trip and tell your partner about the preparations you will make. Use the expressions you formed in A and the useful expressions in the box.
what Becky did. Use the vocabulary in A.
Thank you. Here are the keys. Do you want this fruit?
Hi. It’s Andrew and Becky. We will be away …
I’m calling to confirm our flights to …
Please hold our mail for three weeks.
__A_n_d_r_e_w__c_o_n_f_i_rm__e_d_t_h_e____ __f_li_g_h_t_p_l_a_n_s._B__e_c_k_y_______ __s_to_p_p_e_d__t_h_e_m__a_il_d_e_l_iv__er_y_._
1 Unit Let’s Go Somewhere! Lesson A Before you go Lesson B Travel Vocabulary Link
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
Tasks before a trip B Pair work. Look at the pictures. Take turns telling what Andrew did and
_B_e_c_k_y__g_a_v_e__th_e__h_o_u_s_e_k_e_y_s_ _t_o_a__fr_i_e_n_d_a_n_d__s_h_e_g_a_v_e____ _a_w__ay__f_re_s_h__fo__o_d_s._________
__B_e_c_k_y_c_h_a_n_g_e_d__t_h_e_v_o_i_c_e__ __m_a_i_l _m_e_s_s_a_g_e_._A_n_d__re_w_____ __p_a_id__th_e__b_il_l_s._A__n_d_r_e_w__g_o_t_ __th_e__tr_a_v_e_le_r_’_s_c_h_e_c_k_s_._____
1. put 2. unplug 3. empty 4. get 5. give away 6. pay 7. change 8. give 9. stop 10. turn off 11. confirm 12. water
a. the trash b. the traveler’s checks c. their pet in a kennel d. the bills e. any electrical items f. any fresh foods g. the house key to a friend h. the plants i. the lights j. the voice mail message k. the mail delivery l. the flight plans
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
Unit 1 Let’s Go Somewhere!
1 Unit Let’s Go Somewhere! Lesson A Before you go Lesson B Travel
An English Video Course 3 视听说教程(第三版)电子教案 3
Vocabulary Link
Leabharlann Baidu
A Andrew and Becky are going on a trip. What will they do before they leave home? Match 1-6 with a-f. Then match 7-12 with g-l.