学术英语理工类课后题 详解答案

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Reading: Text 1

1.Match the words with their definitions.

1g 2a 3e 4b 5c 6d 7j 8f 9h 10i

2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.

1 symbolic 2distributed 3site 4complex 5identify

6fairly 7straightforward 8capability 9target 10attempt

11process 12parameter 13interpretation 14technical

15range 16exploit 17networking 18involve

19 instance 20specification 21accompany 22predictable 23profile

3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.

Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.

ranging from(从……到)

arise from some misunderstandings(来自于对……误解)

leaves a lot of problems unsolved(留下很多问题没有得到解决)

opens a path for(打开了通道)

requires a different frame of mind(需要有新的思想)

4.Translate the following sentences from Text 1 into Chinese.

1) 有些人声称黑客是那些超越知识疆界而不造成危害的好人(或即使造成危害,但并非故意而为),而“骇客”才是真正的坏人。

2) 这可以指获取计算机系统的存储内容,获得一个系统的处理能力,或捕获系统之间正在交流的信息。

3) 那些系统开发者或操作者所忽视的不为人知的漏洞很可能是由于糟糕的设计造成的,也可能是为了让系统具备一些必要的功能而导致计划外的结果。

4) 另一种是预先设定好程序对特定易受攻击对象进行攻击,然而,这种攻击是以鸟枪式的方式发出的,没有任何具体目标,目的是攻击到尽可能多的潜在目标。

5) 另外,考虑安装一个硬件防火墙并将从互联网中流入和流出的数据限定在几个真正需要的端口,如电子邮件和网站流量。

Reading: Text 2

1.Match the words with their definitions.

1d 2f 3h 4i 5a 6e 7b 8j 9g 10c

plete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.

1 compromised 2notoriety 3 interchangeably 4malfunctioned 5squeeze

6 ingenious

7 emergence

8 humble

9 Cunning 10 vulnerability

11criminal 12patches 13 sinister 14daunting 15replicate

16malicious 17 spirals 18secure 19blur 20 stem

21 disrepute 22 sophisticated 23harness 24 recipient 25convert

3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.

Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may refer to the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.

There is evidence(有证据表明)

so hasthe numberof hackers(黑客的数量也有很大增长)

are often referred to as(往往被称之为)

compromise your computer(损坏你的计算机)

capture your information(获取你的信息)

access your computer(进入你的计算机)

4 .Translate the following sentences from Text 2 into Chinese.

1 看似无害的编程错误可能被利用,导致电脑被侵入,为电脑病毒和蠕虫的繁衍提供温床。

2 当一个软件漏洞被发现,黑客可以将它变成一个侵入点,从而造成极大的破坏。在这之前,往往需要争分夺秒地利用正确的软件补丁来防止破坏的发生。

3 最简单的钓鱼骗局试图利用迅速致富的伎俩诱使诈骗目标寄钱。但网络骗子们也变得越来越狡猾,最近的陷阱是通过发送客户服务的电子邮件让用户进入假银行或商业网站,并在那里请他们“重新输入”他们的账户信息。

4 间谍软件与垃圾邮件和钓鱼网络一起,构成了三个令人生厌的互联网害虫。尽管有些程序可以通过入侵软件漏洞从而进入电脑,但这些有害而秘密的程序通常会随着其他免费的应用软件侵入到计算机系统中。

5 尽管因特网已经彻底改变了全球通讯,但是对于那些利用网络力量实现罪恶目的的人和那些负责阻止这些网络犯罪的人来说,他们之间的较量才刚刚开始。

Reading: Text 3

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1f 2d 3e 4j 5i 6h 7b 8a 9g 10c

2. Complete the following expressions or sentences by using the target words listed below with the help of the Chinese in brackets. Change the form if necessary.

1 irrespective

2 be tailored

3 prone

4 opt 5maximum

6coded 7provision 8catered 9check 10ready-made

11modified 12on-demand 13 whereabouts 14Hazardous 15incurred

16applicable 17developer 18on offer19host 20nominal 21certified

22automated 23outage24sync 25back up 26minimal 27mobile

3. Read the sentences in the box. Pay attention to the parts in bold.

Now complete the paragraph by translating the Chinese in brackets. You may referto the expressions and the sentence patterns listed above.

Irrespective of whether(不管)

saveusersthe trouble(使用户避免这样的麻烦)

caters to the needs of(迎合了需求)

for the purpose of(其目的就是)
