第四章 果蔬成熟衰老生理

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• Fruit and vegetable development starts with formation of an edible part—fruit 座果 setting, seedling emergence, tuber 出苗 development, or stalk development—and ends with loss of edible character through physiological deterioration, development of fibrous character, or spoilage through microbiological intervention.
• Maturation is the stage of development leading to the attainment of physiological or horticultural maturity. 生理成熟度 • Physiological maturity is the stage of development when a plant or plant part will continue ontogeny even if detached. 分离 个体发育 • Horticultural maturity is the stage of 园艺成熟度 development when a plant or plant part possesses the prerequisites for utilisation by consumers for a particular purpose.
• Commonly selected factors reflecting horticultural maturity include firmness, skin color, flesh color, sugar content, soluble solids, acid content, and pigments. Days from full bloom (Fig. 2) and heat unit accumulation (Table 4, Peas ) during specific periods during the growing season are also used .
• Ripening熟成\完熟 :则指果实经过一系列 质变,达到完全可以食用的阶段,一般将 其称为“完熟”或“鲜食成熟度”。 • Ripening is a process in fruits that causes them to become more edible. In general, a fruit becomes sweeter, less green, and softer as it ripens.
• Maturation at harvest is the most important factor that determines storage-life and final fruit quality.
• Ripening is the composite of the processes that occur from the latter stages of growth and development through the early stages of senescence and that results in characteristic aesthetic美学的 and/or food quality, as evidenced by /iːs`θetɪk/ changes in composition, colour, texture, or other sensory attributes.
• Following are examples from each group: • Group 1:berries (such as blackberry, raspberry, 树上成熟 strawberry), cherry, citrus( grapefruit, lemon, lime, orange, mandarin, and tangerine), grape, lychee, pineapple, pomegranate, tamarillo. • Group 2:apple, pear, quince, persimmon, apricot, 树下成熟 nectarine, peach, plum, kiwifruit, avocado, banana, mango, papaya, cherimoya, sapodilla, sapote, guava, passion fruit.
第四章 果蔬成熟衰老生理
第一节 成熟与衰老的概念
一、成熟与衰老的几个概念 • 成熟和衰老是有机体生命活动过程中的两 个阶段。 • 成熟在词典中的解释是指达到完成生物某 系统的代表性阶段的状态。如植物的果实 或谷物生长到可收获的程度。
• 在英文中,maturation,ripening 都可翻译 为成熟。但二者在程度上有实质性的差异。 • Maturation /`mætʃu`reɪʃn/ :是指果实最后达 到充分大小可以采摘(但不一定是食用品 质最佳)的过程,也可以称为初熟或可采 成熟度;
二、果实成熟的特征 • 不同果实的具体成熟过程是不相同的,但 它们也有共同的特征(表4-1)。
RNA转录、复制,蛋白质合成 脂肪、蛋白质分解,生物膜 透性增加 成熟过程中所需酶的合成 叶绿体解体 植物膜结构的维持 有机酸转化分解 线粒体结构的维持 基质氧化和ATP利用 EMP、TCA循环、HMP活性增 可溶性果胶增加 加 ATP合成 叶绿素分解
In the diagram above on the left is an unripe fruit. It is hard, green, sour, has no smell, is mealy (starch present), and so on.
• 衰老senescence 是指果实生长已经停止, 完熟变化基本结束后进入的时期。Watada 把衰老定义为:随着生理学或园艺学成熟 度增加而导致组织死亡的过程。 • Senescence or biological aging is the change in the biology of an organism as it ages after its maturity.
• Fruits can be divided into two groups:1)fruits that are not capable of continuing their ripening process once removed from the plant, and 2)fruits that can be harvested mature and ripened off the plant.
• In practice, any analytical or physical measurement that changes with physiological development and relates to customer acceptance has potential as a 成熟度指数 maturity index, and the use of sensory panels to demonstrate this relationship is a fairly recent development.
• The complexities of maturity definition have resulted in the development of a number of maturity indices that attempt to relate a chemical or physical measurement to the commercial maturity of the particular commodity. • The intention is that these indices will reflect or predict the quality or quality grade of the commodity received by the customer.
• In other cases such as in bananas, a physical change is used, and the fruit is harvested when ridges on the surface of the skin change from angular to round .
• Watada等把成熟定义为:果实达到生理学 和园艺学成熟度的一个发育阶段;完熟则 定义为:生长发育末期即衰老早期所发生 的、导致果实美学特性或食用品质变化的 一系列事件。
These trends represent the generalised behaviour of fruit maturation with relative accuracy
• 成熟与完熟是两个不同质的生育过程。在 成熟后期,果实一面继续成熟,一面深化 而开始完熟进程。这里的成熟过程是指果 实停止生长之后进行的一系列生物化学变 化,即从maturation 向 ripening 阶段转化 的过程。
maturation → ripening
INTRODUCTION to Fruit development
果胶酶合成 类胡萝卜素合成 蔗糖合成或糖的转化 芳香物质的合成 乙烯合成
• 1、正如一切生物体终不免进入衰老和死亡 一样,果实最后也从成长转入衰老。 • 2、果实成熟是由激素控制的,其中最重要 的是乙烯。 • 3、成熟过程是不可逆的。 • 4、果实在成熟过程中,物质的合成和降解 过程同时进行。 • 5、果实的成熟是一个需能过程。
• There are a number of theories why senescence occurs including those that it is programmed by gene expression changes and that it is the accumulative damage of biological processes.
• The maturity index should be easily determined, use simple equipment, and provide good correlation with efficacy in final use. /`efɪkəsi/
Maturity indices include color, juice content, level of soluble solid ...
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
• Firmness is a well recognized maturity index (Figs. 3A and 3B) and is commonly measured with a penetrometer, an 针入度仪 instrument that determines the force required to push a probe of known diameter through the flesh of the fruit or vegetable.