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1.Project话题:Starting a new school club参加学校社团的意义

As teenagers, we should not always get “buried”in textbooks(专注于课本). There are so many societies(社团,单数为society可做社会讲)we can try. I am now in an English drama club, in which I can not only communicate with native speakers (说母语的人), but also explore my acting skills (演技). An English club is a good way for English lovers to connect with peers (同龄人)who have the same interests and find companions(伙伴)to chat with freely. Actively participating in societies (积极参与社团—此处为动名词作主语)helps us to develop in an all-round manner.(全面地发展)

2.Project话题:Growing pains 成长的烦扰

As teenagers get older, they undergo(经历,经受,underwent,undergone)great physical and psychological/ˌsaɪkəˈlɑːdʒɪkl/ changes(身体和心理上的变化). They may not have the wisdom to make good choices in their behavior. In the social world(社会的世界), they struggle to depend on themselves. They may badly want and need their parents’love, yet feel distant(感到有距离感); they may want to be part of the group, yet desire independence. Since teenagers have difficulty balancing these needs, they often question who they are and how they fit in society. (适应社会)3.Reading话题:Dying to be thin…想瘦身想得快死了……

Some weight control methods like crash diets and diet pills can be harmful or even fatal. The long-term abuse of pills doesn’t result in a slim figure but they do have side effects: physical and psychological problems. While some of those weight-loss pills may result in initial weight loss for the first couple of weeks, the effects will soon wear off. Experts say that students need to choose the safest and simplest method to lose weight. It’s recommended to consult a doctor about whether you need to lose weight or not and what plan best suits you. There is no need at all for a perfectly normal girl to take a lot of trouble to lose weight. Health is the primary concern.(改编自网站专栏文章)


crash diets 速效节食fatal 致命的wear off逐渐消失

consult a doctor about sth. 和医生咨询某件事

There is no need for sb. to do sth.没必要做某事

4.Task话题:Analyzing statistics 数据分析和提出建议

According to our survey, we have found that over half the students surveyed often play sports. The most popular sport is basketball, which is played by 45% of the students. This is followed by football, which 40% of the students often play. A small number of students play other sports, such as table tennis.We recommend offering students more sports. For this reason, we suggest that we organize a school basketball tournament, since basketball is the most popular sport in the school. Each class would have its own basketball team which would practice several afternoons a
