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Sincerely, Li Ming
☞ 参考译文
亲爱的会员朋友们: 我很荣幸作为即将到来的读书会的主持,写这封电子邮件是向你们推荐我刚读完的一
本书:《假如给我三天光明》,作者是海伦·凯勒。 基于以下理由,我向你们推荐这本书。首先,这本书是海伦·凯勒的自传,在她伟大
的一生中,她展示出了人类不可思议的奇迹以及强大的力量,这本书上同样展示了这一点。 其次,它教导人们好好利用自己的眼睛,以热情的态度来看待这个世界。最后,它通过叙 述作者自身的经历,鼓励我们接受命运的挑战,在面对困难的时候永不放弃。
Helen Keller, which shows the mysterious miracle and strong power of mankind as she showed in her great life. Second, it teaches people to make good use of their eyes and to see the world earnestly. At last, it encourages us to accept the challenges of destiny and never give up when facing difficulties with the personal experiences of the author herself.
English speech contest later this month. The contest is an annual event of our college, which has been held successfully for the past five years. In order to guarantee the contest’s prestige and credibility, we always have a foreign teacher on the jury each year. We have learnt a lot in your Public Speaking Course this year, so we would be greatly honored if you could be present at the contest and give comments on our contestants’ performance.
感谢您在百忙之中阅读我的信。如果学校能给考虑上述建议,我相信我校学生群体的 健康状况一定会得到很大的改善。
诚挚的, 李明
☞ 2013年考研英语(一)写作部分小作文范文
Dear Prof. Smith, On behalf of the Student Union, I would like to invite you to be one of the judges for our
Sincerely, Li Ming
☞ 参考译文
尊敬的校长先生: 近期一项由我校一名学生进行的调查发现,我校学生群体的健康状况远低于平均水平。
这是一个需要解决的严重问题。为解决这一问题,我建议采取以下措施。 首先,学校应调整课程设置,要求学生每学期至少修一门体育课程。第二,学校食堂
应提供更注重健康的饮食选择。第三,运动设施应在指定时段向所有学生开放。最后,学 校应向学生提供相关咨询,对健康的生活标准进行教育和宣传。
我们热切期待您的出席,请告知我您的决定。感谢您在百忙之中考虑我们的邀请。 您诚挚的, 李明
☞ 2012年ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้研英语(一)写作部分小作文范文
Dear friends, We are pleased that you will arrive soon, and on behalf of the Students’ Union, I would like
oral English. After careful consideration, I strongly recommend Titanic, which is one of my favorite movies.
There are many reasons for my recommendation. First of all, its language is very clear and can be easily imitated. It is very helpful to improve your oral English. What’s more, its plot is very touching. It tells of a love story between the two protagonists, Jack and Rose, who are members of different social classes. They fall in love aboard the ship during its ill-fated maiden voyage. Finally, when the ship was about to sink, the scene was very touching. The writer and director James Cameron saw the love story as a way to engage the audience with the real-life tragedy.
I hope that you find these tips practical and useful. If you have any questions or problems, please feel free to contact the Students’ Union. Looking forward to seeing you soon and wish that everything goes well for you.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
Chairman of the Students’ Union
☞ 参考译文
亲爱的朋友们: 很高兴你们很快就会到达我校,我谨代表校学生会向你们的到来表示最诚挚的欢迎。 为了帮助你们适应新的校园生活,我们有以下几个建议。首先,强烈建议你们随身携
带一张VISA卡到中国,它可以方便你们支付在校的学费和住宿费。第二,请到餐饮服务中 心办理一张饭卡,因为校内的大多数学生餐厅只接受饭卡付费。此外,无论在校园内还是 在学校周边,自行车都是一种便利的交通工具。
We look forward to your presence and please let me know your decision. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Yours sincerely, Li Ming
☞ 参考译文
亲爱的史密斯教授: 我谨代表校学生会,诚邀您在本月即将举行的英语演讲比赛中担任评委。一年一度的
of the university’s student body is well below average. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. To remedy the matter, I suggest the following actions be taken.
希望这些建议对你们来说是实用的。如果你们有任何疑问或问题,请随时与校学生会 联系。期盼很快能与你们相会,祝一切顺利。
诚挚的 李明
☞ 2011年考研英语(一)写作部分小作文范文
Dear Li Lei, In your last letter, you asked me to recommend an American movie to help you exercise your
The contest will be held between 8 to 11 a.m. on the 19th of January in the Lecture Hall. Fifteen students from different departments will participate. For further information, please contact me via e-mail at this address.
☞ 2015年考研英语(一)写作部分小作文范文
Dear club members, With the pleasure to be the host of the upcoming reading session, I am writing this email to
recommend you a book I have just read, Three Days to See, written by Helen Keller. I recommend this book for the following reasons. First, this book is an autobiography of
to extend my warmest welcome to all of you. To help you settle in, we have some suggestions for you. First of all, it is strongly suggested
you bring a VISA card to China, as it can facilitate the payment of both your tuition and accommodation fees in our university. Secondly, you should apply for a Beverage Card in the Food & Beverage Service Center, because most students’ cafeterias on our campus only accept the card for payment. Moreover, a bicycle would be a good choice for convenient transportation in and around the campus.
Firstly, the university should adjust the curriculum to require students to enroll in a minimum of one P.E. course per semester. Secondly, the university cafeteria should offer more healthconscious choices. Thirdly, sports facilities should be accessible to all students during designated hours. Lastly, the university should provide students with counseling to educate and promote healthy living standards.
I hope you can benefit from the book I recommend and share your reviews on it in the reading session. If you need any more information about it, do not hesitate to contact me.
我希望你们能够受益于我推荐的这本书并在读书会上分享你们的心得体会。如果你需 要更多的信息,尽可与我联系。
诚挚的, 李明
☞ 2014年考研英语(一)写作部分小作文范文
Dear Mr. President, A recent survey conducted by a student of our university discovered that the physical health
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter. If the above-mentioned proposals are taken into consideration, I believe the health of the university’s student body would improve significantly.
英语演讲比赛已在我校成功举办了五届。为了确保比赛的权威性和公正性,每届比赛的评 委团中都会有一名外籍教师。这一年,我们在您的公共演说课上受益匪浅,故如您能出席, 并对选手们的表现予以评论指导,我们将倍感荣幸。
今年的比赛将于1月19日上午8:00-11:00在我校报告厅举行,届时将有来自不同院系的 15名选手参加比赛。如需更多详细信息,请您通过此电子邮箱地址与我联系。