法律翻译lecture one

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Legal Translation Studies
Lecture One
法律翻译, 法律翻译,译事三难
一、缺乏法律基础和法律英语基础 英美法律制度、法律英语语言分析、法律英语、美 国合同法(中国政法大学外国语学院本科课程) 二、法律语言难(重点) 三、激发兴趣难 尝试途径(1)法律电影 : (1) 12 Angry Men(十二怒汉) A Time to Kill(杀戮时刻) Runaway Jury(失控的审判团) A Few Good Man (2)网络资源 http://www.falvtrans.com/宋雷法律英语翻译 http://www1.gdufs.edu.cn/法律语言学研究所
BESTalent Search Consulting 职位类别: 职位类别:翻译(口译与笔译) 律师/法务/合规 工作地点: 发布日期: 工作地点:北京 发布日期:2011-02-28 工作经验: 最低学历: 工作经验:3-5年 最低学历:本科 管理经验: 工作性质: 管理经验:否 工作性质:全职 招聘人数: 职位月薪: 招聘人数:1人 职位月薪:15000-25000元/月 北大英华科技有限公司 职位类别: 职位类别:翻译(口译与笔译) 工作地点: 发布日期: 工作地点:北京 发布日期:2011-03-01 工作经验:1-3年 最低学历:不限 管理经验:否 工作经验: 最低学历: 管理经验: 工作性质: 招聘人数: 工作性质:全职 招聘人数:2人 职位月薪: 职位月薪:3000-50000元/月
某外国律师事务所北京代表处 招聘一名高级法律翻译,应聘者将在北京代表处工 作。要求: - 英语或法律专业学士或以上学历 - 3年以上律师事务所(外国律师事务所优先)的法 律翻译工作经验 - 良好的沟通和管理技能 - 积极、主动、注重实效 - 能够组织翻译团队工作,熟悉外国律师事务所工 作流程 年薪:RMB 40万 美国斐格律师事务所上海代表处 university graduate - fluency in english and mandarin (both written and spoken) - at least 2 years working experience as a professional translator in a leading law firm, or representative office or fie of a multinational company -responsive and hard-working
cause of action 诉讼理由 cease and desist 停止 (同义词连用) damages 损害赔偿 inferior court 初级法院,下级法院 superior court 高级法院,上级法院 issue of fact 事实上的争论点 issue of law 法律上的争论点 null and void 无效的 record 前科记录 without prejudice to 无损于…
(7) Summary
Most lawyers use traditional law language because they believe that "ordinary English is beneath a professional's dignity; as it should be -- when ordinary English is bad English or when law language says it better." In fact, "ordinary English is not always bad English, and law language does not always say it better, or more precisely." Simple language can achieve the correct style and tone by being straightforward, clear, precise and complete (using no more words than are necessary). Although some people may insist that plain language is not appropriate for legal writing, there has been a movement among lawyers towards using plain English.
(6) Use of argot Argot (=cant or jargon) is specialized vocabulary that is common within a group, whether or not deliberately designed to exclude the non-member of the group. alleged 被指控的 alter ego第二个我,个性的另一面 argumentative 可据以推定…的,表示…的 (of) (e.g. His silence is argumentative of guilt.) at issue 争议中 breaking and entering 破门侵入 case 违法犯罪案件
(Hale Waihona Puke Baidu) Frequent use of formal words
The style of using formal words in legal language has been described as solemn, mystical, and dignified, e.g. the polite expression of former days, "approach the bench" instead of "come here", euphemisms like "the deceased" and "the decedent" and undomesticated Latin and French "arrested in flagrante delicto" instead of "caught in the act", etc. More examples: prior to (instead of "before") subsequent (instead of "after") provided that (instead of “but") adjudge 宣判 decree 判决,裁定 construe 解释,推断 deem 视为 operate 构成
(5) Use of French words not in the general vocabulary
The following is a list of some French words basic to the law vocabulary: demurrer 抗辩,抗辩者 heir 继承人 plaintiff 原告 tort 民事侵权行为 verdict (陪审团的)裁定 voir dire 忠实回答宣誓
A foreign consulting firm 工作经验: 3年 薪水: 9000 学历: 本科 及以上 Very competitive compensation, but professional experience as legal translator with reputable law firm is absolutely necessary in applying for this position. We will only contact those applicants with relevant qualifications and credentials. 上海市方达律师事务所分所 (a)全日制院校英语专业本科以上学历, 专业八级; (b)熟练地中英互译能力; (c)笔译严谨、准确、流利; (d)具有一定的法律文件翻译经验; (e)初级翻译职位不要求翻译工作经验。
(2) Frequent use of common words with uncommon meanings
WORDS LEGAL MEANING action law suit 诉讼 avoid cancel 取消 consideration benefit to promisor or detriment to promise 对价(英美法,法国cause“约因”) counterpart duplicate of a document具有同等效力的副本 hand signature签名 instrument legal document 法律文件 letters document authorizing one to act 许可证 negligence 过失 presents this legal document 本法律文件 prejudice 损害 provided word of introduction to a proviso(限制性条款) 假如 said mentioned before 上述,该 save except除了 serve deliver legal papers 送达
(4) Frequent use of Latin words and phrases
ad hoc 专门的/地 affidavit 宣誓书,书面陈述 alias 化名,别名 alibi 不在犯罪现场 bona fide 真诚的/地 de facto 事实上的 habeas corpus 人身保护令/权 in re 关于 proviso限制性条款 prima facie 表面的,初步的 per se 自身 pro bono 为了公益 versus 以…为对手,对
1. Legal Vocabulary Outline (1) Frequent use of formal words (2) Frequent use of Old and Middle English words once common, now rare (3) Frequent use of Latin words and phrases (4) Use of French words not in the general vocabulary (5) Use of argot (6) Frequent use of common words with uncommon meanings (7) Summary
there words: thereabout(大约),thereafter(以 后,之后),thereat(于是,因此),thereby(由 此,从而),therefor(为此,因此),therefore (因此),therein(在那里,在那时),thereon (在其上),thereto(到那里,向那里), theretofore(直到那时,在那时之前),thereupon (于是,立即),therewith(与此,立即) where words: whereas (鉴于meaning "given the fact that"), whereat(对那个,由于那),whereby (靠那个,在那个方面),wherein(在此处,在 其中) witness (used in the sense of testimony by signature, oath, etc. as "In witness whereof, I have set my hand, etc." witnesseth (meaning to provide formal evidence of something, the Old English present indicative, third person singular verb form.)
(3) Frequent use of Old and Middle English words once common, now rare
The following words can frequently be found in English ordinances (法令,布告): aforesaid:said, in question 上述的,前述的 absent:without (prep.) 缺乏 forthwith: immediately 立即 thence thence(之后,从那里), thenceforth(此后) thenceforth here words: hereafter(此后,自法令生效之日 起),hereby(特此,兹,以此方式), herein (于此,此中), hereinafter(在下文), hereinbefore(在上文),hereof(在本文中), hereto(于此,对于这个),heretofore (迄今), hereunder(在下文,在下面), herewith(与此 一道,用此方法)