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anchor blackout it’s a mess get to the bottom of
looting take advantage of
all in all
you name it stay tuned
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Vocabulary Focus
Information overload
Read this letter to an advice columnist. What is Ms. Silva’s problem? Notice the words in blue.
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Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Vocabulary Focus
Match the words or phrases in the article in B with their definitions.
__b__ 1. contact __c__ 2. will likely cause something bad to happen __a__ 3. having too much information to absorb
1. one piece of broken equipment
no electricity
2. record-breaking heat
eleven deaths
3. looting
extra police on the street
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Vocabulary Focus
Information overload
Many people today use IMs (instant messages) to communicate instantly over the Internet. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of sending IMs?
Listen again and complete these items with the appropriate number or numerical expression.
(Track 5-6-3) 1. houses without power: _1_0_0_,_0_0_0__________ 2. length of time with no electricity: __8__h_o_u_rs_ 3. deaths: __1_1__________________________ 4. recent temperatures: _o_v_e_r _1_0_0_d_e_g_r_e_e_s____ 5. cooling centers: ___a_d_o_z_e_n______________ 6. stores broken into: __s_e_v_e_r_al_____________
Dear Dr. Micro, I need your help. I am drowning in information overload at work. Between the telephone calls, voicemail systems, email messages, and faxes, it’s becoming too much. At the office I am often trying to carry on a conversation while typing a memo and checking the time for my next conference call. I spend my days sitting in front of my computer or talking to clients on the telephone. I have almost no face-to-face interaction with people during the day. And at night, it’s the same problem as I try to answer email and IMs from my friends and family. I thought all this technology was supposed to make my life easier, but it’s rapidly becoming a recipe for disaster. I feel chained to my computer. —Nadia Silva
a. information overload
b. interaction
c. recipe for disaster
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Vocabulary Focus
_b__ 1. distant _a__ 2. doing more than one thing at once _f__ 3. freeing _e__ 4. reliance on _d__ 5. inactive _c__ 6. encourages
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Vocabulary Focus
Heavy dependence on computers and other machines can be unhealthy. Follow the suggestions above, though, and you’ll feel freer than you have in a long time. I tried them myself and found them to be liberating indeed. Good luck! —Dr. Micro
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
When technology does not work
Talk about a time you had a problem with technology (for example, your cell phone didn’t work). How did you feel? What did you do?
speeds up decision-making saves time
makes it easier to stay in
Advantages of sending IMs
Disadvantages of sending IMs
speeds up decision-making, saves time, adds stress to the workplace, fosters communication, makes it easier to distracts from regular work. stay in touch.
Here are some words and phrases you will hear in A, B and C. Read them aloud.
Language Notes Proper names Knox Street Delmar Street
Other words and phrases
Real English get to the bottom of (something) = find the truth or cause of a problem
Talking about cause and effect
Speakers use these phrases to link cause and effect: …was the cause of … …was responsible for … As a result, …
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Vocabulary Focus
Dear Ms. Siva, Technology can help us save time and money, but only if we use it wisely. There are some things you can do to help your situation — it isn’t hopeless by any means. 1. Cut back on the multitasking: When you try to do more than one task at once, 2. you lose focus and become less efficient. 3.2. Spend more time with family, coworkers, and friends: A computer is not a 4. friend — it is an impersonal machine with its own limitations. Get out at 5. night and take an exercise class or an art class — something you enjoy. 6. Seeing other people promotes a sense of community and besides, it’s fun! 7.3. Get some exercise: Sitting in front of a computer all day is a sedentary 8. activity — you need to find something active to do. Why don’t you take time 9. at lunch for a brisk 20-minute walk with a co-worker and get caught up on 10. office gossip?
Listen to the news report. Then circle the correct answers below that
describe the report.
(Track 5-6-1)
This is a daytime / evening report on radio / TV about a blackout / storm that happened in the summer / winter.
Pair work. Categorize the phrases below. Can you add more
ideas to the list?
adds stress to the workplace distracts from regular work fosters communication
Lesson A Technostress Lesson B Extreme gadgets
Listen again. What caused these three things to happen? Write your
(Track 5-6-2)
a. multitasking b. impersonal c. promotes d. sedentary e. dependence f. liberating
Pair work. Which of the words or phrases in C can you associate with IMS?