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law firm 法律公司 e.g. 他在一家工程公司工作。
He works for an engineer firm.
2. adj. 结实的,稳固的 e.g. 这部小汽车非常坚固。
The car is very firm.
【了解】有关“公司”的表达:firm 中小型公 司;company正规公司;business商行;
Do you like travelling? Have you been to Australia? What do you know about Australia?
Sydney Opera House
Snapshot of Key words
exciting [ɪk‘saɪtɪŋ] adj. 令人兴奋的 receive [rɪ‘siːv] v. 接受;收到 firm[fɜːm] n. 商行;公司 different [‘dɪf(ə)r(ə)nt] adj.不同的 centre [‘sentə] n. 中心 abroad [ə‘brɔːd] adv. 在国外
➢ He will soon visit Darwin From there, he will fly to Perth.
➢ My brother has never been abroad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.
➢ I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.
➢ He is in Australia. He has been there for six
➢ Tim is an engineer.
1. He died 10 years ago. --- He ____ ____ ____ for 10 years / since 10 years ago.
die 是终止性动词,表示动作,常用作谓语,含义为“断气”。 dead是形容词,与be动词连用,常用来作定语、表语或补语,表示死
centre [‘sentə] n. 中心 (美式 center)
the center of town 市中心 town centre= downtown 市中心,市区
经典用法: in the center of: 在中间, 在中央 = in the middle of
in the centre (of sp),
Retell the text according to the following words.
1. Just--- letter---bother---Tim
2. In Australia
3. There---six months
4. Tim---engineer
5. Big firm --- already--- number---places
原文 I have just received a letter from my brother,Tim.
我刚刚收到我兄弟Tim的来信。 词组 receive a letter from sb. = hear from sb.
区别用法:receive 和 accept 1. receive(客观情况)只表示被动地接受 2. accept(主观情况)总表示主动而且高兴地接受 e.g.她收到了他的礼物,但是没有接受
She received his present, but she didn’t accept it. 【Exercise 选词填空】
I ___A______ the invitation. A. accepted B. received
firm[fɜːm] n. 商行;公司
1. n. 公司,商号
adj. central中央的,中心的
abroad [ə‘brɔːd] adv. 在国外
get abroad 出去, 出门; (谣言)传出去, 传开 go abroad 去国外 live abroad 到国外定居 study abroad 到国外学习
【近形词区别】abroad与aboard abroad = a + broad(adj. 宽的;辽阔的) adv. 到海外 aboard = a + board(n. 板子; 甲板) adv. 在船上; 在飞机 上
S+ V + O +C
I have just __r_ec_e_iv_e_d__ a letter_fr_o_m__my brother, Tim. He is in Australia. He has _b_e_e_n_ there for six months. Tim is an engineer. He is working _fo_r__a big firm and he has already _v_is_it_e_d_a great number of different places in Australia. He has just b_o_u_g_h_t_an Australian car and has _g_o_n_e_to Alice Springs, a small town in the centre of Australia. He will soon visit Darwin. From there, he will fly to Perth. My brother has never _____ abbeernoad before, so he is finding this trip very exciting.
exciting [ɪk‘saɪtɪŋ] adj. 令人兴奋的
exciting a.令人兴奋的, 使人激动的(主语让别人 感到兴奋)
e.g. This news is very exciting .
excited a.(主语自己)感到兴奋的(主语是通常 为人)
e.g. We are very excited about this news.
6. Bought --- Australian car--- Alice Springs--small town ---centre
7. Soon ---Darwin
8. From there --- fly --- Perth
past 一般过去时
2. He borrowed the book 2 weeks ago. --- He ____ ____ the book for 2 weeks.
keep 3. He bought the motorbike a month ago.
---He ____ ____ the motorbike for a month. have get 4. He arrived here three days ago.
➢ He is working for a big firm and he has already
visited a great number of different places in
➢ a (great) number of = many 许多
➢ He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Spri同ng位s语, ,a 解sm释AallilcetoSwprningins the centre of Australia.
一般过去时表示的是纯粹在过去发生的事情 (描述,陈述)
现在完成时表示的是在过去某个时间开始并 持续到现在的动作/状态(持续),或者发生在过 去却对现在造成的影响(结束)
1. 表示一个动作发生在过去但对现在仍然有影响。 常与表不确定时间的状语或表一段时间的时间状语连用。
2. 时间状语: just, already, lately, ever, (not) yet, so far, up till now(到目前为止), for six months, since 1955, in past
Lesson 4 An exciting trip
默写 Lesson 3
1 Postcards - spoil - holidays 2 summer - Italy 3 museums - sat - gardens 4 waiter - few - Italian 5 lent - book, but - understand 6 Every day - thought - postcards 7 holidays - quickly - not - cards - friends 8 last day - decision
3. 汉语意思表:已经
4. 表一段时间的时间状语, 不能和点动词(非延续性)连用.
I have lived/been here for four years.
完成时态所关心的是现存的结果,或者过去发生的事对现在的影 响。可以表示最近完成的动作,也可以表示经历或经验。
They have left. (现在他们人不在这里) I have had my lunch. (我现在不饿) My wife has just bought a beautiful dress from one of the
一般过去时 现在完成时
动作发生在过 表过去的一个 去,做一个陈 时间点或特定 述,描述。 时间
动作发生在过 表一段时间或 去,对现在造 不确定时间 成了影响。
我住在这儿二十年了。 I have lived here for twenty years. 我参观过这个城市。 I have visited this city. 我已经把书还了。 I have already returned the book. 我认识他三年了。
-ed主语自身感到 e.g. interested, bored, ... -ing主语令别人感到 e.g. interesting,boring, …
【Exercise: 中译英】
【参考译文】What exciting news this is!
receive [rɪ‘siːv] v. 接受;收到
e.g. 他在国外生活了许多年。 He lived abroad for many years.
New text
watch the video then answer the following question
Q1. Has the writer just received a letter from his brother? Yes, he has.
shops here.
现在完成时态表示过去已经开始、持续到现在(可能还会继续进 行下去)的动作或状态,常和表示一段时间的状语连用。
She has lived in Beijing since she came to China. How many words have you learned this year?
--- He ____ ____ here since three days ago. been in
5. They turned off the light 2 hours ago. --- The light ____ ____ ____ for 2 hours.
Q2. Where is the writer’s brother? He is in Australia.
Q3. How long has Tim been there? He has been there for six months.
Q4. What's Tim’s job? He's an engineer.