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1.A large quantity of water _________ polluted in the past twenty years across China.

A.is B.are C.has been D.have been 2.Forest as well as other children who _______certain disabilities _______down on at school. A.have; are being looked B.have; are looking

C.has; is looking D.have; is being looked .

3.When and where we shall bulid a larger home for the aged ________ to be discussed by the local government.

A.remains B.remain C.is remained D.are remaining 4.On arriving home from the ancient city with a high level of civilization, the archaeologist unpacked his suitcase and was greatly amazed to see the silver-plated cup and saucer _____ still in _____ good shape.

A.was; a B.were; a C.was; /D.were; /

5.The fact that so many people still smoke in public places____ that we may need a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of the risks of smoking.

A.suggest B.suggests C.suggested D.suggesting 6.Every possible means ________ to prevent the air pollution, but sky is still not clear.

A.is used B.are used C.have used D.has been used 7.Typically, with high-status and well-paid jobs ________ far more pressure than assumed. A.are coming B.is coming C.come D.comes

8.It is reported that another new school ______ at present in the poor mountain area.

A.are building B.is being built C.is building D.are being built 9.One-fifth of the area ________ covered with trees. About seventy percent of the trees

________ been planted recently.

A.is; has B.are; have C.is; have D.are; has

10.The coach, together with his players, __________ to the party held last Friday night, aiming to celebrate their win in the match.

A.was invited B.were invited C.has been invited D.have been invited 11.No one in the department but Tom and I ______ that the director is going to resign. A.have known B.know

C.knows D.am to know

12.This is one of the best novels that____appeared this year.

A.have been B.has C.had been D.have

13.I was _______ with my son about his carelessness, which _______ the main cause of his failure in math.

A.annoyed; were B.amazed; was C.amazing; were D.annoyed; was 14.With rural ecosystem improving, the number of tourists to villages ________ year by year. A.have increased B.increases C.is increasing D.are increasing 15.Doctors always tell us that drinking too much________our health,but some people don’t care.

A.is harm to B.does harmful to

C.is harmful to D.do harm to

16.Many a man______ come to help us.

A.have B.has

C.is D.are

17.Delete the short message at once! Many a man ______ by such tricks up to now.

A.are cheated B.is cheated

C.have been cheated D.has been cheated

18.Out to the finishing line…! And here !

A.he dashes… comes our champion and hero

B.dashes he… our champion and hero come

C.he dashes… come our champion and hero

D.dashes he… comes our champion and hero

19.More than one of his classmates who often _______ voluntary work in the local community _____ been awarded by the government.

A.does; has B.does; have C.do; has D.do; have

20.At the station ______ a teacher and two students on their way to the city.

A.were B.was C.is D.sits

21.Every boy and every girl _________ to attend the evening party.

A.wish B.wishes C.hope D.are hoping 22.With more forests being destroyed, huge quantities of good land ______ each year.

A.is washing away B.are washing away

C.is being washed away D.are being washed away

23.A lot of new wooden furniture, as well as some latest household appliances, ________ by the Smiths for their new house a week ago.

A.has been bought B.have been bought

C.was bought D.were bought

24.Two-thirds of the coins dug up on the island ________ from the year 275AD to 221BC.A.dating B.date C.dates D.are dated 25.Even more widespread _______ the copying of music and the pirating of software, especially with the development of new computer programs.

A.is B.does C.are D.do




