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New Concept English BookⅡ

Lesson 1-Lesson3测试题



A. take

B. spoiled


5、-Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend?


A It’s none of your business!

B Dear me!

C Take it easy.

6、The bus was ten minutes ___.

A. late

B. later

C. latest

7、A young man and a young woman were talking loudly _____ the theatre.

A. at

B. in

C. on

8、He often ________ in bed until lunchtime.

A. stay

B. stays

C. staying

9.. I’m _______ in that ________ film

A. interesting; interested

B. interested; interesting

C. interested; interested

D. interesting; interesting

10. She is very lazy and _____________ gets up early at weekends.

A. sometime

B. sometimes

C. some times

11. You have to ___ a decision here and now.

A. take

B. put

C. make

12. _____ a nice watch it is !

A. How

B. What

C. What a

13. I’m coming ________ see you.

A. for

B. of

C. to

14. She is from ______.

A. English

B. Japanese

C. China

15. -------_____________?

-------I am Italian.

A. What’s your job

B. What’s your name

C. What nationality are you

16. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk.

A. any, any

B. any, some

C. some, some

17. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat!

A. runs

B. is running

C. is going to run

18. I turned to speak to the person standing _____ me .

a. behind

b. back

c. in the front of

19. -----____ there any milk in the refrigerator?

----Yes, there____ two bottles in it.

A. Is, is

B. Is, are

C. Are, is

20. _____ interesting the film is !

a. What

b. What an

c. How

二. 句型运用(2*10=20)

21. Please send me a card.(变同义句) Please ________ a card _______ me.

22. It is cold.(改为感叹句)

__________ ________ weather it is!

23. Peter always sits in public garden.(用yesterday 改句子)

Peter ________ in public garden___________.

24 Tom is reading now.(用at 8:00 pm yesterday改句子)

Tom ________ ____________ at 8:00 pm yesterday

25.On the last day , I made a decision.(改为否定句).

On the last day, I ___________ ___________ a decision.


26. 我的假期很快就过去了。My holiday ____________ ____________

27. 然而我竟成一张明信片也没写成。

I ____________ write a _________ card

28. 外面还很黑。It was _________ ______________.

29. 这是私人的谈话。I t’s a ____________ ___________

30. 但是他们却丝毫不注意,不理会。

They did not ________ any _________________________

