大学高职高专英语4 1-10

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1.有些人容易对陌生人产生怀疑。(be prone to) (Some people are prone to distrust strangers.)

2.琳达拒吃甜品,因为她正在节食。(pass up) (Linda passed up the dessert because she was on a diet.)

3.约翰快速翻阅杂志找甘分类广告。(page through) (John paged through the magazines for classified ads.)

4.他们的声音回响在空荡荡的大厅里。(echo) (Their voices echoed in the big empty hall.)

5.她并未充分表现出与他结婚的愿望。(manifest) (She didn't manifest much desire to marry him.)

6.没有什么事情能使我采取这样的措施。(tempt) (Nothing could tempt me to take such a step.)

7.如果你这样开车,最后得上医院。(end up) (If you drive your car like that, you'll end up in hospital.)

8.这是我们正在努力的目标。 (This is the goal that we are striving toward.)

1别担心,民生几个小时就到了。(a matter of) (Don't worry; it's only a matter of hours till the doctor arrives.)

2.新顾客不能在本店赊帐。(buy on credit) (New customers can't buy on credit at this shop.)

3.我没有足够的钱买汽车,所以只好将就了.(do without) (I haven't enough money to buy a car, so I'll just have to do without.)

4.他们在战争中学会了如何应付紧急情况。 (They learned the hard way how to cope with the emergency during the war.)

5.拉尔夫(Ralph)想为他的孩子们做好应有的准备. (Ralph wanted to make proper provisions for his children.)

6.任何工资上升的成本肯定会转嫁到消费者身上。(pass on) (Any increase in wage costs would certainly be passed on to the consumers.)

7.她拿出全部储蓄,揍足买了一套两居室的公寓。 (She scraped together the last of her savings to buy a two-bedroom flat.)

8.他在演讲中加入T很多有趣的故事。(include into) (He had included a large number of funny stories into his speech.)

1.我将安排本周五见牙医。(schedule with) (I'll schedule an appointment with my dentist for Friday.)

2.对他的惊人发现,我表示了热烈祝贺。 (I warmly congratulated him on his marvelous discovery.)

3.你在城里时,随I才来看我们.(drop by) (Drop by any time you're in town.)

4.对于这部电影,我跟你的感觉是相同的。 (I feel the same way about the movie as you do.)

5.汤姆通过驾考后,填写了一份驾照的中请。(fill out) (After Toni passed his driving test he filled out an application for the driver's license.)

6.彻底大扫除以前,玛丽先清理掉屋里的报纸。 (Mary got the old newspaper out of the way before she did a general cleaning of the house.)

7.等待片刻,他马上就来。(hang on) (Hang on and he w川come soon.)

8.很抱歉,我不能将这个会议列入我的行程. (I'm sorry. I can't fit this meeting into my schedule.)

1.他以原价的一小部分钱买下这张书桌和椅子。 (He purchased the desk and chair at a fraction of their original cost.)

2.他们的房子被窃贼破门而入。(break into) (They've had the house broken into by thieves.)

3.上百名乘客对该家航空公司提起诉讼。 (Nearly one hundred passengers filed a lawsuit against the airline.)

4一般说来我喜欢吃鱼,尤其是鱿负.(salmon; in general) (I like fish in general, and salmon in particular.)

5.许多女学生专攻医科。(specialize in) (Many girl students specialize in medicine.)
