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1. sound like

2. refer to

3. the Chinese for………的汉语

4. make/do small talk 聊天、闲谈

5. at/on social occasions/ at a social event/ at social events

6. be good at

7. impress sb. a lot

8. avoid (doing) sth.避免(做)某事情9. encourage sb to do sth.

10. make sure 11. people’s opinions about music

12. used to do 过去常常13. would love to do

.be used to do sth. 被用来做……14. make an enemy of sb.与……为敌

.be/get used to (doing) sth. 习惯、.make friends with sb.与……交友15. lack the confidence 缺乏自信16. be nervous about/ of 害怕、对……


17. have a conversation with sb. 与……谈话18. do advance planning 预先计划/准备一下

.hold/ make a conversation with sb. 19. prepare for your English exam

.in conversation with sb. 与……谈话.prepare you for more serious


20. develop your listening skills 提高听


.have sth. ready

21. a two-way process 一个双向过程.get sth. ready

22. make you a better listener 让你成


23. look away from 把目光从……移开

24. keep good eye contact 保持得体的目光接触25. go to a social occasion 去一个社交场合

26. in addition 除此之外27. find out 查明白、弄清楚

28. in agreement 同意、一致29. a lack of obligation 缺少责任

30. against the law 31. wear a tie 佩带领带

32. during a job interview 见工期间33. the immigration people 移民检查员

34. have problems understanding 35. ask a favor of sb.

36. at the Chinese Embassy .ask somebody a favor

38. put one’ foot in it/ one’s mouth 37. a saleswoman for a firm of fax


39. a complete absence of small talk 40. as a consequence (of)

41. go red 脸色变红42. put on/ gain a little weight 增重

43. be cautious about/of 小心、谨防.lose weight 减肥

44. reply to questions 回答问题45. go through 经历、遭受;完成、做


47. the first thing to come into her head 46. cheer sb. up 让某人打起精神、振作


.cheer up 打起精神、别灰心48. What a coincidence!

49. the trouble with Esther It was no coincidence that…

50. be modest about 对……谦虚51. discourage sb from doing 阻止/妨碍


52. on the anniversary of…在……周年



53. stand by 旁观;站在旁边.prevent/ stop/ keep sb from doing sth.

54. would like sb to do sth. 55. reply to questions 回答问题

would like sth. 56. give/ make an apology to sb. for

would like to do sth. receive an apology

apologize to sb. for sth.

57. more or less (表程度)或多或少;差


58. leave out 省略、删去、不考虑59. give a compliment to sb 赞扬、恭维60. be true for Americans give/make compliments

62. call by = drop in

61. be secretive about 对……守口如


63. a desire to meet again 64. be aware of 明白、清楚、知晓、意

