






1. 名词, 如absence,failure,lack,refusal等。

His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident. 他开车时心不在焉,差点酿成交通事故。

He was upset by his failure in the exam. 他因考试不及格而感到沮丧。2. 动词,如avoid,escape,miss,stop等。

She braked suddenly and avoided an accident. 她紧急刹车,从而避免了一场车祸。

The pin escaped my eyes. 我没有看见那根针。

3. 形容词,如different,ill,poor,wrong等。

Lily and Lucy are quite different even though they are twins. 莉莉和露西尽管是双胞胎,但却很是不一样。

He is in ill health. 他身体不好。

4. 介词,如above,beyond,instead of,out of等。

The novel is above me. 这本小说我看不懂。

The progress of the reform and open in every respect in China is indeed beyond belief. 中国在改革开放方面取得的进展的确令人难以置信。

5. 连词,如before,or,unless等。

He was hit on the head and fainted before he could figure out what had happened. 他还不知道发生了什么,就被人打在头上,昏了。

Lay down your arms,or die. 缴枪不杀。

He’ll accept the job unless the salary is too low. 如果薪水不太低,他就会接受这一工作。

6. 副词,如scarcely,otherwise等。

I scarcely think so.我可不这么想。

You obviously think otherwise. 显然你的想法不同。


1. 动词短语,如keep/prevent...from…,differ from,keep off,leave alone 等。

The parents keep their kids from going out. 父母不让他们的孩子出去。My answer to this question differs from his. 我这道题的答案和他的不同。

2. 形容词短语,如blind to,far from,free from,short of等。

He is completely blind to her faults. 他一点儿也觉察不到她的错误。What we have learnt is far from enough. 我们所学到的东西远远不够。3. 介词短语,如at a loss,in the air,in vain,out of the question等。I’m at a loss for words. 我不知道怎样措词。

The date of the spring outing is still in the air. 春游的时间还未确定。

4. 其它短语,如anything but,the last thing/person,let alone,for fear that 等

He is anything but stupid. 他根本不笨。

That is the last thing I want to do. 这是我最不愿意做的事。


1. too...to...句型,表示“太…..而不能”。

Instances are too numerous to list. 例子多得不胜枚举。

The news is too good to be true. 消息太好,恐不靠谱。

注:①too后面的形容词是anxious,ready,inclined,apt 等时,则无否定意思。

Men are too apt to forget. 人们往往健忘。


One is never too old to learn. 活到老,学到老。

I am only too glad to do this. 我很乐意去做此事。

2. rather than...,rather...than...,prefer to…,prefer...to...等表“选择”、“取舍”意思的句子,否定的意义包含在than/to之后。

She’d rather die than give up her faith. 她宁愿死也不愿放弃信仰。

I prefer watching basketball to playing it. 我喜欢看篮球,不喜欢打篮球。

3. more…than…(more than)连接两个相同句子成分,但进行不同质的比较时,表示“与其说……不如说”。

He is more brave than wise. 他有勇无谋。

It was more how he said it than what he said that made her angry. 与其说是他说的话,不如说是他说话的方式让她很生气。


She is kinder than she is wise. 她善良有余,智慧不足。


I’m wiser than to believe that. 我不至于愚蠢到相信这件事。

③more…than...(more than)加上情态动词can,表示否定意思。

The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe.杭州景色之美是语言所不能描述的。

4. It’s…since… (since后用延续性动词),表示“没做……已经多长时间了”。That was really a splendid evening. It’s years since I enjoyed myself so much. 那天晚上简直是棒极了,我已多年没有玩得如此开心了。



1. 英语的疑问句在特定的语境中可以表达更强烈的否定意义。

Shall I ever forget her? 我决不会忘掉她。

——What on earth is he busy doing?他究竟在忙什么?

——Who knows?(=Nobody knows.)谁知道呢?(没人知道。)

Who cares where you slept?(=Nobody cares where you slept.)谁管你睡哪儿?(谁也不管你睡哪儿。)

Can anyone doubt the wisdom of this action? 谁能怀疑这一行动的明智


2. 虚拟语气可表示委婉的否定。


If I were you,I should wait till next week. 如果我是你,我就等到下个星期了。

If only he were alive. 他要是活着就好了。

②虚拟条件句should(might,ought to )have +过去分词,表示责备或委婉的否定。

The train should have arrived at 8:30. 火车本应该8:30到的。

If we had taken the other road,we might have arrived here in time for the meeting. 如果我们走另外一条路,我们本可以准时到会的。

③had meant/intended/planned...等表示过去未能实现的愿望、意图等。We had meant to be early. 我们本想是早点来的。

I had planned to visit you yesterday,but I had an unexpected visitor. 我本打算昨天去找你的,但我家来了个不速之客。


Call a spade a spade. 直言不讳。

Riches have wings. 财富不常在。

Friends must apart. 天下没有不散的宴席。

Far from eyes,far from heart. 眼不见为净。

Spare the rod,spoil the child. 不打不成器。

Pay on the spot,borrow a lot. 有借有还,再借不难。

Haste makes waste. 欲速则不达。

Beauty is only skin deep. 人不可貌相。




用英语提建议的八个句型 1. 用Shall we...?在表示建议或征求对方意见时,可用以Shall开头的一般疑问句。其肯定回答一般可用:All right, OK, Good idea等。 2. 用Let's...?表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一建议时要用以Let's 开头的祈使句。而Let us在表示让我们做某事时,不包括对方在内。如:Let's go and see the pandas. Let us go, will you?让我们去吧,好吗? 3. 用Why not...?Why not...?意思是:为什么不……?后接不带to的不定式(即动词原形)。Why not...?是省略了主语的省略形式,完整句Why don't you/they/we...?如:Why don't you go with me? Why don't you try again?=Why not try again? 4. 用What about...?意为“……怎么”后可接名词、的代词和动名词。如:What about going out for a walk? I'm going to the park.What about you? 5. 用had better 意为“最好”,“还是……好”,常用于口语,后接动词原形。如:You had better stay at home. You'd better go now. 6. 用Don't...来表示建议,通常用于祈使句的否定形式中。如:Don't play in the street. Don't throw it like that. 7. Would you like+短语?这个句型意思是“……怎么样?”后接sth. 或to do sth.如:Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like some colour pencils? 8. Will you please+动词原形……?它的意思是“请你……好吗?”如:Will you please come tomorrow? Will you please pick it up?


提建议的英语句子 提建议或给予忠告的常用词汇和句子: Should: “You should try to speak English.” “You shouldn’t speak too fast.” Ought to: “You ought to read more English books.” Could: “You could always find a English pan pal.” Why don’t you: “Why don’t you join a English club?” If I were you, I’d... “If I were you, I’d English channel.” Recommending: “I recommend you to watch 8 o’clock morning news.” Suggesting: “My English teacher suggested me to buy a good English dictionary.” Advise: “My father advised my little sister not to watch TV too much,”

Advice: (Advice是一个不可数名词。就是说我们不能说一个advice,而要说some advice or a piece of advice) “My grandma will give you some advice on this.” “Our teacher gave her a very useful piece of advice: to make a English Pan pal.” Remember 记住了: 大多数人不喜欢听别人的建议和忠告。为了避免一开始就引起他人的反感,你可以这样表达: “Have you considered...” “Perhaps you could...” “Do you think it’s a good idea to...?” “Would you mind if I say something...?” - 提建议或给予忠告的常用词汇和句子: Should: “You should try to speak English.” “You shouldn’t speak too fast.” Ought to:”You ought to read more English books.” Could:”You could always find a English pan pal.” Why don’t you: “Why don’t you join a English club?”


英语口语技巧:13种表达意见的方式 In life we’re often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn’t been asked for! 生活中,经常有人会询问我们的意见,或者在某些情况下,即使没有被询问,我们也会给出自己的意见。 Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won’t upset the other person. However, more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not to offend or hurt the other person’s feelings. This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have adetrimental effect on business dealings. 有时我们可以非常直接地表达我们的意见,且不会让别人不开心。但是,为了不伤害或冒犯到他人,我们通常需要小心翼翼的分享我们的想法。这在商界尤其重要,因为文化差异可能会对交易产生不利影响。 The British are especially careful when giving their opinion (in business, that is). They often don’t want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients. So much so, that the British way of doing business is often admired. 英国人在表达自己的意见时特别小心(在商界)。他们通常不想冒犯别人,所以开始会使用一些特定的表达来缓和接下来的内容。我的顾客中有很多人都说过英


建议类英语作文黄金句式You’ve asked me for advice with regard to/regarding...and I’ll try to make some useful suggestions here. 关于……你向我征求建议,在此,我尽量提出一些有用的建议。 I know you have trouble in ...after reading your letter. 在读了你的信后,我知道你在……上有困难。 I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on how... 非常高兴收到你的来信,在信中,关于如何……你向我征求建议。 I am writing to give you some suggestions/give you a hand. 我写这封信的目的是给你一些建议/帮助。 When it comes to/As for...I would like to suggest/recommend... 当涉及/关于……我想建议…… The following are my suggestions./My suggestions are as follows. 我的建议如下。 You may consider doing the following things. 你可以考虑做如下的事情。 Here are three useful tips... 这有三条有用的建议…… It is important to do ...as... 做……很重要因为…… It also helps to do ...which will... 做……也有帮助,这将……


八种适合提建议的英语句型 用英语提建议的八个句型: A、用Shall we...?在表示建议或征求对方意见时,可用以Shall开头的一般疑问句。其肯定回答一般可用:All right, OK, Good idea等。 B 、用Let's...?表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一建议时要用以Let's 开头的祈使句。而Let us在表示让我们做某事时,不包括对方在内。如:Let's go and see the pandas. Let us go, will you?让我们去吧,好吗? C、用Why not...?Why not...?意思是:为什么不……?后接不带to的不定式(即动词原形)。Why not...?是省略了主语的省略形式,完整句Why don't you/they/we...?如:Why don't you go with me? Why don't you try again?=Why not try again? D、用What about...?意为“……怎么”后可接名词、的代词和动名词。如:What about going out for a walk? I'm going to the park.What about you? E 、用had better 意为“最好”,“还是……好”,常用于口语,后接动词原形。如:You had better stay at home. You'd better go now. F、用Don't...来表示建议,通常用于祈使句的否定形式中。如:Don't play in the street. Don't throw it like that. G、Would you like+短语?这个句型意思是“……怎么样?”后接sth. 或to do sth.如:Would you like another cup of tea? Would you like some colour pencils? H、Will you please+动词原形……?它的意思是“请你……好吗?”如:Will you please come tomorrow? Will you please pick it up?

表达提议 提出建议的英语功能句型

表达提议/提出建议的英语功能句型 句型一: Would you like / love (to do) sth.? 这是一个很委婉的表示建议的句型,并带有与对方商量的意味,意为“你想要(做)……吗”。如: —Would you like to go to the cinema with me? —Yes. I’d like / love to. 句型二:Shall I / we do sth.? 此句型是用来提建议或征求对方意见的,意为“我(们)做……好吗”,语气委婉,商量的语气较浓。如: Shall we go to the zoo 句型三:Let’s do sth. 当你觉得可以直截了当地向对方提出建议,让对方和自己一起去做某事时,常用该句型,意为“咱们做……吧。”该句型后常加附加问句“shall we”,使语气更加委婉。如: Let’s listen to this tape, shall we 句型四:主语+had(‘d) better (not) do sth..

该句型用于表示对下级、晚辈的劝告,往往带有命令、强制的语气,意为“某人最好(不要)做某事”。如: You’d bette r go to hospital at once. 句型五:Why not do sth.? 该句型是Why don’t you / we do sth.的省略式,表示向对方提出一种建议或询问某种原因,暗含有责备对方的意思,意为“为什么不……”。如: Why not go and ask your teacher? =Why don’t you go and ask your teacher? 句型六:What / How about (doing) sth.? 如果是在讨论式的谈话中,可用该句型提出一个建议或引出一个新话题。如: What about meeting outside the school gate? —My father is a worker. —What / How about your mother


提建议的句型: Why don’t you do(动词原形)sth?为什么不做某事呢?eg:Why don’t you hang out with us? Why not do sth?为什么不做某事呢? eg:Why not hang out with us? What/How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? eg:What/How about going to the movies? Let’s do sth. 让我们做某事吧 eg:Let’s take the dog for a walk. You’d better (not) do sth 你最好做(不做)某事 eg:You’d better take a taxi to school. Would you like to do sth?/sth? 你想要的做某事吗? eg:Would you like to sweep the floor? You/We could do sth. 你们(我们)可以去做某事 eg:You could buy your brother a schoolbag. You/We should do sth. 你们(我们)应该去做某事 eg:We should ask for teacher’s help. Shall we do sth? 我们去做某事,好吗? eg:Shall we go shopping together? 回答: 同意对方的建议 Good idea./That’s a good idea. 好主意 OK,/All right./Great.好/行/太好了 Yes,please./I’d love to. 是的,请吧/我愿意 No problem. 没问题 Sure./Of course./Certainly. 当然可以 I agree with you. I can’t agree more. 非常同意 委婉拒绝别人建议 Sorry,I can’t. I’d love to./I’d like to,but 我很乐意,但是 I don’t think so. I’m afraid... Sorry,but... What a pity! I have to ... 真遗憾!我得......

英语口语技巧 14种表达意见的方式

英语口语技巧 14种表达意见的方式 In life we're often asked to give our opinion, or in some cases, we give our opinion even if it hasn't been asked for! 生活中,经常有人会询问我们的意见,或者在某些情况下,即使没有被询问,我们也会给出自己的意见。 Sometimes we can be very direct with our opinion and it won't upset the other person. However, more often than not we need to be careful how we share our thoughts so as not to offend or hurt the other person's feelings. This can be especially true in business where cultural differences can have a detrimental effect on business dealings. 有时我们可以非常直接地表达我们的意见,且不会让别人不开心。但是,为了不伤害或冒犯到他人,我们通常需要小心翼翼的分享我们的想法。这在商界尤其重要,因为文化差异可能会对交易产生不利影响。 The British are especially careful when giving their opinion (in business, that is). They often don't want to cause offence and consequently, will start their sentences using certain expressions to soften the blow. A number of my clients have said that the British are very polite and considerate in their dealings with colleagues and clients. So much so, that the British way of doing business is often admired. 英国人在表达自己的意见时特别小心(在商界)。他们通常不想冒犯别人,所以开始会使用一些特定的表达来缓和接下来的内容。我的顾客中有很多人都说过英国人在和同事及顾客处理问题时都非常地礼貌和体贴。所以,英国人做生意的方式通常都是令人钦佩的。 In this post, I'd like to share with your some common expressions we have of giving one's opinion. I have used Liz Potter's excellent article for Macmillan Dictionary's blog as the main structure and made some changes to it. 在这篇文章中,我想分享一些在表达意见时会用到的常用词组。我用Liz Potter 为麦克米伦字典的博客写的一篇优秀文章作为主要结构,并做了一些改动。 1. I think This is the most common and general way of giving an opinion. You can use it both informally and formally I think if you offer a consistently good service to your clients, they will keep coming back to you. 1.I think这是最常用、最普遍的表达意见的方式。正式和非正式情况下都可以使用。我认为如果你给客户提供始终如一的优质服务,他们会一直选择你们的服务。


提建议的十种常用句型 发表时间:2009-04-13T16:52:52.590Z 来源:《校园英语》2009年第3期供稿作者:张运英[导读] 提建议的十种常用句型。 1. You should do sth. 意为“你应该做某事。”如:You should try to practice English.You should eat less before going to bed. 2. Would you like/love to do sth.? 意为“你愿意做某事吗?”如:Would you like to come upstairs with us? 3. Shall I/we … ? 意为“我(们)……好吗?”如:Shall we go out for a drink? 4. Let’s do sth. 意为“让我们做某事吧。”该句型后常带附加问句 shall we? 使语气更加委婉。如:Let’s try something different this time, shall we? 5. You had better (not) do sth. 意为“你最好(不要)做某事”如:You’d better tell us why you’re asking these questions. 6. Why not...? 或 Why don’t you/we...? 意为“为什么不……呢?”如:Why not go for a picnic this weekend?Why don’t we do that until 3:00 o’clock? 7. Will/Would/Could you please do sth.? 意为“请你做某事好吗?”如:Will you please join me for a drink? 8. What/How about doing sth.? 意为“……怎么样?”如:What about meeting outside the school gate? 9. If I were you, I would do sth. 意为“如果我是你,我就……”,这是虚拟语气,用来委婉地表达建议。如:If I were you, I would go to see him at once. 10. I hope you can … 意为“我希望你能……”如:I hope you can come to my birthday party this evening. 巩固练习: ( ) 1. — Ben, would you like to go out for a walk with us after supper? — ________ But I must finish my homework first. A. Of course not. B. That’s all right. C. Yes, I do. D. I’d love to. ( ) 2. — Why not go camping this weekend? — ________ A. You are right. B. Good idea! C. With pleasure. D. Never mind. ( ) 3. — The room is so dirty. ________ we clean it? — OK. Let’s get started right now. A. Will B. Would C. Do D. Shall ( ) 4. — ________ having something to drink? — Good idea. I’m very thirsty. A. What about B. Shall we C. Would you D. Why not ( ) 5. Be careful! The water is too hot. You’d better ________ it right now. A. do not drink B. not to drink C. not drink D. not drinking (Keys: 1~5 DBDAC)


提建议的几种常见表达法 1. What about / How about +n. (one's doing …)? “你认为……怎么样?”。例如: What about / How about a visit to Beijing this summer holiday? 今年暑假去北京旅游,你认为怎么样? 2. Why not + n. (do …)?= Why don't you / we do …? “你为何不……?”。例如: You are hungry. Why not a cake? 你饿了。为什么不吃块蛋糕呢? Since you want a new bicycle for your birthday,why not tell your parents about it? 既然你想要买一辆新的自行车来庆祝你的生日,为什么不告诉你的父母呢? 3. Will you do …,please?= Will you please do …?“请你……,好吗?”。这种句式也可以用否定问句形式来表达:Won't you do …?表示一种试探性的建议。例如: It's cold. Will you close the window,please? 天很冷,请你把窗子关起来,好吗? Will you please come to have dinner with me this evening,Mary? 玛莉,今晚跟我一起吃饭,好吗? -Won't you have more tea? 再喝点茶,好吗? -Yes,please (thanks ). 好,谢谢。 4. Would you do …?“你愿意……?”,还可以表达为:Would you please do …?= Would you like …/ to do …?= Would you be good enough to do …?等。例如: -Would you lend me your pen a minute? 你愿意把你的钢笔借给我用一会吗? -Certain I will. 当然可以。 -Would you be good enough to carry the box for me? 请您帮我拿一下这箱子,好吗? -With pleasure. 很乐意。 5. Shall / we do …/ “我们干……,好吗?”表示“意图”,是征询听话人的意见或意图,而不是表达说话人的意图。例如: Shall I get some chalks for you,Mr. Smith = Do you want me to get some chalks for you,Mr. Smith?史密斯先生,我给你拿点粉笔来,好吗? Shall we begin the meeting now?= Do you agree to our beginning the meeting now? 我们现在开始开会,好吗? 6. Let's do …,shall we?“让我们干……,好吗?”在表示“建议”的交际用语Let's …后,常常跟一个简短的问句…,shall we?以使口气变得更加客气一些。例如: -Let's meet at the entrance to the cinema,shall we? 我们在电影院入口处见,好吗? -OK. 行。 -Let's go out and have some coffee,shall we? 让我们出去喝点咖啡,好吗? -OK. Let's go. 行 #7. 主语+advise sb. (not )+to do …/ 主语+suggest (one's )doing …=主语+advise / suggest that sb. (should )do …“建议某人干……”。例如: I advised her not to believe him.


[用英语提建议的八个句型]英语中提建议句型 1.用Shallwe...?在表示建议或征求对方意见时,可用以Shall 开头的一般疑问句。其肯定回答一般可用:Allright,OK,Goodidea 等。 2.用Let"s...?表示“让我们”(包括双方在内)做某事“这一 建议时要用以Let"s开头的祈使句。而Letus在表示让我们做某事时,不包括对方在内。如: Let"sgoandseethepandas.Letusgo,willyou?让我们去吧,好吗? 3.用Whynot...?Whynot...?意思是:为什么不……?后接不带to 的不定式(即动词原形)。Whynot...?是省略了主语的省略形式, 完整句Whydon"tyou/they/we...?如: Whydon"tyougowithme?Whydon"tyoutryagain?=Whynottryagain? 4.用Whatabout...?意为“……怎么”后可接名词、的代词和动名词。如: Whataboutgoingoutforawalk?I"mgoingtothepark.Whataboutyou? 5.用hadbetter意为“最好”,“还是……好”,常用于口语,后接动词原形。如:Youhadbetterstayathome.You"dbettergonow. 6.用Don"t...来表示建议,通常用于祈使句的否定形式中。如:Don"tplayinthestreet.Don"tthrowitlikethat. 7.Wouldyoulike+短语?这个句型意思是“……怎么样?”后接 sth.或todosth.如: Wouldyoulikeanothercupoftea?Wouldyoulikesomecolourpencils? 8.Willyouplease+动词原形……?它的意思是“请你……好吗?”如:Willyoupleasecometomorrow?Willyoupleasepickitup?


建议信句型 开头 I’m glad to receive your letter for asking me how to ……. I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on ……. 我很高兴收到你的来信,问我关于……的问题 I’m very glad to receive your letter and it’s a pleasure to tell you something about…… 我很高兴收到你的来信,我很荣幸告诉你关于……的问题 After I read your letter, I am sorry to know that……读完你的信,我很难过地知道…… You asked me for my advice on …… and I will try to make some suggestions. 你询问我关于……的意见,我试着给一些建议。 Thanks for trusting me. It’s my pleasure to give you some suggestions/advice. 谢谢你相信我,我很荣幸给你一些建议 I am very glad to hear that you want to…听说你想要……我很高兴 I know you have trouble in…after reading your letter读完你的信后,我知道你做…有困难However, the situation is easy to change if you take my advice. Here are some tips to help you. / Here are a few suggestions.然而如果你采取我的意见,这个情形很容易改变,这是给你的一些建议 I think you can make it if you follow the advice below. I am writing to share some advice with you 我写信和你分享一些建议 In my personal opinion, it would be wise of you to take the following action. 在下认为,如果你能采取以下措施,将是一种明智的选择。 中间 It is important to do……做……是很重要的 It also helps to do……做……也有帮助 It should be a good idea to do……做……是个好主意 You can also do ……你也可以做…… I think it would be more helpful if you could do……我认为,如果你能做……很更有帮助 In my personal opinion, it would be wise of you to do….我个人认为,你做……是很明智的 If I were you, I would do …… 如果我是你,我会做…… I would like to suggest you should do……我建议你做…… Why not ……? / Why don’t you……? As far as I am concerned……/ In my opinion…… You had batter do …… / you must …… / you should …… Only in this way, can you ……

提出建议 英文

提出建议英文 Carrie同学最近心情不太好,她告诉我她有些麻烦了。那么用英语如何表达有麻烦了呢?“be in trouble”是一个很好的短语,表示某人正在麻烦中。如果麻烦比较大呢,还可以说:be in big trouble: I’m telling you that you’re in big trouble, be careful! 我要告诉你你麻烦大了,小心点! She’s in trouble, don’t bother her right now. 她现在有点烦,不要去打扰她。 现在我们学学如何用英语提出建议: 1.I tell you what, 让我告诉你,这是一句很口语话的句子,在这句话后面,放上你要建议的内容: I tell you what, this could be your lifetime chance. 我告诉你,这可是你一生难遇的机会。 Richard, I tell you what, I never liked this working environment. 理查德,我告诉你,我从来就没喜欢过这里的工作环境。 I tell you what, you and I are never gonna work out. 我告诉你,我们俩永远不可能的。 2. May I suggest that…我能建议,这是一种很有礼貌的用法,在“that”后面放上个从句,是你要建议的内容:

May I suggest that we shorten the noon break into half an hour? 我能建议我们把午休时间缩短到半个小时吗? May I suggest that the dinner is on me? 我能建议这顿饭我请吗? May I suggest that we work on this project independently? 我能建议我们独立地在这个项目中工作吗? 3. How about…怎么样,比较口语化的表达,在后面放上单词,短语,句子都可以: How about Candy, she’s one of the best applicants. 你觉得Candy怎么样,她是这批申请人当中比较优秀的一个。 How about playing tennis, you love doing it. 那就打网球吧,你喜欢打网球。 How about we start off early tomorrow morning, otherwise we won’t be able to make our plane. 我们何不明天一大早就出发,否则赶不上飞机了。 句型一: Would you like / love (to do) sth.? 这是一个很委婉的表示建议的句型,并带有与对方商量的意味,意为“你想要(做)……吗?”。如: —Would you like to go to the cinema with me?



II完型填空 Harry didn’t stop his car at some traffic-lights when they were 1,and he hit 2car. Harry jumped out and went to it. There was an old man in the car. He was very 3and said to Harry, “What 4? You nearly killed me!” “Yes,” Harry answered, “I’m very 5.”He took a bottle out of his car and said, “Drink some of this. Then you’ll feel 6.” He gave the man some whisky, and the man 7it, but then he shouted again, “You nearly killed me!” Harry gave him the bottle again, and the old man drank 8the whisky. Then he smiled and said to Harry, “Thank you. I feel much better now. But 9aren’t you drinking?” “Oh well,”Harry answered, “I don’t want any whisky now. I’m going to sit here and 10 the police.” ()1. A. yellow B. red C. green D. light ()2. A. other B. the C. others D. another ()3. A. happy B. afraid C. frightened D. sad ()4. A. do you do B. do you doing C. are you do D. are you doing

unit 提建议和回答建议的表达方法

(一)英语中常见的提建议的表达方式 1:Why don't you ,,,/ Why not ,,,?后接动词原形 例如: Why don't you have a picnic with us ?为什么不和我们一起去野餐呢 Why not get her a book ?为什么不给他买一本书呢/ 2; How about ,,,?/What about ...?后面接名词,代词或动名词。 例如: How/What about this blue scarf ?这条蓝色围巾怎么样呢 How /What about going fishing this afternoon ?今天下午去钓鱼怎么样呢 3;You'd better (not) do sth 意为“你最好(不)做某事。例如:” You'd better take off your coat ,It's hot inside.你最好脱下你的外套,里面很热。You’d better not sleep too late. It’s bad for your health. 你最好不要熬夜,那对你的健康有害。 4;Let's ...,shall we ? 后面接动词原形,意为“让我们…,好吗” Let 's take the children to the park ,shall we ?让我们带孩子去公园好吗 Let’s meet at seven o’clock , shall we? 让我们起点碰面,好吗 5:Shall we /I...? 后面接动词原形,意为“我们/我…好吗”,例如: Shall we go boating?我们去划船好吗 Shall I open the window ?我打开窗户好吗 6: Would you like ...?后接名词或动词不定式,意为“你。。。想要吗” 例如; Would you like a cup of tea ?r你想喝杯茶吗 Would you like to go shopping with us ?你想跟我们购物吗 7: Would/Could/Will/Can you please ...?后面接动词原形,意为“请。。好吗” 例如:Would you please turn down the radio ?请你把收音机的音量调小点好吗(二) 回答建议的表达方式 1:同意对方的建议时,一般用:


提建议的表达方式 (一)提建议的表达方式: 1. Why don't you... / Why not ...后接动词原形。如: Why don't you / Why not get him a book 你为什么不给他买本书呢 2. How about ... / What about ... 后接动名词(Ving)、名词或者代词宾格。如:How about / What about this blue scarf 这条蓝色围巾怎么样 3. You'd better (not) do sth. 意为“你最好(不)做某事。”如: You'd better take off your coat. It's too hot here. 【 你最好脱掉你的外套。这里太热了。 4. Let's ..., shall we Let's后接动词原形,意为“咱们……,好吗”,如: Let's go shopping, shall we 我们去购物吧,好吗 5. Shall we / I ...,如: Shall we go boating 我们去划船好吗 6. Would you like ... 后接名词(Ving)或动词不定式(to do),意为“你们/你想要……吗”,如: Would you like to go shopping with me 你愿意跟我一块儿去购物吗 ~ 7. Would you please ... 后接动词原形,意为“请你……好吗”,如: Would you please turn down the radio 请把收音机音量关小一点好吗 (二) 回答建议的表达方式: 1. 同意对方建议时,一般用: Good idea. / Sounds good. 意为“好主意。/听起来不错。” Yes, please. / I'd like / love to. 意为“是的,请。/我很乐意。” Sure. / Of course. / Certainly. 意为“当然。” No problem. 意为“没问题。” 2.拒绝对方的建议时,一般用: * Sorry, I can't. 意为“对不起,我不行。” I'd love / like to, but ... 意为“我很想,但是……” I'm afraid not. /I'm afraid can’t.意为“我恐怕不行。” 练习: 一、选择
