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Do you like shopping? Why?

Normally, shopping is the thing I loathe because it kills so much time. However, unfortunately my girlfriend is crazy about it. So I have to accompany her every time she goes.

这段话中有很多亮点高分词汇是很多考生甚少用到的。比如“loathe”是非常口语化的一个单词,意思是“极度不喜欢”,而往往很多考生只会使用dislike或者hate这样的单词。kill time消磨时间、crazy about疯狂喜欢、accompany陪伴,都是很好的词汇,考生可以参考学习。


Definitely, I am a born shopping freak and always have impulse buying uncontrollably. Unlike boys who think that window shopping is a waste of time and energy, I think even window shopping can make my day like magic.

词汇也使用的特别出色。“a born shopping freak”意思是天生的购物狂,很形象地描绘了自己对于购物的狂热。have impulse doing冲动买某物,window shopping随便看看,a waste of time and energy浪费时间和精力,这些都是很好的词组。


Where do you usually go shopping?

除了回答去哪里购物外,还可以说说为什么去那里,从环境、交通、产品或者服务等不同的角度去回答。建议使用句型“It depends (on) …”

It depends on what I want to buy. If I buy some daily necessities, I will go to a supermarket; if I look for some clothes, I will choose some shopping malls, franchised stores or those fancy boutiques. If I have a fairly tight budget, I might consider shopping online. Taobao is my favorite. There are millions of eye-dazzling products, the same stuff, the same quality, and much lower prices.

这篇范文就是从不同的产品出发,去描述去哪里购物。Daily necessity日常必需品、Franchised store专卖店、Fancy boutique精品时装店、Have a tight budget预算紧、Eye-dazzling product令人眼花缭乱的产品。


Would you buy things from the internet?

Yes的理由:the high level of convenience更方便快捷、the broader selection选择更广、competitive pricing价格优势、greater access to information信息更多、Worldwide market全球市场。

No的理由:Colour aberration色差问题、Patience for the delivery/shipping运输延迟问题、Quality problem质量问题。
