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• Taxonomy (分类学) — Organizing, classifying, and naming microorganisms
• Microorganism is a collective name, not a classifying name, because these subgroups are not closely related. • Such unrelated organisms are grouped as a common study subject called microbiology because they have two properties linking them: a. their small size; b. the common techniques for cultivating, identifying, studying and applying them.
Informal name (俗称): Staphylococcus aureus, Staphy (金黄色葡萄球 菌,金葡)
3 Classification systems 第三节 分类系统
• Five-kingdom system (五界系统): Whittaker system, traditional system • Three-domain system (三域系统): Woese system
第2章 微生物的命名与分类 Taxonomy of Microorganisms
A Microbiology Course by Bo CHEN (e-mail: qqchen36@126.com)
第一节 分类的级别 第二节 微生物的命名(双名法) 第三节 分类系统(五界系统、三域系统) 1. The levels of classification 2. Binomial system of nomenclature 3. Classification systems
8 levels
2 Binomial system of nomenclature 第二节 微生物的命名 (双名法)
• Binomial system: two-name system (双名法). Swedish botanist, Linnaeus (1701-1778). 学名, 拉丁名 • Latin: Genus name + species name (属名+种名). 属名: 名词; 种名: 形容词 • 中文: 种名+属名; 种名在前, 属名在后 • Staphylococcus aureus (金黄色葡萄球菌) • Escherichia coli (大肠埃希氏菌, 大肠杆菌) • 缩写: S. aureus; E. coli
*: qqchen36@126.com
Three-domain system (三域系统)
Woese system
• 根据: 16S rRNA 序列分析结果 • 16S rRNA: 分子化石,核糖体组成部分
Woese system (Three domains)
• Domain (域): 最初叫 superkingdom (超级界) • 3 domains: 原核细胞型分为2域 ⑴ Bacteria (细菌域): including: eubacteria, cyanobacteria. 注意古细菌的叫法: ⑵ Archaea (古生菌域): Archaebacteria (古细菌), including: archaebacteria. Archaea (古生菌√) ⑶ Eukarya (真核生物域): 真核细胞型合为1域 including: protista, fungi, plants, animals.
Байду номын сангаас
Moulds-Filamentous fungi
Penicillium (青霉 )
Rhizopus (根霉
Mushrooms (大型真菌, 蕈菌, 菌物)
The Kingdom Plantae (Plants) ⑷ 植物界
The Kingdom Animalia (Animals) ⑸ 动物界
补充:2 种细胞型的概念 • 原核细胞型:原核生物界(真细菌,蓝 细菌,古细菌) • 真核细胞型:原生生物界(微藻,原生 动物),真菌界(酵母菌,霉菌,蕈 菌),植物界,动物界
五界系统中, 微生物占三界
Question: • Cyanobacteria were also called bluegreen algae before, so what’s the difference between cyanobacteria and algae ?
Cyanobacteria-bacteria with photosynthesis
Rabbit Creek, Yellowstone National Park
The Kingdom Protista (Protists) ⑵ 原生生物界
• Microscopic algae (微藻) photosynthetic cells with rigid walls, unicellular. • Protozoa (原生动物 protozoans) animal-like creatures that feed on other live or dead organisms and lack cell walls. • 都是真核细胞;与植物、动物的区别
1 The levels of classification 第一节 分类的级别
Domain:域 Most general Kingdom:界
Phylum (phyla):门
Most specific (in descending order) Family:科 Genus (genera):属 Species:种
The Kingdom Fungi (Myceteae) ⑶ 真菌界
• Yeasts (酵母菌, unicellular fungi) • Moulds (霉菌, molds, filamentous fungi 丝状 真菌) • Mushrooms (大型真菌)
Yeasts-unicellular fungi
What about viruses ?
• What’s the position of viruses in classification systems?
What about viruses ?
• Note: Viruses are not included in any of the classification systems, because they are not cells! They are noncellular microbes!
Five-kingdom system
( 五 界 系 统 )
Traditional Whittaker classification system
The Kingdom Procaryotae (Monera) ⑴ 原核生物界
• • • • • • • • Eubacteria (真细菌) Cyanobacteria (蓝细菌) Archaebacteria (古细菌 archaeobacteria) 都是原核细胞 所有原核生物都是微生物 (原核微生物) 真细菌:无光合作用 蓝细菌:有光合作用 古细菌:生理、遗传与真细菌存在很大差异