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路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
•See More
Four Elements of Strategy
Market and Products Growth Vector Competitive Advantage Synergy:Total outcome are more than
sum of all parts.
•1 •Where should we compete?(Which markets
, and which segments should we concentrate on
•2 ? •W)hat products should we compete with
•3 ?•How will we gain sustainable competitive advantage in these chosen markets?
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Kenneth R.Andrews’ Definition
The Concept of Corporate Strategy, 1971
Strategy is target, intent, purpose, and the model of which a firm formulates main policies and plan in order to achieving the target. The model defines the business scope which the firm is doing, and should do. The model also defines the business type which the firm is in, and should be in.
activities .
•?Address the Questions ?
路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下而求索
Which businesses to be in ?
How to run them? •6
•Competitive Strategy
•How to achieve sustainable competitive advantage in given
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Understanding Synergy
•Suppose •Oi—Cost of Product i
Fra Baidu bibliotek
•Si– Sales of Product i
•(ROI)--Return on Investment
•Suppose ROI of Company i’ product Pi is as follow
g strategy
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•Financial strategy
•Personne l strategy
•And so
Section 2: Definitions of Strategy
Kenneth R.Andrews H.I.Ansoff H.Mintzberg Our definition
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H.Igor.Ansoff’ Definition
Corporate Strategy, 1965
The strategy is a common business line throughout the firm’s business, products and market. It defines the basic nature of the business that a firm is doing, and plans to do.
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Classification of Strategy
•Macro level
•Enterprise level
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•National Economy
•Local Economy
•Industrial Economy
•Corporate Strategy •SBU’s Strategy •Functional
The Three Levels of Strategy
•Corporat e
•SBU s
•Corporate Strategy •Thise way a company creates value
through the configuration and coordination of its multi-market
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Chapter 1: An Introduction To
Strategic Management
•S •T •R •A •T
•E •G •Y
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Section 1:What is Strategy
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•Functional strategy •is concerned with interpreting the role of the function or department in delivering the competitive strategy
•Every Competitive Strategy Can be Translated into Congruent X Strategies
In Ancient •Besiege Wei rescue Zhao
•Pretend to advance along one path while secretly going along another; do one thing under cover of another.
In Greece: Strategos means arts and science that a general command and direct army.