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E.g. 1) E.g. Pretty as she is, she is not clever. 2)Child as he was, he had to make a living.
”+as(though) 引导的让步状语从句中。
也:当So/neither /nor位于句
在象声词或以out、in、up、 down、away等副词开头的句 子里。
Eg. a. Crackle, crackle, crackle came the gun and the young soldier felt very frightened. b. Out rushed the children. (特注)在上述五种句子中,如果 主语为人称代词,则不需要倒装。 Eg. In he came and back he went again.
E.g. 1)Should I be free this afternoon, I would come and help you with your ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱesson. 2)Were I in your place. I would not be fit for your job.
had/were动词时),常省去if,将should, had/were放到主语前。
【口诀助记 1】 ①NB前倒后不倒 ( Not only…,but also… ) ② O,NU主倒从不倒, (only+状语从句;NU代 表Not until+状语从句)
③2N前倒后也倒,(2N代表 Neither…nor…) ④NM前后均不倒 (NM即 No matter…引导的状语从 句)
E.g. a. Here is the seat for you. b. There goes the bell.
E.g. a. Here is the seat for you. b. There goes the bell.
E.g. May you succeed.
Thank you for your listening
Only在句首,修饰副词,介 词词组或状语从句时。
E.g. 1)Only then did he find it important to get along with others. 2)Only in this way can we make great progress.
祝愿: 当may等位于句首 表示祝愿时,用部分倒装。
至句首时,有时也可引起部分倒 装。 1)Well do I remember the day that I saw a terrible accident on that road. 2)Many a time has he given me good advice.
【口诀助记 2】
五全八部话倒装: 1.有、时、表、地、方 2.不、只、让步、也、常、需、 如此、祝愿
有:There be (exist、happen、
live、appear、lie、occur、rise 、seem、come、remain、stand 等)句型中。
E.g. a. There are at least thousands of people in the square. b. There stands a tall tree in front of our school gate.
now、then等副词开头的句 子里。
在句首时。 E.g. a. At the foot of the hill lies a beautiful lake. b. Under the tree was lying a wounded soldier.
只: Only在句首,修饰副词,介词
E.g. 1)Only then did he find it important to get along with others. 2)Only in this way can we make great progress.
3)Only after he came back were you able to see him. (注解) 以关联连词not only...but also 开首的句子前面也用倒装。 Eg. Not only did they steal his books, but they also tore up his manuscripts.
首,表示前面所说情况也适用于 另一人(或物)时。
• E.g. You say Tom went to the ball yesterday. So he did, and so did I. • —I didn't mean what I said, you know. —Neither (Nor) did I. • (注)So it is (was)with 的句型或者当So表示 “的确如此,确实是这样”,常不倒装。
2. 八个部分倒装
never, hardly, seldom, rarely, scarcely 以及not until, no sooner...than, hardly...when, ...no...等。
• E.g. a. Seldom had I seen such a beautiful picture. b. Hardly had I arrived home when the phone rang.