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1、What is the current account balance of France when the French budget surplus is


million Euros, private saving is 256 million Euros, domestic capital formation is 134 million



National saving = private saving + government saving = 256+348=604 million Current account balance = national saving –domestic real investment = 604-134=470 million

附:Current account balance(CA)=net foreign investment(If)

National saving(S)=domestic real investment(Id)+net foreign investment(If)

If=CA=S-Id , CA=Y(domestic production of goods and services)-E(total expenditures on goods and services)

2、Which of the following transactions could contribute to a British current account


Explain why

a French firm sells defense equipment to the British government for 250 million pounds in bank deposits

b Great Britain makes a gift of $500 million to the Iraqi government to aid in


c The Unite

d States borrows 200 million pounds on a short-term basis from th

e British government to buy 200 million pounds in textiles from Great Britain.

C:merchandise exports——current account surplus

A:merchandise imports——current account deficit

B:unilateral transfer——current account deficit

3、You are provided with the following information about a country’s international transactions

during a given year:

Service exports $346

Service imports $354

Merchandise exports $480

Merchandise imports $348

Income flows, net $153

Unilateral transfers, net $142

Increase in the country’s holding of foreign assets, net

(excluding official reserves assets) $352

Increase in foreign holdings of the country’s assets, net

(excluding official reserve assets) $252

Statistical discrepancy, net $154

a.Calculate the official settlements balance and the current account


b.Is the country increasing or decreasing its net holdings of official reserve

assets? Why?

A: Current account balance=net credits –net debits on(the flow of goods ,services ,income and unilateral transfer)=(346—354)+(480—348)+153—142 = 135

Financial account balance= foreign holdings of the country’s assets –the country’s holding of foreign assets =—352 + 252 = —100

So, official settlement balance(B)=CA balance + financial account balance= 135 —100=35

B: Current account balance = 132—8+153—142=135

B = CA + FA = 135 + (—100)= 35

B + OR + Statistical discrepancy = 0

OR = —189

Increase in net holdings of official reserve asset
