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1. ①I have a lot of work to do. 我有很多工作要做。

I have a lot of books to read.

此句中的have作“有”讲,后面的to do是定

语,修饰名词work。to do 与work之间呈逻辑上的动宾关系,因此to do后面不能再跟宾语。

Engish is hard to learn it

②I am going to Beijing tomorrow.

Do you have anything to be taken to your grandmother?


I have something to do

此句中的have仍作“有”讲,后面的to be taken to your grandmother作定语,修饰anything。

从意义上讲, anything只能是“明天被带给”你的祖


2. The soldiers had the boy stand with his back to his father. 士兵们让那男孩背对他的父亲站着。


“had the boy stand”相当于“let the boy stand”或“get the boy to stand”。

Let sb do

Make sb do

Have sb do

Get sb to do

3. ①I’ve just had some photos taken. 我刚才照了几张照片。

②She had her leg broken in the match.


③We won’t have anything said against our motherland. 我们绝不允许任何人说祖国的坏话。

④ A week ago, I had a hundred dollars saved. 一星期之前我存了100美元。

“have sth done”结构中的过去分词作宾语补足语用。句①表示的是请别

人照像,相当于“asked somebody else to take some photos”或“got some photos taken”。句②中,她在比赛中摔断腿是一种意外的不幸或灾难,相当于“got her leg broken”。句③表示不允许某件事发生。宾语“anything”与“said”之间呈现逻辑上的被动关系。句④中的had有完成或解决某事之意。存钱的不是别人,而是句子主语自己。

4. The night before the procession, the two cheats had the lights burning all night long. 在游行的前一天夜里,这两个骗子让灯通夜亮着。Keep sth doing

“have sb/sth doing”表示“使某种情况发生”,其中的现在分词作宾语补足语用,说明现在分词与宾语为主动关系。其否定结构表示“不允许(不能

让)某种情况发生”之意。例如: We won’t have you talking to Mother like that。我们不允许你那样和妈妈说话。

Not have sth doing Be not allowed to do sth

Not allow doing sth

5. They had people coming to dinner. 他们有客人来吃饭。


“有”,有时也可将这种结构中的have灵活译出。coming在句中作宾语补足语用。又如: I woke up at night only to have water dripping through the ceiling. 我夜里醒来发现天花板往下滴水。

6. We had no trouble (in) finding his house. 我们毫不费劲地找到了他的家。


have a problem (in) doing sth (做某事有问题),

have difficulty (in) doing sth (做某事有困难),

have a difficult time (in) doing sth (做某事有困难),

have a struggle (in) doing sth (做某事很费劲),

have fun (in) doing sth (做某事很有趣),have a good/wonderful/pleas ant time (in) doing sth (做某事很愉快)。

Spend ….(in) doing sth

Prevent ….(from) doing sth

Stop ….(from) doing sth

Keep …. from doing sth

Keep away from doing sth

Be busy (in) doing sth


1. —What have you_______ hydrogen, Mary?
