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Barber basketball player butcher bus driver businessman

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )


()1. A. meet B. read C. peas

( ) 2. A. secretary B. magician C. taxi driver

( ) 3. A. old B. cold C. fold

( ) 4. A thick B. think C. thank

( ) 5. A. Move your chair. B. Wave your hand. C. Talk on the phone.

( ) 6. A. practice volleyball B. play the piano C. exercising

( ) 7. A .water the plants B. wash the clothes C. clean the windows

( ) 8. A. go to the hospital B. go to the movie theater C. go to the restaurant

( ) 9. A.I brush my teeth at 6:45. B.I get dressed at 7:15. C. I eat dinner at 5:50. ( ) 10. A. She likes playing cards. B. He likes making models. C. It likes watering TV.

三、听朗读,为你听到的问句找出合适的答句,将正确答案的字母代号填入括号内。(10分)()1. A. Yes, I am. B. No, I can’t. C. No, she isn’t.

( ) 2. A. I get up at 8:12 on Sunday. B. He does his homework at 6:35. C. She gets home at 6:15 ( ) 3. A. Yes, she is. B. No, she doesn’t. C. No, he isn’t.

( ) 4. A .I’m going to the park.. B. They’re going to the beach. C. He’s going to the bank. ( ) 5. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. Yes, she does.



( ) 1. __________ Tom and John playing basketball ?

A. Is

B. Are

C. Am

( ) 2. __________ these Gogo’s slippers ?

A. Is

B. Am

C. Are

( ) 3. __________ Jenny want to go home ?

A. Is

B. Do

C. Does

( ) 4. What you doing ? We eating.

A. am, are


C. is,are

( ) 5. ________ keys are these ? I don’t know . Let’s ask Ben.

A. Where

B. Whose

C. Who’s

( ) 6. What do you _______? I’m a police officer.

A. do

B. want to do

C. like doing

( ) 7. _____________ Jenny’s shirts.

A. These are

B. Are these

C. Is this

( ) 8. Do you like _________? No, I _________.

A. cooking ,don’t

B. cook, am not

C. cook , am

( ) 9. What do you want to _______? I want to be a fire fighter.

A. do

B. be

C. go

( ) 10. Peter ____________________.

A. like visiting his friends

B. likes visiting his friends

C. likes visit his friends

五、连词成句。 (请注意标点符号) (10分)

1. hospital , to, are, going, the, they (?)


2. school, time, do, what, go, you, to (?)


3. doing, does, Lisa, like, what (?)


4. you, books, do, comic, like, reading (?)


5. the , ice skate, can’t, at, you, beach (.)


六、在方框里选择正确的单词填空。(每个单词只能用一次,句子开头要大写。) (10分)

1.___________ are you going ?

2. I like _________________________.

3.__________ your knees, please.

4. We ’re ___________________________.

5. ________________ do


brush your teeth ?



( )1. What are you doing? A. Sorry, I can’t.

( )2. Is she sweeping the floor? B. It’s Sunday.

( )3. Are they cleaning the windows? C. I ’m doing the dishes.

( )4. Can you play basketball? D. Yes ,she is .

( )5. What day is it today? E. No , the y aren’t.


1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________



一、1.butcher 2.businessman 3.Barber 4. basketball player 5. bus driver

