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学号 1





善意取得制度是民法中一项重要的制度,其形成发展历史悠久,在各国立法中均占有重要地位。一般认为,善意取得制度起源于日耳曼法中的“以手护手”原则。近现代民法的善意取得制度是在“以手护手”原则的基础上,吸纳了罗马法取得时效中的善意要件,才得以产生并发展起来的。善意取得制度适用于动产,己为法学界广为认可。对于我国善意取得制度的建立,《中华人民国物权法》( 以下简称《物权法》) 的颁布无疑具有里程碑式的意义。《物权法》不仅首次在立法层面上确立了善意取得制度,而且在善意取得的构造方面独树一帜,力推“一体化”模式,别异于其他国家或地区之立法。

我国《物权法》在第106条明确规定了不动产善意取得制度,但是第三人善意作为此制度重要的构成要件之一,我国物权法对其规定却是模糊不明确的。如:过失时如何认定第三人善意。当受让人是轻过失或轻微过失时此过失的造成往往是由于受让人不具备相关专业知识造成,若将此注意义务强加给受让人会造成受让人在不动产交易时的谨小慎微,甚至陷入“恶魔证明”,显然与善意取得初衷相违背; 当受让人有重大过失时则不应认定为善意,此时受让人有违一般人交易之注意义务,应承担交易之不利后果,否则对原所有权人有违公平正义。笔者认为应在客观上对善意作出合理的解释,即为善意的认定制定一些客观化的判断依据。笔者在本文中从客观角度论述不动产善意取得制度之善意要件。







The Study on the Third Person in Good Faith of the Bona Fide Acquisition of Real Property in China


The Bona Fide Acquisition is an important system in civil law, which has a long history and occupies an important position in all countries in the world. In generally, The Bona Fide Acquisition originated from” Hand in hand with Protection” Principle of Germanic.Modem civil law of the good faith system is on the basis of the principle of "hand in hand”, and absorbs goodwill elements in the Roman law usucapion, to produce and develop. For the establishment of the good faith system in our country, the property law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the "property law") undoubtedly has the milestone significance. The property law not only established the good faith system in the legislative level for the first time, and in the construction of good faith, pushed” integration" mode, which was different from those of the legislation of other countries or regions.

"Property law" in article 106 stipulates clearly the system of real property in good, but the third person in good faith as a system, one of the important component of the property law in China, is not clear and vague. For example, what is considered about fault when the third person

in good faith. When the assignee is light fault or a misdemeanor, as a result of the negligence of tend to be the transferee does not have relevant professional knowledge. If the duty of care imposed on the assignee will cause the transferee timidity in real estate transactions, even in "demon proof”, which obviously conflicts with good faith purpose. When the assignee with gross negligence, should not be recognized as goodwill. The receiving party is against the duty of care as average person, who should bear the adverse consequences of the transaction. Otherwise the original owner contrasts to justice. The author thinks that should be objectively made a reasonable explanation on goodwill, which for the cognizance of goodwill provides some objective judgment. The author in this article studies goodwill, from the objective Angle of the system of real property.

The first chapter is an overview of the goodwill in the Bona Fide Acquisition, which respectively expounds the concept of good faith, to the specific requirements of the characteristics of goodwill and goodwill, to the connotation of the goodwill clearly revealed.

The second chapter is the analysis made in the judgment of goodwill and ruled out. First of all, the real estate in good faith judgment of goodwill, the author analyzes several theories, namely the positive and negative. After the property law initiated by a system of our country's first real property in good-Chengdu "nanny stolen master houses" case, finally the author comes to the conclusion in favor of goodwill negative said. Secondly the author discusses the goodwill is ruled out, respectively: knowing of unauthorized disposition; unauthorized disposition should be known, unknown situations.

The third chapter is the analysis obtained evidence of goodwill in point, with Ye Bingsong v. Liu Xiaofeng Zhou Zhonglan couples in home sales, to explain the evidence obtained time effect on the court.

The fourth chapter is the analysis made in the goodwill of the burden of proof.

KEY WORDS: The Bona Fide Acquisition,GOODWILL,PROOF
