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人教版小学英语五年级下册Exercise Fifteen周末小练习

姓名__________ 班级______ 家长签字:


画画____________________ 做运动____________________ 看望祖父母____________________ 做饭__________________ 堆雪人____________________ 种树____________________

捉蝴蝶__________________ 接电话____________________ 打扫房间____________________ 洗碗____________________ 喝水____________________ 照相____________________

上语文课__________________ 观察昆虫____________________采摘树叶____________________ 看电视__________________ 做实验____________________ 二.选词填空。

too at for with to in on

1.Tom ______(am/is/are)speaking ______ his friend.

2. Koalas live ______Australia.

3. Her father ______ (am/is/are)writing a letter ______his study.

4. Please hold ______.

5. Dad, there ______ (am/is/are) a call ______ you.

6. Linda usually ______ (get/gets/geting) up ______ 7:00 a.m..

7. John’s father’s birthday is ______ March 24th.

8. Zip likes winter. I like winters, ______. Because I can play ______ snow.

9. Zoom likes to climb mountains ______ the weekend.10. Please look ______me.


( ) 1. John 接到电话时介绍他自己,用英语应该怎么说:

A. I’m John.

B. This is John

( ) 2. 你想问别人的生日是什么时候,你用英语应该怎么说:

A. When is your birthday?

B. Happy birthday to you.

( ) 3.当你给别人道晚安时,你应该说:.

A. Good evening.

B. Good night.

( ) 4.当你想问别人今天是几号时,你用英语应该怎么说:

A. What day is it ?

B. What’s the date?

C. What’s the date today?

( ) 5. 当你告诉别人你喜欢冬天时,你应该怎么说:.

A. I like water

B. I live winter.

C. I like winter.

( ) 6.当别人打电话给你家人,你让别人不要挂电话,英英语应该怎么说:

A. Thank you.

B. wait.

C.Hold on, please.

( ) 7.你告诉别人在周末你通常八点半起床,你应该说:

A. I do get up on the weekend.

B. I usually get up at 8:30 on the weekend.

( ) 8. 当你想知道对方正在干什么时,用英语应该怎么说:

A. What do you like?

B. What are you doing?

( ) 9. 你告诉别人你也喜欢冬天,你用英语应该怎么说;

A. I like winter.

B. I like winter, too.

C. I like winter, either.

( ) 10. 当老师问你你的同桌正在做什么时,你应该回答;

A. I am having English class.

B. He is reading a book.


1. A:______________________________ B: I often watch TV on the weeekend.

2.A:______________________________ B: No, I am answering the phone.

3.A:______________________________ B:They are fighting.

4.A:______________________________ B: It’s cold and windy today.

5.A:______________________________ B: It’s January 1st.

四.抄默写三四单元对话。(学生请自觉在草稿纸上默写,熟练之后默写于此次练习卷上)第三单元:(My Birthday Page 27.)

第四单元:(What are you doing? Page 44)
