


1.When can the man return the book, according to the woman?

A.Next Monday

B. Next Wednesday

C. Next Friday

2.Why does the man look sad?

A.He was punished by his parents

B.He got a poor grade

C.He didn’t work hard

3.What doesn’t the man like?


B. Chicken

C. Meatballs

4.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.The man is very excited

B.The woman wants a better house

C. The woman is satisfied with her new house

5.Where will the woman go at the weekend?


B.New York University




6.How long has the man been traveling?

A.For one year.

B. For three months

C.For half a year

7.What was the man doing during that time?

A.Doing business

B. Sight-seeing.

C.Visiting friends


8.What is Yo-Yo Ma?

A. A singer

B. A cello player

C. A painter

9.Where was Yo-Yo Ma born?

A.In China

B. In France

C. In America


10.What are the two speakers talking about?

A.How to deal with Christmas

B.Christmas traditions in different families

C.Interesting ideas for a meaningful Christmas

11.What did the man do at Christmas when he was a child?

A.Have a party with his grandparents

B.Pay visits to his neighbors

C.Go on a trip with his family

12.What does the man like during the Christmas?

A.Going shopping

B.Exchanging presents

C.Getting together with friends and family


13.Why didn’t the woman go to the man’s wedding?

A.She had an appointment

B.She didn’t receive the invitation

C.She was having her computer repaired

14.Who is the woman?

A.The ma n’s client

B.The man’s friend

C.The man’s assistant

15.What did the woman do yesterday?

A.She stayed at home

B.She watched a movie

C.She went camping

16.What does the woman want to do for the man’s wedding?

A.Have lunch with him

B.Prepare food for him

C.Send him an email


17.Where does Mr.Bolles advise people to publish their resume?

A.A job bank

B. Campus websites

C. Community boards

18.What will the website do after you publish your resume?

A.It will send you job listings

B.It will call you to talk about your career

C.It will send your resume to some companies

19.How many methods are recommended to find a job in what you have heard?


B. Four

C. Five

20.What is the best way to find a job, according to the experts?

A.Local community libraries

B.. Networking

C.Job fairs

阅读:40分 A

What the weather looks like today? Harmful rays are dangerous even on cold, cloudy days. Sunscreen is important year-round protection no matter where you are.

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Apply Sun Veil's disappearing blue-colored sunscreen to all exposed skin. The blue color disappears as you rub Sun Veil Sunscreen onto the skin. The coloring is safe and easily washes from most clothing. For best results, allow Sun Veil Sunscreen to dry for 15—30 minutes before exposure to the sun.


Discontinue use immediately, if the skin becomes painful or there are some red spots.

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If you're interested in our product, just order now! $20.00 for one bottle. There will be a 10% discount if you buy two at one time, and a 15% discount for three or more!

21.Different activities are mentioned to show that Sun Veil Sunscreen is .

A.popular with all the ages B.available wherever you are

C.better than others on the market D.necessary whatever you do

22.Sun Veil Sunscreen is a product which .

A.is suitable for people of all ages

B.can protect the skin for a whole day

C.will be difficult to damage once applied

D.can be bought only online

23.Which of the following statements is true about Sun Veil Sunscreen?

A.When you rub this sunscreen onto your skin, the blue color will disappear.

B.It must be dry for one hour before you go outdoors.

C.It's popular with all colored people.

D.If this sunscreen is ineffective, you can get half of your money.

24.How much should you pay for Sun Veil Sunscreen in all, four pieces of it at first and one more piece a week later?

A.$51.00 B.$1,100.00

C.$69.00 D.$88.00


The world is not coming to an end on December 21, 2012, the US space agency insisted Monday in a rare campaign to dispel (消除) widespread rumors(谣言) fueled by the Internet and a new Hollywood movie.

The latest big screen offering from Sony Picture, 2012, arrives in theaters on Friday, with a 200 million dollar production about the end of the world supposedly based on myths backed by the Mayan calendar. It is claimed that the end of time will come as a Planet X —or Nibiru — heads toward or collides (冲撞) with the Earth.

Some websites accuse NASA of hiding the truth on the planet’ s existence, but t he US space agency denounced(指责)such stories as an “Internet hoax (恶作剧)”. “There is no factual basis for these claims,” NASA said in a question and answer posting on its website. “If such a collision were real, astronomers would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it would be visible by now to the naked eye. Obviously, it does not exist. Credible scientists worldwide know of no threat associated with 2012,” it insisted. “After all, our planet has been getting along just well for more t han four billion years,” added NASA.

There is another planet, Eris, floating in space. But the small planet similar to Pluto will remain safely fixed in the outer solar system and it can come no closer than four billion miles to the Earth, according to NASA.

Initial theories set the disaster for May 2003, but when nothing happened the date was moved forward to the winter in 2012 to coincide with the end of a cycle of the ancient Mayan calendar.(玛雅日历)

NASA insisted the Mayan calendar in fact does not end on December 21, 2012, as another period begins immediately afterward.

And even if the planets were to line up as some have forecast, the effect on our planet would be “negligible”, NASA said.

“And while comets and asteroids (小行星) have always hit the Earth, big hits are very rare,” NASA noted. The last major impact was believed to be 65 million years ago,resulting in the end of dinosaurs.

“We have already determined that there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs,” the spac e agency said.

25. _____ played a key role in the spread of the rumors.

A. A new book

B. The Internet and a new Hollywood movie


D. An Indian calendar

26. We can infer that _____.

A. people didn’t take the rumor seriously

B. Planet X — or Nibiru does exist

C. astronomers have been tracking Planet X for over ten years

D. the rumor caused a panic among some people

27. NASA thinks that Eris _____.

A. might pose a threat to the Earth

B. doesn’t pose any threat to the Earth

C. is too far away to be visible

D. is similar to our planet, where life might exist

28. Which of the following is the best title?

A. New Hollywood movie 2012

B. December 21, 2012, NOT the end of the world

C. End of the ancient Mayan calendar

D. How rumors came into being


No one can deny that buttons are an important clothing device. But , can they rise to the level of art ? Organizers of an exhibit in New York think so.

Peter Souleo Wright organized “The Button Show” at Rush Arts Gallery in the Chelsea neighborhood of Manhattan . Eleven artists used the small , ordinary objects to create sculptures , portraits and wearable art . Some of the works are political , some are personal and others are just fun.

Wright said each artist reimagines and repurposes the buttons to make art . “What I tried to do with this show,” he said , “ was to look at artists who were promoting that level of craft.”

He said he wanted the button art to be comparable to a painting “because of the amount of detail and p recision in the work”.

Artist Beau McCall produced “A Harlem Hangover”. It looks like a wine bottle that fell over on a table . A stream of connected red buttons hang over the side, like wine flowing down . Similar red buttons form a small pool on the floor .

McCall layers buttons of different shapes and sizes to create the bottle. The stitching that holds them together is also part of the artistic design.

For San Francisco-based artist Lisa Kokin , buttons are highly personal . After her father died in 2001, she created a portrait of him using only buttons. That memorial to her father led to other button portraits , including those of activists Rosa Parks and Cesar Chavez .

Others use buttons for details. Artist Amalia Amaki of Tuscaloosa , Alabama , placed them on and around old photographs. Los Angeles artist Camilla Taylor attached buttons to three large sculptures that look like headless animals with long , narrow legs.

“The Button Show” ends at March 12. The Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation paid for the exhibition. The foundation was created in 1995 by the Simmons brothers:artist Danny , hip-hop producer Russell and rapper Rev﹒Run. The foundation seeks to bring the artists to urban youth and to provide support for new artists .

29.Why did Wright org anize “The Button Show”?

A. To show the importance of buttons .

B. To support the new artists .

C. To raise the button show to the level of art .

D. To create sculptures and portraits .

30.Whose works are personal ?

A. Peter Souleo Wright .

B. Beau McCall .

C. Lisa Kokin .

D. Amalia Amaki .

31. If you want to see “The Button Show” , you should ____________.

A. buy tickets before March 12

B. phone Peter Souleo Wright before March 12

C. go to Rush Arts Gallery

D. go to the Rush Philanthropic Arts Foundation


It was graduation day at Etihad Training Academy,where the national airline of the United Arab Emirates holds a seven-week training course for new flight attendants.

Despite her obvious pride, Ms. Fathi,a 22-year-old from Egypt,was amazed to find herself here.“I never in my life thought I’d work abroad,” said Ms. Fathi,who was a university student in Cairo when she began noticing newspaper advertisements employing young Egyptians to work at airlines based in the Persian Gulf.

Twenty years ago, unmarried Arab women like Ms.Fathi,working outside their home countries,were rare.But just as young men from poor Arab nations poured into the oil-rich Persian Gulf states for jobs,more young women are doing so.

Flight attendants have become the public face of the new mobility for some young Arab women,just as they were the face of new freedoms for women in the United States in the 1950s and 1960s.They have become a subject of social anxiety and fascination in much the same way.

For many families, allowing a daughter to work may call her virtue into question.Yet this culture is changing,said Musa Shteiwi,a sociologist at Jordan University in Amman.“We’re noticing more and more single women going to the gu lf these days,” he said.“It’s still not exactly common,but over the last four or five years it’s become quite an observable phenomenon.”

Many of the young Arab women working in the Persian Gulf take delight in their status as pioneers,role models for their friends and younger female relatives. Young women brought up in a culture that highly values community,have learned to see themselves as individuals.The experience of living independently and working hard for high salaries has

forever changed their beliefs about themselves,though it can also lead to a painful sense of separation from their home countries and their families.

—From New York Times (December 22,2014)

32.It can be inferred from the passage that young Arab women _________.A.go to work abroad after American women’s example

B.didn’t start to work abroad until the late 20th century

C.are commonly used to living and working separately

D.expect to take the same family responsibilities as men

33.According to the passage,the Arab women flight attendants can be described as


A.proud,homesick or independent B.honest,outstanding or optimistic C.mature,enthusiastic or energetic D.painful,desperate or conservative 34.How do the public respond to young Arab women’s new mobility?

A.The public think highly of it. B.The public care very little about it.

C.The public show both interest and anxiety. D.The public are strongly against it. 35.The author intends to tell the readers that __________.

A.Arab women can hardly find any work

B.flight attendants are badly needed in the gulf

C.flight attendants lead quite a different life

D.young Arab women’s values are changing


Today we are on the go, at our desks and even in front of computers. We eat

takeout, delivered and packged meals 36 .

“Over the past three decades, people have started eating out more than ever before and purchasing more prepared foods at the grocery store, which tend to contain more fat, salt and sugar than their homemade equivalents,” noted US healthy living website SparkPeople.

37 It encourages us to value the time we spend preparing, sharing and consuming food, as a recent USA Today article put it.It all started in 1986 with the efforts of Slow Food’s founding father, Italian activist Carlo Petrini, who wanted to bring back food varieties and flavors that had gone dark in the face of industrialization. 38 Now, his ideas are almost the mainstream .

Starting at the table, the movement promotes an unhurried way of life founded on the idea that everyone has a right to culinary pleasure, and that everyone must also take responsibility to “protect the heritage(遗产) of food, tradition and culture that make this celebration of the senses possible”, wrote The Phnom Penh Post.

“ 39 It means turning down the speed at which we eat and increasing the amount of time we spend dining together with other people,” Al thea Zanecosky, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association, told The Huffington Post.

“ 40 Dinner table conversations keep families together,” noted the Belgian non-profit organization Greenfudge.

A. It is a way to bring back the social togetherness of yesterday.

B. It seems that we have adapted our foods to our fast-paced lives.

C. So, the Slow Food Movement has occurred against this fast-food trend.

D. Slow Food doesn’t necessarily mean food that takes a long time to cook.

E. It is based on the idea that we should spend as much time as possible on cooking.

F. It’s not only the food itself but also the time we spend dining together that matters.

G. At that time, he asked people to follow a more sustainable(可持续的)living model.



One day, I went to my favorite cafe for lunch. I 4l_ a burner and to the outdoor seats. While waiting for my meal, a homeless man on a bicycle stopped to ask if there was a grocery store nearby . After I gave him 42_, he asked if 1 had 43_from Santa Clara University.(I was wearing it SCU T-shirt. )I told him, yes. Little did I know that this 44 response would lead to a 90 minute conversation. The man, Michael, told me he was very intelligent. 45 , drug use had ruined both his formal education and his pursuit of 46 in his work .He drifted from one topic to another, 47, the fact that I was ready for my lunch. He clearly had more of a 48 to talk than I did. I made ever 49 to give him my full attention never 50 our talk would go on and on ......Eventually, I did eat my meal, bite by bile 51_responses in our conversation. Michael was a bit Strange, 52 his interests and viewpoints. We had little in 53 , but he was fascinated with talking with, as he 54 it, “intelligent people,I have to admit , I wish our conversation had been 55 to ten or

fifteen munites, but when Michael finally 56 off , he thnaked me for listening so 57_to him and for my 58 to with him for so long, It was then that I 59 that, just maybe, that was my purpose in life for today ......be there, in that place, at that time, to 60 in that conversation.

41.A.booked B.ordered C.make D.selected

https://www.360docs.net/doc/338514490.html,mands B.contributions C.introductions D.directions

43.A.quitted B.left C.graduated D.learned

44.A.simple B.careless C.timely D.significant

45.A.Unfortunately B. Unneccessarily C.Consequently D.Additionally

46. A. power B.success C.luck D.strenght

47. A.admitting B.recognizing C.ignoring D.covering

48.A.benefit B.ambition C.need D.chance

https://www.360docs.net/doc/338514490.html,e B.difference C.decision D.effort

5O.A.wondering B.expecting C.attempting D.requesting

51.A.betwffn B.in C.beyond D.amon

52.A.in terms of B.in favor of C.in case of D.in place of

53. public B.vain C.particlar https://www.360docs.net/doc/338514490.html,mon

54 A. took B.saw C.put D.got

55.A.pplied B.limited https://www.360docs.net/doc/338514490.html,pared D.referred

56.A.drove B.raced C.rode D.turned

57.A.attentively B.clearly C.honestly D.casually

58.A.weakness B.quietness C.business D.willingness

59.A.slruck B.occurred C.realized https://www.360docs.net/doc/338514490.html,plained

60.A.result B.engage C.lead https://www.360docs.net/doc/338514490.html,pete



That Beijing, together with Zhangjiakou, succeeded in getting the chance to host the 2022 Winter Olympic Games, speeds up the development of Zhangjiakou City. Word came 61________ the Beijing-Zhangjiakou high-speed railway, 62_______ (locate) in North China, is currently under construction, and 63______ (expect) to be completed by 2020 in preparation for the cities to host the 2022 Winter Olympics. Starting from Beijing North Railway Station, heading west through the Great Wall three times in the capital's territory, the project is a big challenge, 64________ designers say the explosions needed to dig the tunnels will not have an impact on the structure. The line has a 65_______ (long)of 174 km as a double tracked passenger dedicated line, with ten stations situated along its route. Having a 66_______ (totally) investment of 31.17 billion yuan ($5 billion), the trip between the two cities will only take 40 minutes, with the

train 67_______ (travel) at an average of 250 km/h. According to the plan, the high-speed railway will build two branch lines—one is to Yanqing Station and the

other 68________ Taizicheng of Chongli, 69_______ the Olympic village lies. The full railway, which includes 70-kilometer section through Beijing, will be completed in four and 70_______ half years.









Exercise can have a surprised number of benefits. It is important way to keep fit. Not only can it help you achieve beneficial weight loss, and every time you exercise, it helps to reduce the risk of disease more efficiently. By exercising regular, you look better and feel more confident, which have a positive effect on both physical and mental well-being. While you exercise, especially in some challenging sports, you often work as a member of a team. In this way, it also teaches us how to work with others. A healthy, fit brain means you can answer questions more quickly, think more clearly and developed a better memory. Have a healthy brain is useful for no matter what point you are at in your life. For these reasons, we students should take exercises.





注意: 1).词数100字左右,信的开头已为你写好。








语法填空答案 61. that 62. located 63. is expected 64. but 65. length 66. total 67. travel (l)ing 68. to 69. where 70. a

改错:surprising an but regularly has you develop Having 去for exercise

作文:Dear Editor ,

Recently, our class have had a heated discussion about whether the Beijing Zoo should be moved out of the city . Some of my classmates are in favor of the move .They say large crowds of tourists to the zoo will result in traffic jams .They also say that once moved, animals will have more space and better living conditions in the suburbs. However, other students are against the idea, saying that the Beijing Zoo, built in 1906, has a history of 100 years, and is well –known at home and abroad. So it should remain where it is. What’s more, moving may cause the death of some animals. To move or not, this is a big decision which has to be made by people in Beijing.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


Text 1

M:Today is Tuesday. I will return the book next Monday

W:Take your time . You can keep it for another two days

Text 2

W:What ‘s up, Michael? You look down today.

M:I got a “C” again in the maths exam. I don’t want to let my parents down. But you know, I tried my best.

Text 3

W:I’ve heard that there is a restaurant selling sushi next to our company. Do you like sushi?

M:Oh, please, I feel terrible, eating sushi. If the restaurant has chicken or meatballs, I would like to go, though.

Text 4.

M:How do you like your new house?

W:I like it very much. It’s really big and well decorated. I couldn’t have expected a better one.

Text 5.

M:Where did you take this picture? It’s beautiful!

W:I took it in Hawaii. I love travelling, Last month I went to New York University and this weekend I will travel to Washington.

Text 6.

W:Hi, Ryan, it’s nice to see you again. I heard you have been travelling a lot recently. M:Yes, In the past six months I’ve been all over Europe. And I just came back from Paris.

W: Wow. You must have had a good time.

M:Not exactly. It wasn’t about sight-seeing or visiting friends. It was for business. In fact, I was getting tired of hotels and hotel food. Sometimes I just wanted a hoe-cooked meal. I really missed the comforts at home.

W:I can imagine. East or west, home is best.

Text 7.

W:Have you heard of Yo-yo Ma?

M:Of course. I’m a big fan of his!

W:Oh, really? Is he a singer?

M:Not really. Yo-yo Ma is one of the finest and most popular cello players in the world. He has been playing the cello since he was four years old.

W:He’s really hard-working. Could you tell me something more?

M:No problem. Yo-Yo Ma was born in 1955 to Chinese parents in Paris. His family later moved to New York City. Now he has a new album called Appassionato.

W:What does the album name mean?

M:The word, “appassionato”, is an Italian word used in music. It means powerful emotion.

W:That sounds interesting!

Text 8.

W:I have heard that some Americans celebrate open their presents on Christmas Eve, while others choose Christmas morning. What’s the difference?

M:Each American family has their own Christmas traditions. My mother tells the whole family to wear a holiday sweater on Christmas… don’t ask me why, that’s just her thing. When I was a kid, we always had a Christmas party at our grandparents’house, but our neighbors always went on a trip.

W:That’s kind of nice… everybody has their own traditions.

M:We have lots of different people in America, different religions, different nationalities…

W:Well, what do you think of Christmas?

M: Christmas is great… especially if you don’t have to do any Christmas shopping. For me, that’s the worst part… crowded shopping malls… crazy people. But it’s a good chance for people to get together and I love it.

W:Someone tells me that the day after Christmas is a good day for sales.

M:That’s true. You can go to check out the malls on the 26th.

Text 9.

W:Tom, did you say you had a party yesterday?

M:Yes, it was my wedding party. Why didn’t you come?
