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It regarded as the first Chinese soup , have a nourishing, beautifying effect
As early as in the Qing Dynasty, was sold to domestic and foreign, known as the Shandong fat cattle, have long enjoyed a good reputation in the domestic and international market.
• 牡丹和芍药是一种源自中国夺得非常美丽的植物。例 如,牡丹又名“富贵花”,“百花之王”,以牡丹是幸福 和好运的象征。
Township of the drama 戏曲之乡
Martial arts village 武术之乡
Township of the calligraphy and painting 书画之乡
被称为山东膘牛,在国内国际 市场上久负盛名。
Because of unique flavor, good reputation in the Yellow River Strait, sophisticated choice of materials, has becaming Qing Dynasty Tribute.
菏泽古称曹州,历史悠久, 文化灿烂,素有“牡丹之 乡”、“戏曲之乡”、 “武术之乡”、“书画之 乡”的美称。 菏泽是中国的牡丹之乡, 是目前世界上种植面积最 大、品种最多的牡丹生产 基地、科研基地、出口基 地、和观赏基地。
Once upon a time, Heze is called Caozhou, with a a long historical standing and a ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱulture of great splendor. It gains good names for a land of peony, a land of dramatic, a land of martial arts, a land of painting and calligraphy. With the good name of peony, Heze is the production base, reseaching base, exportation base, and admiring base of peony.
风味独特,享誉黄河两岸,选料考究,曾列清 室贡品。
Thank you for appreciate
Tree peony
• Tree peony and herbaceous peony is a very beautiful plant originatingin China.For example,Tree peony other name "Richesand honor flowers","Kilogramsgold",to tree peonies indicate thatthe flower is the symbol of happiness and good luck.