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1、In order to solve a computational problem, its solution must be specified in terms of a sequence of computational steps, each of which may be performed by a human or a digital computer.If you want to solve the computational problem with a computer, you should learn how to program.The task of developing programs for the soultion of computational problems is referred to as programming.Computer programming is the process of planning and creating a sequence of steps for a computer to follow.In general,this process will help us resolve a problem,which is either too tedious (冗长的) or difficult to work out otherwise.So programming is breaking a task down into small steps.


2、Programming is sometimes contrasted with coding. Coding generally refers to the writing of programs for given program specification,while programming includes the task of preparing the program specification as well as that of writing the program.The text of a program is sometimes referred to as code,and lines of program text are referred to as lines of code,especially in the case of machine language programs.The term coder is used to describe a person

engaged exclusively in implementing program specifications prepared by others.


3、What's, actually involved in programming—the actual process of writing programs? Here's a quick overview of the process:

1. Write a program.

2. Compile the program.

3. Run the program.

4. Debug(调试) the program.

5. Repeat the whole process until the program is finished.







4、A computer system includes a computer, peripheral(外围的)devices, and software. The electric, electronic, and mechanical devices used for processing data are referred to as hardware. In addition to the computer itself, the term “hardware” refers to components called peripheral devices that expand the computer’s input, output, and storage capabilities. Computer hardware in and of itself does not provide a particularly useful mind tool. To be useful, a computer requires a set of instructions, called software or a computer program, which tells the computer how to perform a particular task. Computers become even more effective when connected to other computers in a network so users can share information.


5、In software, a bug is an error in coding or logic that causes a program to malfunction or to produce incorrect results. Minor bugs—for example, a cursor that does not behave as expected—can be inconvenient or frustrating, but not damaging to information. More severe bugs can cause a program to “hang” (stop respond ing to commands) and might leave the user with no alternative but to restart the program, losing any previous work that has not been saved. In either case, the programmer must find and correct the error by the process known as debugging. Because of the potential risk to important data, commercial application programs are tested and debugged as completely as possible before release. Minor bugs found after the program becomes available are corrected in the next update; more severe bugs can sometimes be fixed with special software, called patches, that circumvents (规避) the problem or otherwise alleviates (减轻) its effects.


6、Software engineering is an area of software development in which computer scientists and engineers study methods and tools that facilitate(使变得容易)the efficient development of correct, reliable, and robust computer programs. Research in this branch of computer science considers all the phases of the software life cycle, which begins with a formal problem specification, and progresses to the design of a solution, its implementation as a program, testing of the program, and program maintenance. Software engineers develop software tools and collections of tools called programming environments to improve the development process. For example, tools can help to manage the many components of a large program that is being written by a team of programmers.

