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1. Great changes ______ in China in the past 20 years.

A. took place

B. have taken place

C. were taken place

D. have been taken place

2. The manager meant ____ the workers that being 5 minutes late meant ____ the company.

A. to tell, to leave

B. telling, leaving

C. to tell, leaving

D. telling, to leave

3. I’m preparing the report for tomorrow’s meeting. Would you please _____ the radio

a little ?

A.turn on

B. turn off

C. turn up

D. turn down

4. —Where does your little daughter want to go during her holiday ?

—She is always looking forward to _____ to the Wu Yi Mountain.

A. take

B. taking

C.being taken

D. be taken

5.We invited her to dinner but she didn’t even bothe r to _______ .

A. turn in

B. turn up

C. turn on

D. turn down

6. The police are offering a $ 60,000 _____ for information about the killer.

A. price

B. prize

C. award

D. reward

7. Be careful ! The slightest spark could ______ the fireworks.

A. set about

B.set off

C.set out

D. set up

8. Please ______ your sister to bring the ticket for the concert.

A. remind

B. remember

C. warn

D. let

9. It looks ______ you are ill. You should go to see the doctor.

A. as

B. as though

C. as well

D. even though

10. The child should be punished. You shouldn’t let him ________telling lies. A.keep away from B.keep away with C.get away from D.get away with 11.——Did you have a good night’s slee p,sir?

——Oh,exactly. It was such a comfortable bed. I could never have ________sleep.

A.a good B.the best C.a better D.a best

12.Every year,Tom remembers to have some flowers ___to her mother on her birthday.

A.send B.sent C.sending D.being sent

13. ——Excuse me sir,where is Room 301?

——Just a minute. I’ll have Bob ________you to your room.

A.show B.shows C.to show D.showing

14. ——John looks a bit upset. Did you tell him the bad news?

——Yes,but I ________him after his birthday party.

A.should have told B.must have told

C.shouldn’t have told D.needn’t have told

15. ——The traffic is heavy now,so Mike ________come late.

——Let’s wait ten more minutes.

A.can B.need C.may D.shall

16. If you ______ go, at least wait until the rain stops.

A. can

B. would

C. should

D. must

17. ——Mr Wang, I will go and get four chairs for the meeting.

——You ______ get four; two will do.

A. won’t

B. couldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. needn’t

18. She ____ have left school, for her bike is still here.

A. can’t

B. wouldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. needn’t

19. ——What does the sign over there read?

——“No person ___ smoke or carry a lighted cigarette,cigar or pipe in this area.” A.will B.may C.shall D. must

20. ——My cat’s really fat.

——You ______ have given her so much food.

A. wouldn’t

B. couldn’t

C. shouldn’t

D. mustn’t


We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name 21 each Chinese year. We may call it the year of the 22 , the year of the monkey or the year of the pig. And this year is the year of the sheep.

Before New Year’s Day, people are 23 shopping and 24 their houses. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. After dinner, all the family stay up late to 25 the New Year. On the 26 day of the New Year, people 27 their new clothes and go to visit friends. They say “ 28 ” and some other greetings to each other. People 29 have a good time 30 the festival.

21. A. in B. on C. by D. for

22. A. fish B. cat C. horse D. dolphin
