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Multiple choice questions 多项选择题
Vocabulary 词汇
8 They are pop singers. So ______ .
a.they are folk singers
b.they are public singers
c.everyone likes them
Whose is this car? It is Tom's.
Whose is this handbag? It is Susan's.
Whose is this car? It is James'(or James's) car.
It belongs to Tom. It belongs to Susan. It belongs to James.
Instead of: 除了这种表述方法外:
I'll come to your house tomorrow. 我明天去你家。
He'll arrive in a minute. 他马上就到。
He'll catch the 4 o'clock train. 他将乘4点钟的火车。
I'll see you next week. 我下周见你。
Special difficulties 难点
The Workers' club(1. 5)(Compare SD60)名词的所有格 Read these questions and answers. Pay close attention to the position of the apostrophe(') in each answer. 读一读以下的问句和回答,注意名词所有格的形式。其规则为:(a)在单数 名词及不以-s结尾的人名后加's;(b)在以-s结尾的单数名词后加-'s;(c)在规 则的复数名词的-s后面加所有格符号';(d)在以-s结尾的人名后面既可用's也 可用所有格符号'。
Multiple choice questions 多项选择题
Comprehension 理解 1 The pop singers will attract ______ in the town. a.all the people b.mainly the young people c.only the old people d.no one 2 The police will be there ______ . a.because there will be trouble b.because the singers are popular c.because there will be a lot of young people there d.to prevent trouble
______ .
12 It's always the same on these occasions. It's always the same at ______
like this.
Sentence structure 句子结构
Read this sentence: 读读这句话: They will be coming and the young people will be meeting them. Now add the following phrases: 在适当的位置加进以下短语: at the station, in the town, most of and by train. Check your answer against the text. 对照课文第3-4行核对你的答案。
Text 课文
绿林少年 “绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。目前他们正在全国 各地巡回演出,明天就要到达此地。他们将乘火车来,镇上 的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。明晚他们将在工人俱乐 部演出。“绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天。在此期间,他们将演 出5场。同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过,他们将设法维 持秩序。每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。
He will be working in the garden tomorrow. 明天他将在花园里干活。
She will be getting ready for the party tomorrow. 明天她将为聚会作准备。
Will you be washing your car tomorrow? 明天你将洗你的汽车吗?
Multiple choice questions 多项选择题
Structure 句型
3 Most of the young people will be there. ______ the young people will be there.
a.A lot
b.Nearly all
He is working in the garden. 他正在花园里干活。
She is getting ready for the party. 她正在为聚会作准备。
Are you washing your car? 你正在洗你的汽车吗?
They are playing football. 他们正在踢足球。
a.to cities, towns and villages
Fra Baidu bibliotek
b.only to town
c.only to villages
d.only to cities
Multiple choice questions 多项选择题
Vocabulary 词汇
11 The Greenwood Boys will give five performances. They will give five
She'll meet him at the station. 她将去车站接他。
She'll be meeting him at the station.
Exercise 练习
A Change the form of the verbs in italics so that they tell us what will be happening. 将下列句子中用斜体印出的动词改写为将来进行时。 1 I am ironing the clothes. 2 The train will arrive in a few minutes. 3 We'll see you in the morning. 4 We are watching the match. 5 He is correcting exercise books.
Let’s have a break.
Key structures 关键句型
What will you be doing tomorrow?将来进行时 a Read these sentences carefully. Pay close attention to the verbs in italics. 仔细阅读以下句子,特别注意用斜体印出的动词。
Text 课文
The Greenwood Boys Why will the police have a difficult time? The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.
I am writing letters now. 我现在正在写信。
I shall be writing letters all day tomorrow. 明天我将整天写信。
We are decorating this room. 我们正在布置这个房间。
We shall be decorating this room tomorrow. 明天我们将布置这个房间。
4 How ______ staying? For five days.
a.long they will be
b.they will be
c.long will they be
d.long they be
5 During this time, they will give five performances. That's what they'll do ______ this time.
They will be playing football tomorrow. 明天他们将踢足球。
Key structures 关键句型
b Now read these pairs of sentences. Each pair has the same meaning. 对比以下句子,用一般将来时和将来进行时所表述的含义是一致的。
d.no one likes them
9 At present they are visiting all parts of the country. They are doing this
______ .
b.for a short time
c.in futur
d.all the time
10 They are visiting all parts of the country. So they will go ______ .
We can say: 还可以说: I'll be coming to your house tomorrow.
He'll be arriving in a minute.
He'll be catching the 4 o'clock train.
I'll be seeing you next week.
6 The police will have a difficult time ______ .
a.as usuall
b.as usual
c.than usua
d.from usual
7 The police ______ expecting the singers to arrive soon.
Lesson 10 The Greenwood Boys
Words 单词
n. 小组,团体
pop singer
n. 俱乐部
performance /pəˈfɔ:məns/ n. 演出
occasion /əˈkeɪʒn/
n. 场合
听录音,然后回答以下问題。 Why will the police have a difficult time?
Tell the story 复述故事
1 Greenwood Boys - group - pop 2 At present - visiting - country 3 arriving - tomorrow 4 by train - young people - station 5 Tomorrow - singing - Workers' Club 6 Greenwood Boys - staying - five days 7 During - time - five performances 8 As usual - police - difficult 9 trying - keep order 10 always the same - occasions