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1. 我们提出建设和谐世界,符合当今世界发展潮流和各国人民的共同利益与愿望,体现了中国政府和人民致力于世界和平与进步的坚定信念。建设和谐世界,就是要在政治上平等民主,经济上互利合作,文化上交流共进,通过国与国之间的友好合作,共同应对全球性的传统和非传统安全挑战,实现世界的持久和平与共同繁荣。

1. We call for the building of a harmonious world, which is in line with the trend of the times in the world today and reflects the common interests and aspirations of people across the globe. This embodies a firm commitment on the part of the Chinese government and people to work for world peace and progress. In order to build a harmonious world, there must be political equality and democracy, mutually beneficial economic cooperation, and cultural exchanges that promote common progress, and countries of the world must work together in friendly cooperation to address traditional and non-traditional global security threats and bring about lasting peace and common prosperity for the whole world.

2. 足不出户,直达账户。现代科技,让生活变得如此便利;网络交易,让您轻松摆脱时空束缚。个人网上银行是中国银行推出的基于国际互联网的金融交易以及信息查询服务系统。您可以用它进行外汇、黄金、证券、基金等多项金融交易,以及查询本人账户情况和汇市、基金行情等各类金融信息。

2. Stay indoors while enjoying our service. Modern science and technology has made life so convenient that the trading online can free you from the fetters of space and time. The personal online bank is the financial transaction and information service system introduced by Bank of China. Through this service, you can do financial transactions such as foreign currency, gold, securities, funds, etc.; you can also inquire information about your personal account, foreign currency market and fund quotations, etc..

3. 中国进行环境信息发布的时间并不长,但已取得了良好的效果。每天发布的各种信息将人们身边的环境现状以数字的形式直观地展现出来,让人们了解到环境污染与自己的生活那么近,大大增强了人们的环境意识。

3. Remarkable effects on the environment have been achieved though China only recently began to release environmental information. Reports are being released every day, with various information expressed in digital from which directly reveals to people the current environmental situation around them. People’s environmental awareness has been noticeably enhanced as people have now realized that environmental pollution affects their life closely.

4. 一个人要是没有养成读书的习惯,就会感到生活单调乏味:所交往的是为数不多的几个朋友,所见闻也仅限于周遭发生的事情。可是当他拿起一本书,马上就会进入一个截然不同的世界。如果那是一本好书,他很快便会接触到世界上最博学的人。

4. If a person hasn’t formed the habit of reading, his life would be both monotonous and boring. He has few friends to converse with and what he knows is confined in a small sphere around him. But when he takes a book, he would instantly enter an entirely different world. If it happens to be a good book, he would soon come into contact with one of the most erudite scholars in the world.

5. 传统教育过多地关注知识的掌握,而或多或少地忽视学生的智力发展,造成“高分低能”现象的出现。然而,在肯定智力的重要价值的同时,忽略非智力因素对教育和教学活动的重要影响,其结果会使学生的智力发展与学业成绩的提高都不同程度地受到限制。

5.Traditional education attaches too much importance to the students’ grasp of knowledge and more or less neglects their intellectual development. This kind of education often brings up students who make high scores but show low-level competence. Nevertheless, mere recognition of the importance of intellect and negligence of the great effect of non-intellectual factors upon educational and teaching activities will, to a certain degree, result in the limitation of students’ intellectual development and the improvement of the performance in their school work.

6. 随着与国外的经济技术交流日益频繁,科技翻译作为一座“桥梁”,其地位也显得越来越突出。然而它的重要性还未被普遍地认识到,有的甚至因此造成了无法挽回的巨大损失。有关人士指出,重视科技翻译工作已迫在眉睫。
