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语序。将谓语动词完全移至主语之前,称完全倒装(Full Inversion);如果只是把助动词或情态动词放在主语之


1. there be结构的倒装

在“there be 或there + appear to be, come,exist happen to be, lie, live, occur, remain, seem, seem to be stand, used to be等结构中,倒装形式为完全倒装。如:

There were many stude nts in the read ing room in this eve ning.

There is a TV set, a stereo system and a nu mber of chairs in the sitti ng room.

There seems to be a lack of com muni cati on.

There remained a few jobs still to be finished

There sta nd a line of guards in front of the gate.

2. here, there, now, then, thus等引起的倒装

在以here, there, now, then等简短副词引起的句子中(前三个须用一般现在时),动词往往是be, come, go, run, lie 等,这类句子大多带有引起注意的含义。如:

Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。

Here is the letter you have been looking forward to. 你久盼的信在这儿。

There goes the bell.


Here they are.他们在这儿。

3. 省略if的非真实条件状语从句中的倒装

在虚拟结构中,条件从句的谓语含有were, had和should这三个词是,可省去if,将这些词移至主语之前。

Had I time ( = If I had time ) , I would go and help you.

Were I you (= If I were you ) , I would go abroad.

Should he come (=If he should come ) , tell him to ring me up.

Had you worked harder at college, you would have got better job.

Were he better qualified, he would apply for the positi on.

4. 副词so, neither, nor等引起的倒装

在用so, nor, neither表示也/不..... "这一类结构里其公式是:

肯定:so + be / have助动词/情态动词+主语


否定: Neither(nor)+be/have /助动词/情态动词+主语。如:

—He has been to Beiji ng.他去过北京。一So have I.我也去过。

—They can ' t answer the quest他们不会回答这个问题。一Neither than I.我也不会。

5. what,how 引起的倒装

以What, how 开头的感叹句(表语或宾语提前)。如:

What beautiful weather (it is)! 多好的天气啊!(表语提前)

What a lovely picture he painted! 他画了一张多好的画啊!(宾语提前)

6. 疑问词或连接词引起的倒装

在疑问词或连接词whether 等引起的从句中。如:

Whatever you may say, I won ' t无论你怎样说,我都不会去那儿。(状语从句中宾语提前)

What book he wants is not clear. 他要什么书还不清楚。(主语从句中宾语提前)

7. 否定词位于句首时引起的倒装

(1). never,seldom,hardly,little,few 等引起的倒装

否定词never,seldom,rarely,hardly,barely,scarcely,little,few 等位于句首时所引起的倒装句通常为部分倒装形式,如果谓语动词为be的一般现在时或一般过去时,则为完全倒装形式。如:

Never shall I forget the days when you were with us.

Little does he realize how important this meeting is. 他对这个会议的重要性不甚了了。Never/Seldom has there been so much protest against the Bomb.

(2) . nowhere, no longer, no more等引起的倒装

nowhere(无处),no Ionger(不再),no more(也不)等否定词位于句首时所引起的倒装句通常为部分倒装形式,如果谓语动词为be 的一般现在时或一般过去时,则为完全倒装形式:

No Ionger was he in charge of this work. 他不再负责这项工作了。

Nowhere is drug abuse more of a probIem than in the US.

'She didn't know the reason for his Ieaving.' ' No more do I (=neither do I).'

(3) . not until,not a,not in the least等引起的倒装

not until(直至U . 才),not a(—个... 也没有),not in the leas'—点儿也不),not for a minute/momen t(—点儿
