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Lesson Two Four Choices for Young People

1.Jim Binns……wrote me about some of his misgivings.

misgiving:worry,concern(常用复数)(对未来之事)疑虑不安,怀疑。如:I like your scheme in principle;my only misgiving is that it may require too large a sum of money. 我原则上喜欢你的计划,唯一担心的是花销可能太大。

2……our generation views the adult world with great skepticism……skepticism:doubt,suspicion怀疑(态度);怀疑主义be skeptical about:对……持怀疑太度;不相信。如:He is skeptical about everything .他对一切事物都抱怀疑态度。

with a skeptical expression带着怀疑的表情。

3.Apparently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries.

contemprary adj.同时代的,当代;n.同时代的人。如:our contemporaries和我们同时代的人同义词:peer 同等的人,同辈。如:without a peer 无匹敌的

4.The people responsible are, presumably,the adults who……

a.responsible:1)(放在名词后面)应负责任的。如:I hold you responsible for the safety

of her family.我就把她家的安全交给你了。2)(放在名词前面)(工作、地为等)责任重的,有责任的。

如:a responsible position 要职。3)(人)可靠的,可信赖的,如:a responsible person有责任心的人。


5.These conclusions strike me as reasonable,……strike sb.+adj.(or n.):使……感觉(是)。如:At first the idea struck me as stupid.起初,这个主意让我觉得很愚蠢。

He strikes me as an houest man .他让我觉得是个诚实的人。

6.The relevant question for the arriving generation is not whether our society is imperfect(we can take that for granted),but……

a.relevant:有关的。如:relevant information 有关信息。若作表语,后面通常跟由介词to 引导的短语。

如;The judge ruled that the evidence was not relevant to the case 法官认定证据与本案无关。

b. imperfect :不完美,由perfect (完美)加否定前缀im-构成。

另如:pemissible-impermissible , possible-impossible , proper-improper ,pureimpure,mobile-immobile , mortal-immortal.

c. take for granted :视……为当然。

如: You should not take his help for granted .你不应该认为他的帮忙是当然的事。

7. For all is harshness and irrationality ,it is the only world we‘ve got .

a. for all …… 尽管。

如:For all his learning , he is not wise . 他尽管满腹经纶,处世并不聪明。 For all his efforts ,he didn‘t succeed . 他还是个正派的人。

b. harsh :残酷的;无情的;刻薄的。

如:She was very harsh with her servant . 她对用人非常刻薄。

We have to face harsh realities . 我们得面对残酷的现实。

c. rational :有理性的,通情达理的。

如:Man is a rational thing . 人是有理性的动物。

Do you consider it a rational explanation ?你觉得这种解释合理吗?

irrational :不理智, ir-为否定前缀。

另如:irreducible , irrregular , irreparble , irreversible .

8. Choosing a strategy to cope with it , then ,is ……

a. strategy :战略,与之相对的是tactics(战术)

b. cope with : to struggle or contend , esp . with some degree of success 应付,处理。

如:They proposed several possibilities for coping with the crisis.


He is unable to cope with the duties of her new position .


9. So far as I have been able to discover , there are four basic alternatives.

a. so far as : =as far as , to the extent that 就……而言,从……来看。

如:His conduct , so far as I can see , is unjustifiable .


b. alternative : one of more than two possibilities 数种可能之一,可代替的。如:There are alternative answer to this question . 这个问题有几种可能的答案。

An alternative plan is to apply for a loan. 另一种可能的方案就是申请贷款。

10. Drop Out
