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3.Writing : Write a letter to your friend. Give him /her some advice about the best ways to learn English. Use your notes in the chart.
Use the following expressions to help you:
通过点评习作与优秀范文的学 习,让学生修正完善习作并上交 。
学生们普遍认为,用英语写作是一件难的事,平常写不出正 确的句子,也不知该写哪些内容,有时写出的文章不符合格式要求。 我认为,如果能根据学生的困惑进行有针对性的训练,先从能写出 正确的句子开始,然后分析构思过程中的重点与难点,使其认识到 其实写出一篇好文章并不像原来想象的那么难,只要坚持训练,写 作水平就一定能得到很大的提高。
4.Writing a composition:
Ask Ss to finish it within 15 minutes
5.Comment: Choose an article from Ss and give some advice
通过学习范文,让学生发现自 己写作能力的不足,例如词汇量的 不足、常见的语法错误等,以利于 今后写作水平的提高。
• • • • • • There are three good ways to … I think you should… If you do this, you will… It is also a good idea to …because… You could try to improve your English by… This will help you to…
万年珠田中学 洪晓清
Unit 1 How can we become good learners?
一、Teaching aim:Give your friend some advice about the best ways to learn English
二、Teaching points:Talk about how to learn English
三、Teaching steps:
1.Leading-in: show pictures and discuss ''how do you learn English ?''
by working with friends
by making word cards
by reading the textbook
by listening to tapes
By asking the teacher for help. She was very happy.
2.Tree talk: What are the three best ways to learn and why? Make some notes in the chart.