第56课 新概念英语第二册第56课教案

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新概念英语第二册第56课学案Part 1 Words

1. sound

1) n.声音(一切声音)

Eg. the sound of a car

2) 感官动词+adj

*sound like 听起来像

3) adj 酣睡的,(睡眠)香甜的

*soundly adv 酣睡地

Eg. She sleeps soundly.

She has a sound sleep.

2. excitement n. 激动,兴奋不可名*excite v. 使兴奋,使激动

*exciting adj 令人兴奋的

*excited adj 感到兴奋的

3. explode v. 使爆炸,炸开

Eg. explode a bomb 引爆炸弹

*explosion n.爆炸,爆发


1) n.进程,过程

Eg. the course of history 历史的进程2)n.航线,路线,行程

Eg. Our course is directly north.

3) n.课程,课题,讲座

Eg. an English course 英语课程

4. speed

1) n.速度

*at a speed of 以……的速度

*at a low speed

*at top/cll speed 以全速

*More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达2)v.加速–sped—sped

*speed up 加速*speeding n.超速行驶

Eg. a speeding ticket 超速罚款单

5. downhill 下坡

Uphill 上坡


Eg. downriver 顺流---upriver 逆流

Downwards 朝下—upwards 朝上

Downwind 顺风—upwind 逆风

Dowanstairs 下楼—upstairs 上楼

Part 2 Grammar


Too many+可名复

How many+可名复

So many +可名复

A great many +可名复

Few/a few +可名复

A great/good/large number of +可名复

Much +不可名

Too much +不可名

How much +不可名

So much +不可名

Lots of = a lot of = some=plenty of +不可名/可名复Little +不可名

A little +不可名

A great deal of +不可名

A large amount of +不可名

Part 3 Text

1. A lot of cars entered for this race last year and there was a great deal of excitement just before it began.

*enter for 参加

==join in ==take part in

2. Built in 1885, it was the oldest car taking part.

*Built in 1885 过去分词短语做状语

==as it was built in 1885

*…taking part 现在分词短语做定语

3. Many of the cars broke down on the course and some drivers spent more time under their cars than in them. *break down 抛锚,出故障

*on the course 在路上

4. The winning car reached a speed of forty miles an hour—much faster than any of its rivals.

*reach v.

1)v.到达= arrive in/at = get to

2) v.伸手够到

Eg. She is too short to reach the key on the table.

3) v.达成

Eg. They finally reached the agreement.

5. It sped downhill at the speed of the race and its driver had a lot of trouble trying to stop it.

*at the end of 在……结束时

*have trouble in doing sth 做某事有困难

6. It was very different from modern car races but no less exciting.

*not less … than 不亚于,不少于

Eg. She is not less charming than her daughter.

*no less…than 与…..一样,不比….差

Eg. The cat is no less a clever animal than a dog is.

*no less than = at least 至少

*no more than = at most 至多
