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Have access to: 有机会进入,接近Keep pace with: 与。。。并驾齐驱Have (no) trouble / difficulty in doing something: 做某事有困难

Accuse somebody of doing something:指责某人做某事

Adapt oneself to (doing) something: 适应做某事Turn the corner: 出现转机Assure somebody of something: 使某人确信某事Come into effect: 生效Attribute/ owe …to: 把。。。归因于Lead to/ result in: 导致Result/ arise from: 由。。。引起Risk one’s life: 冒着某人的生命危险Originate in/ from: 起源于,由。。。引起Take charge: 开始管理,接管Charge somebody with something: 以某事指控某人Keep/catch up with: 赶上Charge somebody(money) for something: 要价,要某人付。。。钱买某物

Comment on something/ make comments on something: 评论某事

Convince somebody of something: 使某人对某事信服

Persuade somebody into doing something: 说服某人做某事

Have an impact on: 对。。。有影响Hand in/ turn in: 上交Approve of :赞成Be entitled to do something: 对某事享有权利Break the ice: 打破僵局Focus on(doing) something/ concentrate on: 集中做某事

Catch a glimpse of somebody/something: 瞥见某人、物

Can/ could not help doing something: 忍不住做某事

Inform somebody of/ about somebody: 通知某人某事Come to life: 苏醒过来

Be/ get involved in something: 参与,卷入某事

Let alone/ not to mention;: 更不必说,别提Bring to life:给。。。以活力

Line up: 排队lost heart: 丧失信心Throw/cast light on/upon: 使人了解Look forward to(doing) something: 盼望,期待lose one’s temper: 发脾气

Have confidence in: 对。。。有信心fall in love with somebody: 爱上某人Make friends with somebody: 与某人交朋友make fun of: 拿某人开玩笑

Make sense: 讲的通,有意义Make up one’s mind: 决定Make up for: 补偿make it: 做到,成功be made up of: 由。。。组成Make sacrifice: 做出牺牲make/ earn money: 挣钱Mind your own business: 管好你自己的事,少管闲事

Keep in mind: 记住change one’s mind: 改变注意Spend…on something/ in doing something: 花。。。在某物上/ 做某事

Take… for granted: 认为。。。是理所当然take advantage of: 利用Take…into consideration/ account: 把。。。考虑在内take note of: 注意,留意Allow for: 考虑到,顾及pass by: 从。。。旁边走过run a risk: 冒险

Pave the way for: 为。。。铺路/ 做准备put on weight: 增加体重Take the place of: 代替,取代point out: 指出show off: 炫耀

Catch sight of: 发现,突然看见take turns: 轮流make use of: 利用

Meet/ satisfy the demand(need) for: 满足对。。。的需求

Give prove of: 证明,提供证据

Follow one’s instructions/ orders: 按照某人的指令去做


Be accustomed/ used to: 习惯于做某事Be ashamed of: 认为。。。是耻辱/ 为。。。感到羞愧

Be( well/ fully) aware of: 完全意识到be unaware of: 没有意识到

Be absent from: 缺席be likely to do something: 可能做。。。Be committed to: 致力于。。。be composed of: 由。。。组成

Be concerned about/ care for: 关心be concerned with: 牵涉到。。。

Be conscious of: 意识到be consistent with: 与。。。一致

Be content with: 对。。。感到满意be critical of: 批评的

Be familiar with: 对。。。熟悉Be familiar to: 为。。。所熟悉

Be ignorant of/ about: 对。。。不了解,不知道be relevant/ related to: 与。。。有关Be inferior to: 在。。。之下,次于。。。be inclined/ prone to: 倾向于。。。

Be jealous of somebody/something: 羡慕,嫉妒某人(某事)

Feel/ be nervous about/ of doing something: 担心,害怕做某事

Be optimistic about: 对。。。感到乐观,看好。。。

Be sensitive to: 对。。。敏感的be similar to: 与。。。相似

Be superior to: 胜过,比。。。好be inferior to: 比。。。差

Feel /be uneasy about something: 对某事感到不安


Above all: 首先,尤其是after all: 毕竟,终究on purpose: 故意Beyond/ without compare: 无与伦比in contrast with: 与。。。对比

In/ by contrast: 对比之下in/ by comparison: 相比之下on the contrary: 相反

No wonder: 不足为奇As a matter of fact(In fact): 事实上,实际上

As usual: 如同以往at one’s convenience: 在某人方便的时候As a speed of: 以。。。速度behind somebody’s back:背着某人,暗中

On/ in behalf of: 代表,为了in case of/ that: 假设,以防by chance: 偶然,碰巧In charge of: 管理,负责Be in(out of) contact with: 和。。。有(失去)联系Out of central: 失去控制under control: 处于控制之下

At all costs: 不惜任何代价at the cost of: 以。。。为代价in favor of: 支持,赞同To a certain(large) extent: 在一定(很大)程度上at first sight: 乍一看From (the bottom of) one’s heart: 从心底to one’s heart content: 尽情的In honor of: 向。。。表示敬意in the interests of: 为了。。。的利益To one’s knowledge: 据。。。所知in response to: 作为对。。。的反应In the name of: 以。。。的名义in particular: 尤其,特别in relation to: 有关,涉及In somebody’s presence: 当着某人的面,有某人在场

On the point of: 正要。。。之际in the long/ short run: 从长远看、在不久的将来For the sake of: 为了。。。起见,看在。。。的份上on time: 准时in time:及时Till now/ up to now/ so far: 至今ahead of schedule/ time: 提前By turns: 轮流apart from: 除。。。之外( stand)in the/ one’s way: 挡某人的道At the risk of: 冒着。。。的危险in terms of: 用。。。的话,按照,从。。。方面In other words: 换句话说thanks to: 多亏了owing to: 由于seeing that: 由于四.名词词组

A solution to the problem: 问题的解决办法 A heat attack: 心脏病发作

A tourist attraction: 游览圣地 a series of: 一系列traffic jam: 交通阻塞Opening/closing ceremony: 开/ 闭幕式graduation ceremony; 毕业典礼Domestic products: 国产货domestic market: 国内市场Severe punishment: 严厉的惩罚severe pain/ injuries: 剧痛、重伤
