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五年级英语下册Module 2 过关检测


外国的________ 舞蹈演员________ 语言________ 努力地________

写________(过去式是________) 教,讲授________ (过去式是________)

学习________ (过去式是________) 学习________ (过去式是________)


许多中国城市in lots of Chinese cities 外语fore ign language

学习英语learn English 欢迎到北京来welcome to Beijing

做蛋糕make a cake 做家庭作业do homework

在他的班级in his class 努力学习study hard

在教室里in the classroom 一位英语老师an English teacher 乘坐校车by school bus watch TV看电视

教语文teach Chinese 去上学go to school

步行去上学go to school on foot = walk to school

做蛋糕make a cake 一位篮球明星a basketball star

二十年前twenty years ago 住在一座小房子里live in a small house


who’s(完全形式) ________ those(对应词) ________

write(过去式) ________ like (过去式) ________

driver(动词)________ did not(缩写) ________

learn(-ing形式) ________ learn(过去式) ________

teach (过去式) ________ city(复数) ________

dance(名词) ________ that(复数) ________

do(过去式) ________ class(复数) ________

study(过去式) ________ learn (同义词) ________

was(原形) ________ are(过去式)________



问:Did+主语+动词原形+其他 ?

答:Yes , 人称代词主格+did . 或 No,人称代词主格+didn’t .

例:Did she learn any foreign languages ? (Yes , she did ./ No , she didn’t .)

2、描述他人做过某事: 主语+动词过去式+其他例:She learnt English .


例:He is learning English now .


1、She learnt English . 她学过英语。

2、He’s le arning English now . 他现在正在学英语。

3、Mr Li was a teacher . 李先生曾是一名教师。

4、Now Mr Li doesn’t work . 现在李先生不工作了。

5、She danced in lots of Chinese cities .她在中国的许多城市演出过。

6、Did she learn any foreign languages ? 她学过外语吗?

7、She didn’t make a cake yesterday .昨天她没做蛋糕。

8、He watched TV yesterday .昨天她看电视了。

9、She did her homework yesterday .昨天她做作业了。

10、He likes working at school . 他喜欢在学校工作。

11、Five years ago , he walked to school . 五年前,他步行去上学。

12、Five years ago , there weren’t any computers in the classroom .五年前,教室里没有电脑。


( ) 1. Ten years ago, I ________a pupil.

A. were

B. was

C. am

( ) 2. He ________Chinese five years ago.

A. learn

B. teachers

C. taught

( ) 3. My mother ________ English now.

A. learnt

B. is learning

C. learning

( ) 4.—______she learn any foreign languages ?

—Yes , she learnt English.

A. Did

B. Is C Does

( ) 5.—________is she wearing those clothes ?

—Because she was a dancer.

A. What

B. Why

C. How

( ) 6.—_______this?

—It’s my grandma.

A. Whose

B. Who’s

C. Who

( ) 7. He _______ very _______.

A. studied ; hard

B. study ; hard

C. studies ; hardly ( ) 8.—Did your grandma learn English?


A. Yes , I did

B. No , he didn’t

C. No , she didn’t ( ) 9. John Green was a teacher. He______ English in a small village.

A. teach

B. taught

C. teaches

( ) 10. I learnt_______ last week.

A. to cook

B. cook

C. cooked

( ) 11.—What did you ______last Monday?

—I _______English and Maths.

A. do ; learnt

B. did ; learnt

C. do ; learn

( ) 12.—Did he swim yesterday ?

—No, he didn’t. But he’s _______ now.

A. swim

B. swam

C. swimming

( ) 13.Now John is a teacher. He_______ Maths.

A. teach

B. teaches

C. taught

( ) 14.Jack was a pupil then. He ______very hard.

A. study

B. studied

C. studies

( ) 15.—Is this your grandpa?

—Yes , _______is.

A. she

B. this

C. it
