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①前位限定词:有all, half, both, such分数和倍数。

②中位限定词:有冠词,指示代词,形容词性物主代词,名词所有格和no, every, each, either, neither, enough, much等,以及wh-起首的限定词[what(ever), which(ever), whose等]。

③后位限定词:有基数词和序数词,past, same, many, more, most, few, fewer, fewest, little, less, least, own和last等。序数词在前,基数词后在。例如:

I haven’t seen the vase before.

I like this pretty car.


描绘类形容词表示事物的性质及人们的观点,先短词后长词。如:cold, great, bad, beautiful kind, fine, interesting, good等。例如

I haven’t seen such a beautiful vase before.

I like the first two pretty cars.


形状类形容词表示大小、长短、高低(矮)、外形、干湿度等。如:large, big, small, little, long, short, low, round, wet, dry等。例如:

I haven’t seen such a beautiful big vase before.

I like the first two pretty small cars.


时间类形容词表示年龄,长幼、时代,新旧、气候,温度等。如:new, old, hot, new, little, old, young, cool, wet, dry等。例如:

I haven’t seen such a beautiful big round old vase before.

I like the first two pretty small square new cars.

5. 颜色类

表示颜色的形容词有:brown, white, blue, black, pink, orange, grey等。例如:

I haven’t seen such a beautiful big round old white vase before.

I like the first two pretty small square new yellow cars.

6. 出处类

出处类形容词表示国籍、地区、出处,产地、来源等。如:Chinese, Australia, German, Asian等。例如:

I haven’t seen such a beautiful big round old white Chinese vase before.

I like the first two pretty small square new yellow Japanese cars.

7. 材料类

材料类形容词表示物质、材料,质地等。如:wooden, stone, silk, golden, steel 等。例如:

I haven’t seen such a beautiful big round old white Chinese wooden vase before.

I like the first two pretty small square new yellow Japanese sports cars.

8. 用途类

用途类形容词表示作用、类别。如:medical, writing, police等。例如:

This is a a large famous medical school.

I like the valuable old Japanese writing desk

9、作定语的名词、动名词。如:boy, girl, man, woman等。


1. 如两个以上相同种类的形容词同时修饰一个中心词时,其间可用连词and 或but连接,或用逗号分开。如:a yellow, black sports car

2. 如要强调某一种类的形容词时,可将所强调的形容词后移,同时用逗号分开。如:a tall, dark, handsome cowboy

3、次序大致,但不绝对。如:Those three beautiful large square old brown wood table, a heavy black Chinese steel umbrella, the man’s first tow interesting little red French oil paintings.

4. 实际上很少出现按上述一至九条规则组合全的名词性词组,因为太累赘。但“无规矩不成方圆”,规则还是规则,规则必须掌握。


