晨梅梅《新发展英语综合教程(2)》词汇短语及练习(Unit 5)【圣才出品】

晨梅梅《新发展英语综合教程(2)》词汇短语及练习(Unit 5)【圣才出品】
晨梅梅《新发展英语综合教程(2)》词汇短语及练习(Unit 5)【圣才出品】

Unit 5


marathon [5mArEWEn] n. [体] 马拉松赛跑(全长42,1954米),耐力的考验

adj. 马拉松式的;有耐力的

vi. 参加马拉松赛跑

【例句】The meeting was a bit of a marathon. 那会议有些像马拉松。

【词组】marathon match时间拉得很长的比赛

all-night [5C:l5nait] adj. 通宵的

【例句】It is cherry-blossom season, a time of all-night sake-drinking parties under the sakura.


giggle [5^i^l] vi. & n. 痴笑;咯咯地笑

vt. 咯咯地笑着说

n. 吃吃的笑

irreplaceable [7iri5pleisEbl] adj. 不能调换的,不能代替的

【例句】There’s one man who’s considered irreplaceable. 有一个人被认为独一无二。

avocation [AvE5keIF(E)n] n. (个人)副业,业余爱好

【例句】He was a printer by trade and naturalist by avocation. 他从事印刷业,同时是个博物学爱好者。

priority [prai5Criti] n. 重点,优先(权);优先考虑的事

【例句】Being a parent is her first priority. 做母亲是她的头等大事。

【词组】give priority to 优先考虑;认为优先

take priority over …有优先权


crucial [5kru:FiEl, 5kru:FEl] adj. 至关紧要的,决定性的

【例句】Success or failure here would be crucial to his prospects. 在这儿的成功或失败对他的前途十分的重要。


【派生】crucially adv. 关键地;至关重要地

well-being [5welbIIN] n. 康乐,安宁,福利

【例句】His work emphasised the emotional as well as the physical well-being of children.


sustain [sEs5tein] vt. 支撑,撑住;维持,持续;经受;忍耐

【例句】The court sustained his claim that the contract was illegal. 法庭确认他的要求正当,宣布该合同不合法。

【词组】sustain a family维持家计


【派生】sustainable adj. 可以忍受的;足可支撑的;养得起的

sustainability n. 持续性;永续性;能维持性

accomplish [E5kQmpliF] vt. 实现(计划等),达到(目的),完成(任务)

【例句】I have accomplished a great deal in the last few months. 在过去几个月里,我完成了相当多的工作。


【派生】accomplished adj. 完成的;熟练的,有技巧的;有修养的;有学问的accomplishment n. 成就;完成;技艺,技能

let go of释放,松手放开

calendar [5kAlindE(r)] n. 日历;历法

【例句】The cup final is an important date in the sporting calendar. 世界杯足球总决赛在运动日程表中是个重要日子。


【派生】calendric adj. 日历的;按日历的;历法的

promising [5prCmisiN] adj. 有希望的,有前途的

【例句】The weather is promising. 天气可望好转。

【助记】来自promise(n. 诺言;成功的征兆)

matter [5mAtE] n. 物质,物体;事情,情况;毛病,麻烦事

v. 有关系(常用于否定语),要紧

【例句】This is a matter of life and death. 这是件生死攸关的事。

【词组】no matter不论怎样;不要紧

a matter of 大约;…的问题

for that matter 就此而言;至于那个;说到那一点

on the matter 在这件事情上;对这个问题

in the matter of 就…而论,在…方面

in a matter of 左右;大约只不过在…之内

commitment [kE5mitmEnt] n. 委托事项;许诺;承担义务

【例句】We made a commitment to keep working together. 我们作了承诺要继续在一起工作。

circumstance [5sE:kEmstEns] n. 环境;详情,境况,情况;详情(围绕一个事件的细节)【例句】①He was forced by the circumstances to do this. 他做此事是为环境所迫。

②You writes with circumstances. 你写得很详细。

【词组】in the circumstances 在这种情况下

under the circumstance 在这种情况下

in no circumstances 决不

under no circumstance 在任何情况下都不

under certain circumstance 在某种情况下


【派生】circumstantial adj. 依照情况的;详细的,详尽的

needy [5ni:di] adj. 贫困的;缺乏生活必需品的

【例句】He deems it his duty to help his needy friends. 他认为帮助穷朋友是他的义务。【词组】needy student 家庭经济困难的学生

be in needy穷困

【派生】neediness n. 贫穷

pal [pAl] n. <口>好朋友,伙伴,同志

vi. 结为朋友

【例句】①You can pal up with him. 你可以和他交朋友。

②He is a pal of mine. 他是我的一个朋友。

【词组】pen pal 笔友(等于pen friend)

pal up (with sb. ) (与某人)结交,为友

given [5^ivn] adj. 沉溺的,有…倾向的;特定的,假设的;赠予的

prep. 考虑到

v. 给予(give的过去分词)

【例句】①They were to meet at a given time and place. 他们要在规定的时间和地点会晤。

②Given the government’s record on unemployment, their chances of winning the election look poor.


【词组】be given to癖好的;喜爱的;习惯的

given time 给定时间

virtue [5vE:tju:] n. 德行,美德;贞操;优点;功效,效力

【例句】Honesty is a virtue. 诚实是一种美德。

【词组】by/in virtue of由于;借助于


tangible [5tAndVEbl] adj. 实实在在的;明确的,确凿的,实际的;可触摸的,可触知的,有形的。

【例句】The experience is almost tangible. 这种体验几乎是有形的。

take on承担;呈现;具有;流行;接纳;雇用;穿上

【例句】No other organisation was able or willing to take on the job. 没有任何别的组织有能力或愿意承担此项工作。


There the birds nest and bring up the young.这些鸟在那里筑巢并哺育幼鸟。 This is a good community in which to bring up children.这是一个让孩子成长的好环境。 What led you to bring up unexpected trouble?你怎么会横生枝节的? You'll only open old wounds if you bring up that subject. 如果你提出那个话题,你可就揭旧疮疤了。 I don't know how they manage to bring up four children—they're as poor as church mice. 我不知道他们如何设法养育4个孩子——他们一贫如洗。 There's no need to bring up his past when we are considering him for employment. 考虑雇用他时,没有必要提及他的过去。 He jumped into the water to bring back the child.他跳入水中去救那个孩子。 These books must be brought back within a week.这些书必须在一周内送还。 If you don't like the dress you bought, you can always bring it back. 如果你不喜欢你买的衣服,你随时都可以退回来。 The smell of the flower brings back her memories.花香唤起了她对往事的回忆。 Many new changes will be brought about in China's industry.中国的工业将产生许多新的变化。The accident was brought about by John's carelessness.这场事故是由于约翰的粗心造成的。The heavy spring rains brought about the flood.特大的春雨造成了这场水灾。 After much hard bargaining he brought the trader down to $100 for the carpet. 经过激烈的讨价还价之后,他使卖主的地毯降到100美元。 Some countries demand to bring down the price of petroleum.一些国家要求降低石油价格。Sellers at last agreed to bring down the prices by 5%.卖方最终同意降低5%的价格出售。 The opposition party planned to bring the government down.反对党谋划推翻政府。 This scandal could well bring him down.这件丑事很有可能使他垮台。 He brought down 9 enemy aircraft during the Korean War.在朝鲜战场上他击落了9架敌机。The temporary setback seemed to have brought them down completely. 暂时的挫折似乎使他们完全失去了信心。 Even the failure did not bring him down.甚至失败也没有使他沮丧。 The farmers are busy bringing in the wheat.农民们正忙着收小麦。 The newcomers bring in new customs and new habits.新来者带来新风俗、新习惯。 They've brought in experts to advise on the scheme.他们请来了专家当该项目的顾问。 The government has brought in a bill to deal with the matter 政府通过了一项法案来处理那个问题。 You will have to bring in some outside help or you will never get the job finished in time. 你必须借助一些外来的帮助,否则是不能按时完成这项工作的。 In addition to his salary, he has investments which bring in about five hundred pounds a year. 除了工资外,他的投资每年还有大约500英镑的红利。 Reporters were soon on the scene after the accident. 那事故发生後不久记者就都赶到了现场。His arrival set the scene for another argument. 他一来就要另有一场争论了。 What a fantastic mountain scene! 多么迷人的山景! The scene of this play is set in Ireland. 这出戏的场景是在爱尔兰。 I got his agreement behind the scenes before we went into the public meeting. 我私下得到了他同意后,我们才去参加公众集会。 He was an important man behind the scenes in the play. 他是这出戏里的一个重要幕后人物。Her voice was suddenly heard behind the scenes. 她的声音在后台突然传了出来。

部编初中中考 语文 短语专项训练含答案

一、中考语文专项练习:短语 1.下列短语中都是偏正短语的一组是() A. 自由自在象征意义革命风暴 B. 越来越低掠起飞沫预言胜利 C. 蜿蜒游动热情的火焰大声叫喊 D. 善于潜水渴望暴风雨力量和信心【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】本题是对知识结构的考查。A项中有并列短语、偏正短语; B项中有并列知识、动宾短语;D项中有偏正短语、动宾短语、开列短语。C项中全是偏正短语。 故答案为:C。 【点评】短语的结构类型比较多,要求学生平时在学习多加体会,并能在训练中详细搞清各大种类型短语的区别,可以用到类比组词的方式加深理解。 2.下列说法正确的一项是() A. 《诗经》是我国最早的一部诗歌总集,收录了从西周到春秋时期的诗歌305篇,也称“诗三百”,它与《大学》《中庸》《孟子》合称“四书”。 B. 林冲是《水浒》中浓墨重彩刻画的人物之一。从误入白虎堂开始,他中州劫法场,风雪山神庙,火烧草料场,最后在忍无可忍的情况下雪夜上梁山,是上层人物被迫造反的典型。 C. “而立”代称三十岁,“而立之年”指有所成就的年龄;“不惑”代称四十岁,“不惑之年”指遇事能明辨不疑的年龄。 D. “英雄辈出”“工匠精神”“共筑梦想”“绿水青山”,分别是偏正短语、主谓短语、动宾短语、并列短语。 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】A“四书”指《大学》《中庸》《论语》《孟子》。 B中州劫法场,情节错误。“中州劫法场”是晁盖等人救宋江的情节。 D分别是主谓短语、偏正短语、动宾短语、并列短语。 故答案为:C。 【点评】本题考查学生对作家作品的识记与辨析能力。根据知识积累判断正误。 3.下列句子所作的判断与分析,不正确的一项是() A. “跑”“公里”“非常”“哪里”“关于”等词语的词性,依次是动同、量词、副词、代词、介词。 B. “道德高尚”“拨动心弦”“中国方案”“打扫干净”四个短语的结构完全不同。 C. “5月16日上午,伟大的医药学家李时珍诞辰500周年系列纪念活动在湖北省武汉市隆重举行。”这个句子的主干是:活动举行。 D. “他这样做,并不是为了得到老师的表扬,而是发自内心的自觉行为。”这是一个表示转折关系的复句。 【答案】D 【解析】【分析】本题考查学生对语文基础知识的掌握。包括词语的性质、短语的结构、句子的主干和复句的类型等。根据所学的知识,仔细辨析各个选项的正误,逐项进行分析即可。 D项判断与分析错误,这是一个表示并列关系的复句。 故答案为:D。


U5—6重点短语句型和练习 第一部分: 一、阅读理解。 A. two corneas B. all organs C. two hands D. two ears ()2. Yao Beina started to sing for people when she was ________ years old. A. four B. nine C. thirteen D. thirty-three

()3. The underlined word “releases” in the passage means________. A. provides B. performs C. publishes D. counts ()4. Which of the following is NOT true about Brother Atang? A. “Brother Atang” is full of positive energy. B. He quickly became popular because of three videos. C. Internet friends call him “Police Guo Degang”. D. Sina Micro-Blog makes him go to the Spring Festival gala. 【主旨大意】本文是两则介绍性材料。第一则材料主要介绍了姚贝娜的生平。姚贝娜出生于音乐世家,四岁学钢琴,九岁登台表演,荣获过许多音乐奖项。不幸的是,她因乳腺癌于2015年1月16日去世,但将眼角膜捐给了两名眼疾患者。网友和粉丝称她为“有美丽歌喉的善良天使”。第二则材料介绍了常州市天宁公安分局局前街派出所社区民警“阿汤哥”,他被警察圈称为90后“锦旗达人”,“阿汤哥”因爆笑讲解防诈骗防扒安全知识蹿红网络。 【参考答案】1-4 ABCD 二、任务型阅读。 阅读短文,按要求完成问题。 Don’t want to walk a long way to shop? You c an go shopping online. Everything you need at the click (点击) of a mouse (鼠标). Nine of the 36 students of Class 6 of Shanghai No.3 Girls Middle School have bought things on the Internet. Jin Xiuxuan, 16, loves to buy clothes on the ______. “I once bought so me T-shirts online. Altogether they cost just 30 yuan. Can you imagine such a cheap price in a shopping mall?” Some even buy costly things like computers online. Zhang Yi, 14, bought a PC from Dell's online department. “I bought it when it was on sale. It cost me 6,000 yuan. If I had gone to a shop, I would have had to pay about 7,000 yuan.”Most students shop online because it saves their feet. But some have had unpleasant experiences. Sometimes, for example, the product (产品) you get isn't what it seems from the Web page ad. Zhang Yanyan, 15, once bought a DIY book online. But when she got it, she found it was poor quality (质量). She felt she had been cheated. “I rarely buy things online now,” she said. Online shopping numbers for my class: 1. The top three products we buy online: books, clothes and CDs; 2. The top four websites we buy things from: https://www.360docs.net/doc/3913244869.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/3913244869.html,, https://www.360docs.net/doc/3913244869.html,, and https://www.360docs.net/doc/3913244869.html,. 3. Every time we pay about 50 to 100 yuan. We pay after getting products.

8B Unit3 重要句子和短语

精品文档 . Unit 3词组句子 1.用遥控器换频道use the remote control to change the channel 2.发现一个学英语的好网站find a good website for learning about English 3.在网上搜索信息search for information on the Internet 4.注意到在页面上方的旅行图标notice the “Tour” icon at the to p of the page 5.八小时环游世界around the World in Eight hours 6.世界著名的贸易中心the world-famous trade centre 7.在----的最南端at the southern end of------ 8.许多大公司和国际银行many big companies and international banks 9.看大玻璃球在黑暗中落下see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness 10.一天辛苦的工作后放松relax after a hard day’s work 11.自20世纪早期以来以它的剧院而著名 be famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century 12.在页面底部的返回图标 a “Back” icon at the bottom of the page 13.选择另一个城市然后开始你的网上旅行 pick another city and then start your online tour 14.买卖的活动the activity of buying and selling 15.帮人们买去不同地方的票help people buy tickets to different places 16.聚集在时代广场迎接新年gather in Times Square to welcome the new year 17.梦想着不用护照环游世界dream of traveling around the world without a passport 18.通过进行一个网上旅行实现你的梦想realize your dream by taking an online tour 19.在澳大利亚的东北海岸on the north-east coast of Australia 20.看起来像一条许多帆的船look like a ship with many sails 21.在不同国家的相反季节the opposite seasons in different countries 22.展示给我怎样开始这次网上旅行show me how to start this online tour 23.用图表来组织我们的想法use charts to organize our ideas 24.向你的同学介绍一个电脑课程introduce a computer course to your classmates 25.预定票和旅馆book tickets and hotels 26.在日常交流中用英语use English in daily communication 27.在这个古老的欧洲国家的许多宫殿和城堡 many palaces and castles in this old European country 28.有许多自然美景have many places of natural beauty 29.由……组成be made up of…… 30.在介绍中加入一些图片让它更有趣 add some pictures to the introduction to make it more interesting 31.在不同国家之间的不同点differences between the different countries 32.发送和接收电子邮件send and receive emails 33.来自著名的百老汇音乐剧《猫》come from the famous Broadway musical Cats 34. 进行文字处理do word processing 35. 一大片草坪 a large green lawn


专项训练动词短语专项练习题及答案 一、动词 1.—Look! The light in your bedroom is still on. —Sorry, I forgot . A. to tum it off B. to turn it down C. to turn it up D. to turn it on 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:——看!你卧室的灯还亮着. ——对不起,我忘记关了。turn off关闭;turn down调小;turn up调大;turn on打开。forget to do sth,表示忘记做某事,由于灯还在亮着,可知应该是忘记关,故答案选A. 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。注意句子涉及到固定搭配forget to do sth的用法。2.—Who told you to clean the windows? —Father . He said they were too dirty. A. told B. did C. had told D. has told 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】所填写词用来指代上文的 told,told 是tell 的过去式,故用助动词 did 来代替,选B。句意是:—谁叫你擦窗户的?—爸爸叫的,他说窗户太脏了。 【点评】本题考查助动词的用法。 3.Please remember ________ your notebook here tomorrow. A. brings B. brought C. bringing D. to bring 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】remember to do sth记得(去)做某事,表示事情还未做;remember doing sth.记得做(过)某事,表示事情已经做了。根据句意:请记得明天把你的笔记本带到这儿来。说明事情还未做,故选D。 【点评】考查固定短语。注意两个remember短语的区别,平时要善于归纳总结。 4.Thomas Edison was such a great person who never that he made so many great inventions all his life. A. took up B. thought up C. made up D. gave up 【答案】 D 【解析】【分析】。句意:爱迪生是如此伟大的人物, 一生中他从来不放弃他做的这么多的发明。A. took up接收;B. thought up想出;C. made up编造;D. gave up放弃。根据语意故答案选D。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析主要考查took up thought up made up gave up四个动词短语


Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show? 教材回放 重点词汇 1.忍受,站立Stand 2. 发生,出现happen 3.预料,期待expect 4.毫无意义的meaningless 5.文化,文 明culture 6.著名的,出名的famous 7.出现appear 8. 笑话,玩笑joke 9.希望hope 10. 计划,打算plan 11.主要的,最重要的main 12. 原因,理由reason 13.普通的,普遍的common 14. 电影movie/film 15. 简单的,易做的simple 16. 陆军部队army 17. 富有的rich 18. 讨论,商量discussion 19.教育的,有教育意义的educational 20. 开始变得,成为become 21. 成功的successful 22.幸运,运气luck 23.失去lose 重点短语 1.查明,弄清find out 2.一部刺激的动作片an exciting action movie 3.愿意迅速做某事be ready to do sth 4.装扮,乔装打扮dress up 5.代替他的女朋友take his girlfriend’s place 6.干得好do a good job 7.访谈节目talk show 8.肥皂剧soap opera 9.就……展开讨论have a discussion about 10.从他们那儿学到很多learn much/a lot from them 11.计划看些令人愉快的东西plan to watch something enjoyable 12.希望看恐怖片hope to watch scary movies 13.想起,想到think of 14.出版,发行come out 15.最主要的原因之一one of the main reasons 16.尽我最大的努力面对危险try my best to face danger 17.中国文化的象征a/the symbol of Chinese culture 经典句型 1.今晚你计划看什么?我计划看一部动作片。 What do you plan to watch tonight? I plan to watch an action movie. 2.你期待能够从情景喜剧中学到什么?What can you expect to learn from sitcoms? 3.他为什么喜欢看新闻节目?Why does he like watching the news? 因为他希望弄清世界各地在发生什么?Because he hopes to find out what is happening/going on around the world. 4.你认为游戏节目怎么样?What do you think of game shows? How do you like game shows? 我不能忍受。/ 我不在意。 I can’t stand them. / I don’t mind them. 5.我姐姐不喜欢肥皂剧,因为她认为毫无意义。My sister doesn’t like soap operas because she thinks they are meaningless. 6.木兰乔装打扮成男孩代父从军。Mulan dressed up like a boy and took her father’s place to fight in the army. 7.那位女演员将木兰的角色演得很好。The actress played Mulan’s role well. 8.Sally认为访谈节目比情景喜剧更有教育意义。Sally thinks that talk shows are more educational than sitcoms.


人教版英语七年级上册Unit3 Is this your pencil? 教材回放 重点短语 1.Thanks/thank you for…..因…而感谢…. 2.in the school library在学校图书馆里 3.Ask…for…向某人请求/要某物 4.call sb at+ 电话号码;拨打…号码找某人 Call Alan at 495-3539. 拨打495-3539找艾伦 5.E-mail sb at +邮箱地址用这个邮箱给某人发邮件 6.A set of ….一套/副/串…. A set of keys 一串钥匙 经典句型 1.Is this/that your pencil? 这/那是你的铅笔吗? Yes, it is. It’s mine. /No, it isn’t. It’s his/hers. 是的,它是。/不,它不是,它是他的(她的)。 Are these/those my/your/his/her books? 这些/那些是….?Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t. They’re Bob’s. 是的,这些是。/不,这些不是,是鲍勃的。 2.Excuse me 请原谅/打扰了/劳驾。 3.What about…/how about…? ...怎么样?….如何呢? 4.You are welcome.不用谢。 5.How do you spell…? 你怎么拼写….?

6.I must find it.我必须找到它。 励志园 1.Sowing nothing, reap nothing. 没有耕耘就没有收获。 2.An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening. 一日之计在于晨

Unit 3词组与句子归纳

Unit 3词组与句子归纳 词组:ask the way问路 come from=be from来自 live in Nanjing住在南京 want to visit the History Museum 想去参观历史博物馆how to get there如何到达那里 excuse me打扰一下 the way to the History Museum 去历史博物馆的路go along this street沿着这条街一直走 turn right at the third crossing在第3个路口右拐 on your left 在你的左边a kilometer away一公里的路程 two kilometers away两公里的路程 a long walk一段很长的 a short walk一段很短的路 get there faster更快到达那里 take bus No.5乘5路车 bus No.6六路公交车 how many多少 every five minutes每5分钟 every two days 每2天 every two weeks每2周 on Zhongshan Road在中山路上 on the road 在路上take bus No.9乘9路车 in front of the History Museum在历史博物馆的前面 get off at the third stop在第3个站牌下车 get on at the second stop在第2个站牌上车 in Shanghai Street在上海街 in the street在街上 a map of the town一张小镇地图 a map of China 一张中国地图 show a map of the town her friends展示一张小镇地图给她的朋友们看 get on 反义词get off turn left 反义词turn right a shopping centre一个购物中心 a post office一个邮局 a history museum一个历史博物馆 a middle school一个中学 a primary school一个小学 a train station一个火车站the way to the shopping centre 去购物中心的路 buy some presents for my friends买一些礼物给我的朋友们 on the map 在地图上visit Nancy拜访南希last Sunday afternoon上一个星期天的下午in a bookshop在一个书店里 buy a book about animals买一本关于动物的书 buy a book about flowers买一本关于花的书 buy a book about stamps买一本关于邮票的书 a short man behind me在我背后的矮个子男人 a short man in front of me在我前面的矮个子的男人steal my purse偷我的钱包 run out of the shop跑出商店 run out of the classroom跑出教室 follow him along the street沿着街一只跟着他 run faster than me跑的比我快Stop thief站住小偷 come to help过来帮忙 tell us告诉我们 run along the street沿着街一直跑 turn left at the first crossing在第1个路口左拐 start to run开始跑 stop the thief 拦住了小偷get my purse back拿回我的钱包 pick a card 挑一张卡片go along Guangzhou Road沿着广州路一直走 turn right at Nanjing Road在南京路右拐 on my left 在我的左边 on my blouse在我的女式衬衫上 look for the post office寻找邮局 under the tree在树下 句子: He does not know the way.他不认识路。 Can you tell me the way to the History Museum?你能告诉我去历史博物馆的路吗? You can’t miss it.你不可能找不到它。 How far is it from here?它离这儿有多远? It’s about a kilometer away .大约有一公里的路。 That’s a long walk.那是一段很长的路。 You can take bus No.5 to get there faster.你可以乘5路公交车到达那里更快。Where’s the bus stop?公交车站牌在哪里? There’s a bus every five minutes.每5分钟有一辆车。 I want to go to the post office.我想去邮局。 Thank you very much.非常感谢。 You’re welcome.=That’s all right.=Not at all.不用谢。 How to get to the post office.如何到达邮局? How can I get to the shopping centre?我如何到达购物中心? You can take bus No.7 and get off at the third stop.你可以乘7路车然后在第3个站牌下车。


初中英语短语动词专项训练100(附答案)含解析 一、短语动词 1.The 2022 Winter Olympics will __________ in Beijing, setting up the Chinese capital to become the first city to host both Summer and Winter Olympic Games. A. take up B. take place C. take part D. take on 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:2022年的冬季奥林匹克运动会将会在北京举行,设立中国的首都 变成第一个举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市。A. take up占据;从事;B. take place举行;C. take part参加;D. take on承担。结合语境,故选B。 2.--Talking loudly in a library is impolite. --In fact, we should also take care not to cough or sneeze loudly in public.(找出与画线部分 意思相同或相近的选项) A. look after B. be careful C. take care of D. look up 【答案】 B 【解析】【分析】句意:在图书馆大声喧哗是不礼貌的。——实际上,我们应该当心,不 要在公共场所咳嗽或者打喷嚏。take care当心,小心。look after照顾;be careful小心; take care of照顾;look up查找。故选B。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。 3.If you want to know more about space, please ___________ the book A Brief History of Time. A. look through B. look around C. look after D. look down upon 【答案】A 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你想多了解太空,请浏览《时间简史》这本书。look through 浏览;look around环顾四周;look after照顾;look down upon瞧不起。根据句意,故答案 为A。 【点评】考查动词短语辨析。熟记短语,理解句意,根据语境判断选项。 4. I would rather _____ hiking than _____ swimming. A. to go , to go B. going, going C. go ,go D. go, going 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:我宁愿去徒步旅行也不愿去游泳。本句中考查的句型是would rather do sth. than do sth.,宁愿做……也不愿做……,两部分中都用动词的原形。故选C。


7B Unit5 Amazing things重点短语和句型 1.an amazing thing 2.bright lights 3.something unusual 4.hear a whisper from the bushes 5.the following/next Sunday 6.a UFO https://www.360docs.net/doc/3913244869.html,e on 8.the lights on the plane 9.stop growing 10.stop doing sth. 11.stop to do sth. 12.some fun facts 13.as usual 14.turn around 15.hear sb do sth. 16.hear sb doing sth 17.be afraid of (doing) sth 18.be afraid to do sth 19.on one’s/the way to sp 20.on one’s/the way home/here/there 21.leave the park quickly 22.listen to me carefully 23.be careful 24.take (good) care of…=look after…(well) 25.search sp. 26.search sp for sth 27.say to oneself 28.sound like a whisper 29.pick it/them up 30.be surprised to do sth. https://www.360docs.net/doc/3913244869.html,ter that day 32.take sb/sth to sp 33.say sth happily 34.be happy to do sth 35.find out 36.run away quickly 37.tell sb about sth 38.go back to sp 39.give sb sth=give sth to sb 40.get to=reach=arrive in/at(in大at小) 1、一个令人惊讶的事情 2、明亮的灯 3、一些不寻常的事 4、听见从灌木丛中传来的低语声 5、下个星期日 6、一个不明飞行物 7、得了吧、赶快、加油 8、飞机上的灯 9、停止生长 10、停止做某事 11、停下来去做另外一件某事 12、一些有趣的事实 13、像往常一样 14、转过去 15、听见某人做了某事 16、听见某人正在做某事 17、害怕(做)某事 18、害怕做某事 19、在去某地的路上 20、在回家/在来这儿/在去那儿的路上 21、快速离开 22、认真听我 23、当心,小心 24、(好好)照顾…… 25、搜寻某地 26、搜寻某地找某物 27、自言自语 28、听起来像一个低语声 29、把它/它们捡起来 30、惊讶做某事 31、那天晚些时候 32、带某人/物到某地 33、开心地说某事 34、开心做某事

book3 unit3重点词汇,短语,句型

Book 3 Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank Note Words ,Phrases, Sentences 一.Key Words 1.scene n. (戏剧)一场;现场;场面;景色 on the scene 在现场;当场 辨析:scene, scenery, view, sight scene 指“一眼可以看到的风景”,包括人及其活动。 scenery “风景”的总称 view指从远处或者高处俯视,远眺而看到的“景色”。 Eg. Computers now allow automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime . A.stage B. scene C. location D. Occasion 2.permit v. 允许;许可;n. 许可证 permission. N permitting 现在分词permitted 过去分词,过去式 相关短语permit doing sth permit sb to do sth allow doing sth allow sb to do sth Eg. ①I'll come after the meeting if time permits . = , I'll come after the meeting. (用分词的独立主格改写) <河北邯郸馆陶一中月考> --- Would you allow me here? ---- No. We don't permit in the lab. A.smoking; smoking B. to smoke; to smoke C. smoking; to


一、选择题 1.-Where is your uncle? I haven't seen him for a long time. -He Beijing for about half a year. He moved there Last November. A.has gone to B.has been to C.has arrived in D.has been in 2.—How much chocolate ice cream would you like, Linda? —, please. It’s my favorite. A.Only a little B.Just a few C.A lot D.None 3.-What do you think of this story? -It's interesting, but Miss Lin asked us to __________ a story by ourselves, not to find one on the Internet. A.make up B.look up C.listen to D.take away 4.My cousin is heavy because he often eats fast food. A.too much;too many B.too many;too much C.much too;too much D.too much;much too 5.When you come across new words in reading, it is not a good idea to in a dictionary at once. A.make up them B.look up them C.make them up D.look them up 6.George couldn’t wait to _________ his new car. A.put off B.set off C.take off D.show off 7.—Have you heard that there’s a big fire near your home last night? — Sure. Luckily, the firemen came quickly and ______ the fire. A.came out B.broke out C.put out D.cut out 8.—Who is your favorite singer, Mike? —TF Boys. They are very ____ boys and girls. A.proud of B.popular with C.strict with D.worried about 9.It took me almost a whole day to _____ so many emails. A.deal with B.cut in C.cheer for D.run out 10.Vivien worked very hard at all her lessons. __________, she became the top student in her class. A.In order to B.As a result C.As usual D.For example 11.--- Alice’s room is tidy, isn't it? ---Yes. She always _____ her toys after playing with them. A.looks for B.puts away C.sweeps away D.pays for
