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(Revised Edition)

期末考试试卷(A 卷)

Test Paper (A)

(Time Limit: 2 hours)




Part I Listening Comprehension (15 minutes) Section A(2×5=10分)

Directions: Listen to the short conversations only once. Choose the appropriate letters A—D to answer each question.

1.A) To be proper for a graduated student. B) To be limited.

C) To be enough to support herself. D) To have some special benefits.

2. A) At the front-desk of a hotel. B) In a company.

C) At a dorm on campus. D) In his new apartment.

3.A) To the King Hotel. B) To the Customer Service.

C) To have a relationship with him. D) To attend a party.

4.A) Under the sea. B) In an aquarium.

C) In a reading room. D) In a fish market.

5.A) The man would forgive the woman.

B) The woman would forgive because nothing had happened.

C) The woman would not be the same afterwards.

D) Nothing would be forgiven.

Section B (1×5=5分)

Directions: Listen to a short passage twice. Fill in the blanks with the exact words you hear.

After you have announced yourself (6) _______ or to an employee of the company, you will often be asked to take a seat. After a while someone will come to lead you to the (7) _______. Do not jump up immediately and offer this person a handshake. It’s better to let the other person takes the initiative. Shake hands firmly, but not too powerfully and (8) _______ at the other person. After this you will be introduced to the other members of the application committee. During this introduction it is better to (9) _______ the table to shake hands with the committee members, instead of leaning against the table.

After the initial introduction you will usually (10) _______ to take a seat. If you are left to choose a place yourself, choose a place from where you can clearly see all the interview participants,


and from where they can also see you.

Part II Vocabulary & Structure (15 minutes) Section A(1×10=10分)

Choose the appropriate letters A—D to complete the following statements.

11. You can be very proud of what you ________ over the last 25 years.

A. achieve

B. have achieved

C. achieving

D. achieves

12. A junior executive should wait until a more ________ executive asks for his or her card.

A. senior

B. superior

C. perfect

D. lower

13. After cutting the food, the knife is ________ and the fork is switched to the right hand to eat the

cut food.

A. lay down

B. lied down

C. laid down

D. layed down

14. But later some taboos begin to change when the people have grown ________ to eating some

kind of food.

A. using

B. use

C. usage

D. used

15. Sometimes it’s one word of a slogan ________ changes the whole meaning.

A. that

B. who

C. what

D. where

16. The insurance company refused to pay, giving the obvious reason that the man ________ the

cigars in a normal way.

A. consumed

B. consume

C. had consumed

D. has consumed

17. When I had the first film ________, none of the photos had come out.

A. development

B. develops

C. developed

D. developing

18. Those ________ wish to attend the party must sign your name here.

A. who

B. when

C. which

D. what

19. We regret ________ a mistake in R. D. Jones’ ad yesterday.

A. made

B. to make

C. to have made

D. having made

20. The tourist ________ that the room was too dirty.

A. compensated

B. accompanied

C. complained

D. compared

Section B (1×10=10分)

Complete each statement with the proper form of the word given in the brackets.

21. Malaysian groom’s gifts ________ (deliver) to the bride’s home by costumed children in a noisy


22. If you are giving a ________ (present), feel free to give out your cards in the beginning to those

in attendance so they will know your name and title.

23. It’s really ________ (thought) of you to reserve such a nice room for me.

24. This is a ___________ (danger) road—there were at least 2 accidents last week.

25. With this system, ___________ (exhibit) have the ability to organize, manage and develop their


