法学专业 法律逻辑论文

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学号: ********



年级: 2010级2班


完成日期: 2014年4月14日





Analysis of Necessary of Analogy of Law in Judicial Practice Abstract: Analogy of law is the core question of legal logic. Analogy of law refers to rational thinking activity that confirm the case facts using evidence, select and analysis legal norms, fit the case facts to according legal norms, export sentence conclusion, and argue the rationality of the sentence conclusion. Analogy of law plays an important part in application of law. It is not only the important tool of sticking to the rule of law, and of building socialism country under the rule of law, but also it proceed the process of judicial reform. What is more, it exists in the whole procedure of investigation, trial, and the writing of sentence profiles. So we must pay vital attention to analogy of law in judicial practice and make correct use of it. Somehow, in judicial practice, the wrongly use of analogy of law, the superstition to experiences lead to the happens of cases in which people were unjustly charged. And in the writing of sentence profiles, the lack of analogy of law makes it unacceptable for the parties. The article aims to discuss four main questions:

1.The concept and classification of analogy of law.

2.The macroscopic effect of analogy of law.

3.The microcosmic effect of analogy of law.

4.How to give full play to the effect of analogy of law in judicial practice. Finally, the article is aiming to give rise to the attention and correct using of analogy of law, and implement the social value of law.

Key words: analogy of law, application of law, stick to the rule of law, judicial reform, judicial practice.



(一)法律推理就是法律适用的推理 (1)

(二)法律逻辑研究的核心问题是法律推理 (1)

(三)形式推理的必要性 (1)

(四)实质推理的必要性 (2)


(一)法律推理在法律适用中的作用 (2)

(二)法律推理在依法治国中的作用 (3)

(三)法律推理在推进司法改革过程中的作用 (3)


(一)在侦查过程中应用法律推理的必要性 (4)

(二)在运用证据证明案件事实过程中法律推理应用的必要性 (4)

(三)罪名概念内涵方面的层序关系对司法归类活动的指导意义 (5)

(四)在审判以及在裁判文书写作过程中法律推理应用的必要性 (5)


(一)如何在司法实践中正确运用法律推理 (6)

(二)如何推进法律推理在司法实践中的正确应用 (7)
