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c. His parents always make him do things he doesn’t like.
d. They call him selfish and unloving when he wants to be alone.
e. His father gets very angry when he plays foreign music.
d. He spends too much time watching DVDs, listening to foreign music, chatting in Internet cafes, playing games and surfing the Internet.
What should the father do?
You may use these senteFra Baidu bibliotekces to offer advice
❖ I think he had better… ❖ In my opinion, it is better to… ❖ I suggest that he should… ❖ Maybe it would be better to… ❖ If I were him…, I would…
Work in groups of 4 and offer your suggestions.
What does an advice columnist do? 1. Get an rough idea about the trouble. 2. Analyze the trouble. 3. Find out the roots of the trouble 4. Give proper suggestions
3) What upsets the father?
a. His son refuses everything his parents ask him to do;
b. His son is rude to them and refuses to spend time with them;
c. His son refuses to do his homework;
1. Read the first letter by the father and answer the following questions: 1) Why does the father write the letter?
To ask for some help so as to help his son. 2) What is the father worrying about? His son may fail at school or worse.
Things to do:
1. Read these two letters to the magazine columnist from a father named Liu Zhenhua and son named Liu Wei .
2. Think about how you can advise them to solve their problems.
Module 1 Unit 2 Project (1)
Writing an advice letter
Learning Goals
1. Learn to understand family problems and give advice;
2. Learn make suggestions on family problems.
2. Read the second letter by the son and answer the following questions:
1) Why does the son write the letter? To be helped with some problems he has at home.
f. He sends him to bed or tells him to study when he watches a DVD.
g. He forbids him from meeting his friends at the Internet café .0
Work in your groups and try to find ways to solve the problem Liu Wei and his father have. Write an advice letter to them explain what they both can do to bridge the generation gap(代沟) and get along better.
2) How does he feel about his father? He feels like his father doesn’t respect the things he wants to do.
Read the second letter aloud, finding out what are Liu Wei’s problems with his family.
3) What are Liu Wei’s problems with his family? a. His father does not listen to him when he wants to do something or suggests an idea. b. His father shouts at him when he tries to talk to him.
Many people in families become upset with each other over small problems. Small problems can become big ones, however, if they are not discussed and dealt with early on.