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Mao Zhaomu drop out of high school several years ago. Now the

self-taught English learner

has been admitted to one of China’s top foreign language university, S i c h u a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d i e s

University, that he used to deliver food to students. Mao once worked

a d e l i v e r y m a n f o r a

restaurant. And he chatted happy with English learners online during her s p a r e t i m e.T h e r e w e r e

much grammatical mistakes, but that didn’t prevent him from chatting. To s e i z e e v e r y c h a n c e t o

study English, he would memorize words while wait for customers. Mao said t h a t h o w h e h o p e d v e r y

much to become an interpreter. Whoever have a dream and dares to seek it is the loveliest person.

答案:Mao Zhaomu drop out of high school several years ago. Now the self-taught English learner


has been admitted to one of China’s top foreign language university, S i c h u a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d i e s


University, that he used to deliver food to students. Mao once worked ∧a

d e l i v e r y m a n f o r a

where as restaurant. And he chatted happy with English learners online during her s p a r e t i m e.T h e r e w e r e

happily his

much grammatical mistakes, but that didn’t prevent him from chatting. To s e i z e e v e r y c h a n c e t o many

study English, he would memorize words while wait for customers. Mao said t h a t h o w h e h o p e d v e r y


much to become an interpreter. Whoever have a dream and dares to seek it is the loveliest person.



When I was young, I was terribly poor in Chinese. Be afraid of

expressing myself was one of the reasons that I rarely did well in school.

I once failed in a mid-term exam. When I got the papers, I realized things

could have been better if I listened to the teacher much more attentive.

So I turned to my teacher for helps and he told me, “Where there is a

will, there is a way. If we are devoted to learning Chinese, you’ll make

it.” I couldn’t agree much. From then on, I began to work harder. Out

of my expect, I made a great progress soon. Today, Chinese is where my

strength lies. And I’m grateful for my Chinese teacher.


When I was young, I was terribly poor in Chinese. Be afraid of

expressing myself was one of the


reasons that I rarely did well in school. I once failed in a mid-term exam.

When I got the papers, I realized


things could have been better if I ∧ listened to the teacher much more

attentive. So I turned to my teacher

had attentively for helps and he told me, “Where there is a will, there is a way. If

we are devoted to learning Chinese, help

you (或者把后半句的you改成


you’ll make it.” I couldn’t agree much. From then on, I began to work

harder. Out of my expect, I made a



great progress soon. Today, Chinese is where my strength lies. And I’m

grateful for my Chinese teacher.

