

Alex the Lion:Well, I say we just ask these bozos where the people are. Julian:[from the ground underneath Alex] Excuse me. We bozos have the people of course!

Melman the Giraffe:Hey, the bozos have the people.

Alex the Lion:Oh, well, great. Good. Phew!

Julian:They're up there.

[points up at skeleton dangling from tree, wearing a parachute harness] Julian:Don't you love the people? Not a very lively bunch, though.

2. Gloria the Hippo:Go talk to him.

Alex the Lion:But I gave him a snow globe! I can't beat that!

3. Melman the Giraffe:[Melman presents Marty with a gift-wrapped thermometer] Marty the Zebra:Ah, this is great! Thanks!

[he puts it in his mouth and poses]

Melman the Giraffe:I really wanted to give you a personal present. Do you know that was my first rectal thermometer?

Marty the Zebra:[Marty spits it out and retches]

4. Melman the Giraffe:Hey, Alex. Psst, Alex. Alex.

Alex the Lion:What is it, Melman?

Melman the Giraffe:OK, you know how I have to get up every two hours because of my bladder infection and go for a wee? Well, this time I was walking past Marty's pen, and usually I dont look in it, but this time I was walkin' past, and I?

Alex the Lion:What, Melman? What is it?

Melman the Giraffe:It's Marty... He's gone!

Melman the Giraffe:[looks at hole in ground the penguins have dug] How long has he been working on this?

[shouts gently down hole]

Melman the Giraffe:Marty. Marty!

5. Julian:Does anybody else have the heebee-jeebees?

6. Julian:All we have to do is wait until they are in a deep sleep...

[10-second pause]

Julian:[shouts] How long is this going to take?

7. Melman the Giraffe:I've divided my will into three equal parts.

[wave washes against the shore, destroying 1/3 of the will]

Melman the Giraffe:Oh, sorry Alex.

8. [Maurice just told Marty that he was steak]

Marty the Zebra:Oh, c'mon! Do I look like a steak to you?

Alex the Lion:Yeah!

Marty the Zebra:See I told you I don't look like no... what?

9. Julian:[Mort grabs Julian's foot] What did I tell you about the feet! Maurice didn't

I tell him about the feet!

Maurice:He did tell you about the feet.

Mort the Mouse Lemur:[cutely] He he!

10. Alex the Lion:I'm gonna kill you, Marty!

Marty the Zebra:Take it easy! Take it easy!

Alex the Lion:And strangle you!

Marty the Zebra:Calm down!

Alex the Lion:Then I'm gonna bury you, then dig you up and clone you, and kill all your clones!

Marty the Zebra:20-second time-out!

Alex the Lion:And then I'm never talking to you again!

11. [Marty the Zebra and Alex the Lion running towards each other on the beach in slow motion with arms outstretched and Chariots of Fire music]

Alex the Lion:Marty!

Marty the Zebra:Alex!

Alex the Lion:Marty!

Marty the Zebra:Alex!

Alex the Lion:Marty!

Marty the Zebra:Alex!

Alex the Lion:[angrily] Marty!

Marty the Zebra:[afraid] Alex?

Alex the Lion:[real-time] Marty!

Marty the Zebra:Oh, Sugar Honey Ice Tea!

12. Julian:Who'd like a cookie?

13. Julian:Can you not see you have insulted the freak?

14. Skipper the Penguin:We've been ratted out, boys.

15. Marty the Zebra:[doing armpit farts] Yeah! You don't see that on Animal Planet.

16. Marty the Zebra:You're biting my butt!

Alex the Lion:[with Marty's butt in his mouth] No, I'm not.

17. Alex the Lion:[to Marty] You know your black and white stripes? They cancel each other out!

18. Julian:[to Mort] Oh, shut up, you're so annoying!

19. Maurice:What if Mr. Alex is even worse then the Foosa? I'm tellin' you, that dude just gives me the heebiedabajeebies!

Julian:Maurice, you did not raise your hand. Therefore, your heinous comment will be stricken from the record. Does anyone else have the heebie-jeebies for Mr. Alex? No? Good. So shut up.

20. Alex the Lion:Oh, great! San Diego. That means I have to compete with Shamu and his smug little grin. I can't top that! Can't top it!

21. Alex the Lion:Shut up Spalding!

22. Maurice:Where are you giants from?

Alex the Lion:We're from New York.

Julian:All hail the New York Giants!

23. Gloria the Hippo:Don't make me come up there, I'll get the whuppin' on both of y'all.

24. Gloria the Hippo:Come on, we are New Yorkers, right?

Marty the Zebra:Yeah.

Gloria the Hippo:We're tough! We're gritty!

Marty the Zebra:Yeah!

Gloria the Hippo:We're adaptable!

Melman the Giraffe:Yeah!

Gloria the Hippo:And we are not gonna lay down like a bunch of Melmans!

Melman the Giraffe:No, we're not!

25. Alex the Lion:[exhausted from running and calling all night] Marty, Melman, Gloria. Gloria, Melman, Marty. Marty, Gelman, Gloria, Marty, Melman, Morty, Morty, Gelman, Regis, Kelly. Matt, Katie, Al.

26. Maurice:[flatly] Presenting your royal highness, our illustrious King Julian the XIII, self-proclaimed lord of the lemurs, et cetera, et cetera, hooray, everybody.

27. Marty the Zebra:This place is crackalacking. Oh, I could hang here. I could hang here.

28. Gloria the Hippo:What kind of zoo is this?

Melman the Giraffe:I just saw twenty-six blatant health code violations.

Marty the Zebra:I'm loving San Diego. This place is off the chizain.

Melman the Giraffe:Twenty-seven.
