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仁爱版英语七年级上第四单元Topic 1检测试卷



()1、 can I do for you, madam?

A. What

B. what C . How

()2、The clothes section is the fourth floor .

A. on

B. in

C. with

()3、 I help you ,sir ? Yes , please .

A. can

B. Can

C. Am

()4、I like this one .Can I ?

A.look it

B. try on it

C. try it on

()5、These dress are for 30% off .

A. on sale

B. in sale C . for sale

()6、 are these apples ? They are 20 yuan

A. How old

B. How many C . How much

()7、 the pants fit ? They are too short .

A. how do

B. How do

C. How are

()8、Would you like to try on pair ? Yes , please .

A. another B . other C. the other

()9、 bottles do you need ? Six bottles .

A. What

B. How many C . How much

()10、 you me a favor, Ben? Sure . What is it ?

A.Could , look

B. Could , do

C. Are , do

()11. I would like to buy an eraser .

A .What can I do for you ? . B. What do you want ? C. What can you buy ? ( ) 12.Mum buys a new schoolbag me .

A. on

B. at

C. for

D. of

( ) 13.Here is a new coat for you .Please

A. try it on

B. try them on

C. try on it

( ) 14. ? 4o yuan

A. How much

B. How many

C. What price

()15.What do you think of the dress ?

A. I want to buy this dress

B. I don’t it at all.

C. No. I don’t . 二.阅读理解(10分)


6.There are eight (百) students in our school .

7.I want to (买) a new jacket for my father .

8.What can I do for you , (夫人)?

9.I’ll buy a (千克) of apples .

10.What do you (意思) ?


1.我能为你做什么呢?I you ?

2.我想为我的爷爷买副眼镜。I to buy a pair of glasses .

3.我可以试穿这双鞋吗?May I this pair of shoes ?

4.你穿这件新外套看起来很漂亮。The new coat very you.

5.你觉得这件黑色夹克怎么样?do you this black jacket ?

6.你觉得我的同学怎么样?do you my classmate ?

7.我考虑一下,尽快给你回电话。I’ll it and you soon .

8.还要谢谢你。Thank you .

9.我需要两袋大米。I two rice .

10.这件外套多少钱?is this coat ?


1.May I help you ? can I you ?

2.Not at all . (1). . (2)

3.How do you like the trousers ? do you the trousers ?

4.She wants to buy a coat for her sister. She wants to .



