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矮老: Pillar-shaped strut.

矮面盆架: Washbasin stand.

矮桌展腿式: Low table with extended legs. Low waisted table

which is transformed into a high table by adding round extensions

to the square legs.

案: Recessed-leg table.

暗抽屉: Hidden drawers, opened by raising from underneath

rather than with a pull.

凹面: Concave moulding

拔步床: Alcove [5AlkEJv] bedstead.

百宝嵌: One-hundred- precious-material inlay.

半槽地: Half-and-half relief. The most common type of relief carving with relief and ground occupying about the same amount of space.

半桌: Half table, slightly larger than half an eight Immortals [9ImR:`tel] table.

抱鼓: Embracing drums. The drum-shaped elements at the top of a shoe-foot used to hold the spandrels of screens,

clothes racks and lampstands in position.

抱肩榫: Embracing-shoulder tenon. A mitred joint used in waisted furniture of the corner-leg construc-tion to attach the leg and apron. A concealed

triangular-shaped tenon in the apron fits into a

mortise in the leg. Simultaneously a

concealed long and vertical dovetailed tenon slides into a mortise in the apron.

宝塔纹: Pagoda pattern. Term used in Suzhou to describe the natural grain of beech.

包镶: Complete veneer, a hardwood veneer covering the entire piece of furniture.

宝座: Throne, for emperor or god.

宝座式镜台: Throne-type mirror platform.

霸王枨: Giant\'s arm brace, extending from the leg to the underside of the table top at a 45°angle.

八仙桌: Eight Immortals table. Square table suitable for seating eight people.

边簧: Tongue, on four sides of the floating panel of a table top.

边框: Frame.

边抹: Square or rectangular frame, consisting of two sides with tenons and two sides with mortises (.榫眼matou).

鳔胶: Fish glue, the best cabinetmaker\'s glue made from the air bladder of the yellow croaker fish. 冰盘沿: Ice-plate edge. General term for allinward-sloping mouldings.

波纹: Wave lattice. Term found in Yuan ye (The Art of the Garden) and also used for furniture.

步步高赶枨: Stepped chair stretchers. Chair stretchers which are arranged with the front one lowest, the side ones higher, and the back one highest, so that the joints do not overlap.

踩: Lowering the surface of the wood. General term popular among craftsmen.

草龙: Curling limbed dragon. Stylized dragon pattern in which the legs and tail turn into curls, derived from the curling tendril design.

侧脚: Splayed legs. Term borrowed from ancient architecture (where it describes the splay of pillars at the base) to describe the slight splay of furniture legs at their base.

茶几: Tea table. High table derived from the Ming incense table and popular in Qing times.

插肩榫: Inserted shoulder joint. One of the essential joints of the recessed-leg construction. The upper part of the leg is split to form two tenoned pieces; the front one is made shoulder-like so that it can be inserted into cavities in the apron. When the joint is in place the surfaces of leg and apron are flush.

铲地浮雕: Relief carving on smoothed ground.

长凳: Long bench, general term.

长方凳: Rectangular stool.

缠枝莲纹: Scrolling lotus design.

朝衣柜: Court costume cabinet. Compound wardrobe in four parts with side panels. A kind of sijiangui with panels between the doors and outer frames which make the wardrobe wide enough for court costumes to be placed inside without being folded.

插屏式座屏风: Removable-panel screen set in a stand, the panel having tongues which can be slid in and out of grooves in the vertical pillars.

枨子: Stretcher. Member used mainly to connect two legs.
